cardano-ledger-core- Core components of Cardano ledgers from the Shelley release on.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




genBadPtrGen Ptr Source #

Generate a Ptr with full 64bit range for values. Not allowed starting in Babbage



Will need to find a better home in the future

uniformSubSet Source #


∷ (StatefulGen g m, Ord k) 
Maybe Int

Size of the subset. If supplied will be clamped to [0, Set.size s] interval, otherwise will be generated randomly.

Set k 
→ g 
→ m (Set k) 

uniformSubMap Source #


∷ (StatefulGen g m, Ord k) 
Maybe Int

Size of the subMap. If supplied will be clamped to [0, Map.size s] interval, otherwise will be generated randomly.

Map k v 
→ g 
→ m (Map k v) 

uniformSubMapElems Source #


∷ (StatefulGen g m, Monoid f) 
⇒ (k → v → f → f) 
Maybe Int

Size of the subMap. If supplied will be clamped to [0, Map.size s] interval, otherwise will be generated randomly.

Map k v 
→ g 
→ m f 

Orphan instances

Arbitrary AddrAttributes Source # 
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Arbitrary Address Source # 
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Arbitrary ActiveSlotCoeff Source # 
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Arbitrary CertIx Source # 
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Arbitrary DnsName Source # 
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Arbitrary Network Source # 
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Arbitrary NonNegativeInterval Source #

Decimal numbers only

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Arbitrary Nonce Source # 
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Arbitrary Port Source # 
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Arbitrary PositiveInterval Source #

Decimal numbers only

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Arbitrary PositiveUnitInterval Source #

Decimal numbers only

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Arbitrary ProtVer Source # 
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Arbitrary TxIx Source # 
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Arbitrary UnitInterval Source #

Decimal numbers only

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Arbitrary Url Source # 
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arbitraryGen Url Source #

shrinkUrl → [Url] Source #

Arbitrary Coin Source # 
Instance details

Arbitrary DeltaCoin Source # 
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Arbitrary Ptr Source # 
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arbitraryGen Ptr Source #

shrinkPtr → [Ptr] Source #

Arbitrary ChainCode Source # 
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Arbitrary CostModel Source # 
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Arbitrary CostModels Source #

This Arbitrary instance assumes the inflexible deserialization scheme prior to version 9.

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Arbitrary ExUnits Source # 
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Arbitrary Prices Source # 
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Arbitrary Language Source # 
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Arbitrary PoolMetadata Source # 
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Arbitrary SizeOfPoolOwners Source # 
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Arbitrary SizeOfPoolRelays Source # 
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Arbitrary StakePoolRelay Source # 
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Arbitrary RewardType Source # 
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Arbitrary RDPair Source # 
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Arbitrary EpochInterval Source # 
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GenValid ActiveSlotCoeff Source # 
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GenValid NonNegativeInterval Source # 
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GenValid PositiveInterval Source # 
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GenValid PositiveUnitInterval Source # 
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GenValid UnitInterval Source # 
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Validity ActiveSlotCoeff Source # 
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Validity NonNegativeInterval Source # 
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Validity PositiveInterval Source # 
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Validity PositiveUnitInterval Source # 
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Validity UnitInterval Source # 
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(Era era, EncCBOR (f era), Arbitrary (f era)) ⇒ Arbitrary (Sized (f era)) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (Sized (f era)) Source #

shrinkSized (f era) → [Sized (f era)] Source #

Arbitrary (Attributes AddrAttributes) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (Addr c) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (Addr c) Source #

shrinkAddr c → [Addr c] Source #

Arbitrary (BootstrapAddress c) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (CompactAddr c) Source # 
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Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (RewardAccount c) Source # 
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Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (Withdrawals c) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (AuxiliaryDataHash c) Source # 
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Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (Anchor c) Source # 
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arbitraryGen (Anchor c) Source #

shrinkAnchor c → [Anchor c] Source #

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (BlocksMade c) Source # 
Instance details

Era era ⇒ Arbitrary (CertState era) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (CertState era) Source #

shrinkCertState era → [CertState era] Source #

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (CommitteeAuthorization c) Source # 
Instance details

Era era ⇒ Arbitrary (CommitteeState era) Source # 
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Era era ⇒ Arbitrary (DState era) Source # 
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arbitraryGen (DState era) Source #

shrinkDState era → [DState era] Source #

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (FutureGenDeleg c) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (InstantaneousRewards c) Source # 
Instance details

Era era ⇒ Arbitrary (PState era) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (PState era) Source #

shrinkPState era → [PState era] Source #

Era era ⇒ Arbitrary (VState era) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (VState era) Source #

shrinkVState era → [VState era] Source #

Arbitrary (CompactForm Coin) Source # 
Instance details

(Era era, Arbitrary (PParamsHKD Identity era)) ⇒ Arbitrary (PParams era) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (PParams era) Source #

shrinkPParams era → [PParams era] Source #

(Era era, Arbitrary (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)) ⇒ Arbitrary (PParamsUpdate era) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (PoolCert c) Source # 
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Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (StakeReference c) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (DRep c) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (DRep c) Source #

shrinkDRep c → [DRep c] Source #

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (DRepState c) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (SnapShot c) Source # 
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Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (SnapShots c) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (Stake c) Source #

In the system, Stake never contains more than the sum of all Ada (which is constant). This makes it safe to store individual Coins (in CompactForm) as Word64. But we must be careful that we never generate Stake where the sum of all the coins exceeds (maxBound :: Word64) There will never be a real Stake in the system with that many Ada, because total Ada is constant. So using a restricted Arbitrary Generator is OK.

Instance details


arbitraryGen (Stake c) Source #

shrinkStake c → [Stake c] Source #

Arbitrary (NoUpdate a) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (ScriptHash c) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (BootstrapWitness c) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (GenDelegPair c) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (GenDelegs c) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (IndividualPoolStake c) Source # 
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Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (PoolDistr c) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (PoolParams c) Source # 
Instance details

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (Reward c) Source # 
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arbitraryGen (Reward c) Source #

shrinkReward c → [Reward c] Source #

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (TxId c) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (TxId c) Source #

shrinkTxId c → [TxId c] Source #

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (TxIn c) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (TxIn c) Source #

shrinkTxIn c → [TxIn c] Source #

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (UMElem c) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (UMElem c) Source #

shrinkUMElem c → [UMElem c] Source #

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (UMap c) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (UMap c) Source #

shrinkUMap c → [UMap c] Source #

(EraTxOut era, Arbitrary (TxOut era)) ⇒ Arbitrary (UTxO era) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (UTxO era) Source #

shrinkUTxO era → [UTxO era] Source #

Arbitrary a ⇒ Arbitrary (Mismatch r a) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (Mismatch r a) Source #

shrinkMismatch r a → [Mismatch r a] Source #

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (Credential r c) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (Credential r c) Source #

shrinkCredential r c → [Credential r c] Source #

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (KeyHash a c) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (KeyHash a c) Source #

shrinkKeyHash a c → [KeyHash a c] Source #

DSIGNAlgorithm (DSIGN c) ⇒ Arbitrary (VKey kd c) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (VKey kd c) Source #

shrinkVKey kd c → [VKey kd c] Source #

(Typeable kr, Crypto c) ⇒ Arbitrary (WitVKey kr c) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (WitVKey kr c) Source #

shrinkWitVKey kr c → [WitVKey kr c] Source #

Crypto c ⇒ Arbitrary (SafeHash c i) Source # 
Instance details


arbitraryGen (SafeHash c i) Source #

shrinkSafeHash c i → [SafeHash c i] Source #