-- | MemoBytes is an abstraction for a data type that encodes its own serialization. -- The idea is to use a newtype around a MemoBytes applied to a non-memoizing type. -- For example: newtype Foo = Foo (`MemoBytes` NonMemoizingFoo) -- This way all the instances for @Foo (`Eq`, `Show`, `EncCBOR`, `DecCBOR`, `NoThunks`, Generic`)@ -- can be derived for free. MemoBytes plays an important role in the 'SafeToHash' class -- introduced in the module 'Cardano.Ledger.SafeHash' module Cardano.Ledger.MemoBytes ( MemoBytes (Memo), MemoHashIndex, Mem, mkMemoBytes, getMemoBytesType, getMemoBytesHash, memoBytes, memoBytesEra, shorten, showMemo, printMemo, shortToLazy, contentsEq, decodeMemoBytes, -- * Memoized Memoized (RawType), mkMemoized, mkMemoizedEra, decodeMemoized, getMemoSafeHash, getMemoRawType, zipMemoRawType, eqRawType, getMemoRawBytes, lensMemoRawType, getterMemoRawType, -- * MemoBytes MemPack definitions byteCountMemoBytes, packMemoBytesM, unpackMemoBytesM, -- * Raw equality EqRaw (..), ) where import Cardano.Ledger.MemoBytes.Internal