Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
The cast of Characters for Shelley Ledger Examples (excluding the genesis/cord nodes, which are in Test.Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Examples.Federation).
- alicePay ∷ KeyPair 'Payment
- aliceStake ∷ KeyPair 'Staking
- alicePHK ∷ Credential 'Payment
- aliceSHK ∷ Credential 'Staking
- aliceAddr ∷ Addr
- alicePtrAddr ∷ Addr
- alicePoolKeys ∷ AllIssuerKeys MockCrypto 'StakePool
- alicePoolParams ∷ PoolParams
- aliceVRFKeyHash ∷ VRFVerKeyHash 'StakePoolVRF
- bobPay ∷ KeyPair 'Payment
- bobStake ∷ KeyPair 'Staking
- bobSHK ∷ Credential 'Staking
- bobAddr ∷ Addr
- bobPoolKeys ∷ AllIssuerKeys MockCrypto 'StakePool
- bobPoolParams ∷ PoolParams
- bobVRFKeyHash ∷ VRFVerKeyHash 'StakePoolVRF
- carlPay ∷ KeyPair 'Payment
- carlStake ∷ KeyPair 'Staking
- carlSHK ∷ Credential 'Staking
- carlAddr ∷ Addr
- dariaPay ∷ KeyPair 'Payment
- dariaStake ∷ KeyPair 'Staking
- dariaSHK ∷ Credential 'Staking
- dariaAddr ∷ Addr
aliceStake ∷ KeyPair 'Staking Source #
Alice's stake key pair
alicePHK ∷ Credential 'Payment Source #
Alice's payment credential
aliceSHK ∷ Credential 'Staking Source #
Alice's stake credential
Alice's base address
alicePoolKeys ∷ AllIssuerKeys MockCrypto 'StakePool Source #
Alice's stake pool keys (cold keys, VRF keys, hot KES keys)
alicePoolParams ∷ PoolParams Source #
Alice's stake pool parameters
aliceVRFKeyHash ∷ VRFVerKeyHash 'StakePoolVRF Source #
Alice's VRF key hash
bobSHK ∷ Credential 'Staking Source #
Bob's stake credential
bobPoolKeys ∷ AllIssuerKeys MockCrypto 'StakePool Source #
Bob's stake pool keys (cold keys, VRF keys, hot KES keys)
bobPoolParams ∷ PoolParams Source #
Bob's stake pool parameters
bobVRFKeyHash ∷ VRFVerKeyHash 'StakePoolVRF Source #
Bob's VRF key hash
carlSHK ∷ Credential 'Staking Source #
Carl's stake credential
dariaStake ∷ KeyPair 'Staking Source #
Daria's stake key pair
dariaSHK ∷ Credential 'Staking Source #
Daria's stake credential