cardano-ledger-test- Testing harness, tests and benchmarks for Shelley style cardano ledgers
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




(!$!) ∷ ∀ fn t a. HasSpec fn a ⇒ (Term fn a → t) → Specification fn a → Gen t infixr 6 Source #

(!*!) ∷ ∀ fn t a. HasSpec fn a ⇒ Gen (Term fn a → t) → Specification fn a → Gen t infixl 4 Source #

specSuite ∷ ∀ (era ∷ Type). (EraSpecLedger era ConwayFn, PrettyA (GovState era)) ⇒ IntSpec Source #

A bunch of soundness tests on different LederTypes, all in the same Era. The idea is to run this suite on every era.