cardano-ledger-test- Testing harness, tests and benchmarks for Shelley style cardano ledgers
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Specs necessary to generate, environment, state, and signal for the CERTS rule



bootstrapDStateSpec ∷ ∀ fn era. EraSpecTxOut era fn ⇒ Set (Credential 'DRepRole (EraCrypto era)) → CertsContext era → Specification fn (DState era) Source #

txZeroEraTx era ⇒ Tx era Source #

projectEnvCertsEnv era → CertEnv era Source #

Project a CertEnv out of a CertsEnv (i.e drop the Tx)

txCertsSpecEraSpecCert era fn ⇒ CertsEnv era → CertState era → Specification fn (Seq (TxCert era)) Source #

noSameKeys ∷ ∀ era fn. EraSpecCert era fn ⇒ [TxCert era] → [TxCert era] Source #

listSeqCertPairSpec ∷ ∀ era fn. EraSpecCert era fn ⇒ CertEnv era → CertState era → Specification fn ([TxCert era], Seq (TxCert era)) Source #

Specify a pair of List and Seq, where they have essentially the same elements EXCEPT, the Seq has duplicate keys filtered out.