{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-incomplete-uni-patterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}

module Test.Cardano.Crypto.CBOR (

import Cardano.Crypto (
  ProtocolMagicId (..),
  SignTag (SignForTestingOnly),
  SigningKey (..),
  VerificationKey (..),
import Cardano.Crypto.Wallet (xprv, xpub)
import Cardano.Ledger.Binary (Dropper, EncCBOR, dropBytes, dropList, enforceSize)
import Cardano.Prelude
import Crypto.Hash (Blake2b_224, Blake2b_256, Blake2b_384, Blake2b_512, SHA1)
import qualified Data.ByteArray as ByteArray
import qualified Data.ByteString as BS
import GetDataFileName ((<:<))
import Hedgehog (Gen, Property)
import qualified Hedgehog as H
import Test.Cardano.Crypto.Gen
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Binary.Vintage.Helpers (SizeTestConfig (..), scfg, sizeTest)
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Binary.Vintage.Helpers.GoldenRoundTrip (
import Test.Cardano.Prelude

-- ProtocolMagic

roundTripProtocolMagicAeson :: Property
roundTripProtocolMagicAeson :: Property
roundTripProtocolMagicAeson = forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen ProtocolMagic
genProtocolMagic forall a (m :: * -> *).
(Eq a, MonadTest m, ToJSON a, FromJSON a, Show a) =>
a -> m ()

-- RequiresNetworkMagic

roundTripRequiresNetworkMagicCBOR :: Property
roundTripRequiresNetworkMagicCBOR :: Property
roundTripRequiresNetworkMagicCBOR =
  forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
100 Gen RequiresNetworkMagic
genRequiresNetworkMagic forall a (m :: * -> *).
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, MonadTest m, Show a, HasCallStack) =>
a -> m ()

-- VerificationKey

goldenVerificationKey :: Property
goldenVerificationKey :: Property
goldenVerificationKey = forall a.
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) =>
a -> FilePath -> Property
goldenTestCBOR VerificationKey
vkey (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath
    Right VerificationKey
vkey = XPub -> VerificationKey
VerificationKey forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ByteString -> Either FilePath XPub
xpub (Int -> Int -> ByteString
getBytes Int
0 Int

roundTripVerificationKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripVerificationKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripVerificationKeyCBOR = forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen VerificationKey
genVerificationKey forall a (m :: * -> *).
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, MonadTest m, Buildable a,
 HasCallStack) =>
a -> m ()

roundTripVerificationKeyAeson :: Property
roundTripVerificationKeyAeson :: Property
roundTripVerificationKeyAeson = forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen VerificationKey
genVerificationKey forall a (m :: * -> *).
(Eq a, MonadTest m, ToJSON a, FromJSON a, Buildable a) =>
a -> m ()

-- VerificationKey

roundTripCompactRedeemVerificationKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripCompactRedeemVerificationKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripCompactRedeemVerificationKeyCBOR = forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen CompactRedeemVerificationKey
genCompactRedeemVerificationKey forall a (m :: * -> *).
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, MonadTest m, Show a, HasCallStack) =>
a -> m ()

-- SigningKey

goldenSigningKey :: Property
goldenSigningKey :: Property
goldenSigningKey = forall a.
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) =>
a -> FilePath -> Property
goldenTestCBOR SigningKey
skey (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath
    Right SigningKey
skey = XPrv -> SigningKey
SigningKey forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall bin. ByteArrayAccess bin => bin -> Either FilePath XPrv
xprv (Int -> Int -> ByteString
getBytes Int
10 Int

roundTripSigningKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripSigningKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripSigningKeyCBOR = forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen SigningKey
genSigningKey forall a (m :: * -> *).
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, MonadTest m, Buildable a,
 HasCallStack) =>
a -> m ()

-- Signature

goldenSignature :: Property
goldenSignature :: Property
goldenSignature = forall a.
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) =>
a -> FilePath -> Property
goldenTestCBOR Signature ()
sig (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath
    Right SigningKey
skey = XPrv -> SigningKey
SigningKey forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall bin. ByteArrayAccess bin => bin -> Either FilePath XPrv
xprv (Int -> Int -> ByteString
getBytes Int
10 Int
    sig :: Signature ()
sig = forall a.
EncCBOR a =>
ProtocolMagicId -> SignTag -> SigningKey -> a -> Signature a
sign (Word32 -> ProtocolMagicId
ProtocolMagicId Word32
0) SignTag
SignForTestingOnly SigningKey
skey ()

genUnitSignature :: Gen (Signature ())
genUnitSignature :: Gen (Signature ())
genUnitSignature = do
pm <- Gen ProtocolMagicId
  forall a.
EncCBOR a =>
ProtocolMagicId -> Gen a -> Gen (Signature a)
genSignature ProtocolMagicId
pm (forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ())

roundTripSignatureCBOR :: Property
roundTripSignatureCBOR :: Property
roundTripSignatureCBOR = forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen (Signature ())
genUnitSignature forall a (m :: * -> *).
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, MonadTest m, Buildable a,
 HasCallStack) =>
a -> m ()

roundTripSignatureAeson :: Property
roundTripSignatureAeson :: Property
roundTripSignatureAeson = forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen (Signature ())
genUnitSignature forall a (m :: * -> *).
(Eq a, MonadTest m, ToJSON a, FromJSON a, Buildable a) =>
a -> m ()

-- RedeemVerificationKey

goldenRedeemVerificationKey :: Property
goldenRedeemVerificationKey :: Property
goldenRedeemVerificationKey = forall a.
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) =>
a -> FilePath -> Property
goldenTestCBOR RedeemVerificationKey
rvk (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath
    Just RedeemVerificationKey
rvk = forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ByteString -> Maybe (RedeemVerificationKey, RedeemSigningKey)
redeemDeterministicKeyGen (Int -> Int -> ByteString
getBytes Int
0 Int

roundTripRedeemVerificationKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripRedeemVerificationKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripRedeemVerificationKeyCBOR =
  forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen RedeemVerificationKey
genRedeemVerificationKey forall a (m :: * -> *).
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, MonadTest m, Buildable a,
 HasCallStack) =>
a -> m ()

roundTripRedeemVerificationKeyAeson :: Property
roundTripRedeemVerificationKeyAeson :: Property
roundTripRedeemVerificationKeyAeson =
  forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen RedeemVerificationKey
genRedeemVerificationKey forall a (m :: * -> *).
(Eq a, MonadTest m, ToJSON a, FromJSON a, Buildable a) =>
a -> m ()

-- RedeemSigningKey

goldenRedeemSigningKey :: Property
goldenRedeemSigningKey :: Property
goldenRedeemSigningKey = forall a.
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) =>
a -> FilePath -> Property
goldenTestCBOR RedeemSigningKey
rsk (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath
    Just RedeemSigningKey
rsk = forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ByteString -> Maybe (RedeemVerificationKey, RedeemSigningKey)
redeemDeterministicKeyGen (Int -> Int -> ByteString
getBytes Int
0 Int

roundTripRedeemSigningKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripRedeemSigningKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripRedeemSigningKeyCBOR =
  forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen RedeemSigningKey
genRedeemSigningKey forall a (m :: * -> *).
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, MonadTest m, Buildable a,
 HasCallStack) =>
a -> m ()

-- RedeemSignature

goldenRedeemSignature :: Property
goldenRedeemSignature :: Property
goldenRedeemSignature = forall a.
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) =>
a -> FilePath -> Property
goldenTestCBOR RedeemSignature ()
rsig (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath
    Just RedeemSigningKey
rsk = forall a b. (a, b) -> b
snd forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> ByteString -> Maybe (RedeemVerificationKey, RedeemSigningKey)
redeemDeterministicKeyGen (Int -> Int -> ByteString
getBytes Int
0 Int
    rsig :: RedeemSignature ()
rsig = forall a.
EncCBOR a =>
-> SignTag -> RedeemSigningKey -> a -> RedeemSignature a
redeemSign (Word32 -> ProtocolMagicId
ProtocolMagicId Word32
0) SignTag
SignForTestingOnly RedeemSigningKey
rsk ()

genUnitRedeemSignature :: Gen (RedeemSignature ())
genUnitRedeemSignature :: Gen (RedeemSignature ())
genUnitRedeemSignature = do
pm <- Gen ProtocolMagicId
  forall a.
EncCBOR a =>
ProtocolMagicId -> Gen a -> Gen (RedeemSignature a)
genRedeemSignature ProtocolMagicId
pm (forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ())

roundTripRedeemSignatureCBOR :: Property
roundTripRedeemSignatureCBOR :: Property
roundTripRedeemSignatureCBOR =
  forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen (RedeemSignature ())
genUnitRedeemSignature forall a (m :: * -> *).
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, MonadTest m, Buildable a,
 HasCallStack) =>
a -> m ()

roundTripRedeemSignatureAeson :: Property
roundTripRedeemSignatureAeson :: Property
roundTripRedeemSignatureAeson =
  forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen (RedeemSignature ())
genUnitRedeemSignature forall a (m :: * -> *).
(Eq a, MonadTest m, ToJSON a, FromJSON a, Buildable a) =>
a -> m ()

-- VssPublicKey

goldenDeprecatedVssPublicKey :: Property
goldenDeprecatedVssPublicKey :: Property
goldenDeprecatedVssPublicKey =
  HasCallStack =>
Text -> (forall s. Decoder s ()) -> FilePath -> Property
deprecatedGoldenDecode Text
"VssPublicKey" forall s. Decoder s ()
dropBytes (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath

-- DecShare

goldenDeprecatedDecShare :: Property
goldenDeprecatedDecShare :: Property
goldenDeprecatedDecShare =
  HasCallStack =>
Text -> (forall s. Decoder s ()) -> FilePath -> Property
deprecatedGoldenDecode Text
"DecShare" forall s. Decoder s ()
dropBytes (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath

-- EncShare

goldenDeprecatedEncShare :: Property
goldenDeprecatedEncShare :: Property
goldenDeprecatedEncShare =
  HasCallStack =>
Text -> (forall s. Decoder s ()) -> FilePath -> Property
deprecatedGoldenDecode Text
"EncShare" forall s. Decoder s ()
dropBytes (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath

-- Secret

goldenDeprecatedSecret :: Property
goldenDeprecatedSecret :: Property
goldenDeprecatedSecret =
  HasCallStack =>
Text -> (forall s. Decoder s ()) -> FilePath -> Property
deprecatedGoldenDecode Text
"Secret" forall s. Decoder s ()
dropBytes (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath

-- SecretProof

goldenDeprecatedSecretProof :: Property
goldenDeprecatedSecretProof :: Property
goldenDeprecatedSecretProof =
  HasCallStack =>
Text -> (forall s. Decoder s ()) -> FilePath -> Property
    forall s. Decoder s ()
    (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath
    dropSecretProof :: Dropper s
    dropSecretProof :: forall s. Decoder s ()
dropSecretProof = do
      forall s. Text -> Int -> Decoder s ()
enforceSize Text
"SecretProof" Int
      forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Int -> m a -> m ()
replicateM_ Int
3 forall s. Decoder s ()
      forall s. Dropper s -> Dropper s
dropList forall s. Decoder s ()

-- AbstractHash

goldenAbstractHash :: Property
goldenAbstractHash :: Property
goldenAbstractHash = forall a.
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) =>
a -> FilePath -> Property
goldenTestCBOR (forall a. EncCBOR a => a -> Hash a
serializeCborHash ()) (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath

genUnitAbstractHash :: Gen (AbstractHash Blake2b_256 ())
genUnitAbstractHash :: Gen (AbstractHash Blake2b_256 ())
genUnitAbstractHash = forall a algo.
(EncCBOR a, HashAlgorithm algo) =>
Gen a -> Gen (AbstractHash algo a)
genAbstractHash forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ()

roundTripAbstractHashCBOR :: Property
roundTripAbstractHashCBOR :: Property
roundTripAbstractHashCBOR =
  forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen (AbstractHash Blake2b_256 ())
genUnitAbstractHash forall a (m :: * -> *).
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, MonadTest m, Buildable a,
 HasCallStack) =>
a -> m ()

roundTripAbstractHashAeson :: Property
roundTripAbstractHashAeson :: Property
roundTripAbstractHashAeson =
  forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen (AbstractHash Blake2b_256 ())
genUnitAbstractHash forall a (m :: * -> *).
(Eq a, MonadTest m, ToJSON a, FromJSON a, Buildable a) =>
a -> m ()

-- PassPhrase

goldenPassPhrase :: Property
goldenPassPhrase :: Property
goldenPassPhrase = forall a.
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, Show a, HasCallStack) =>
a -> FilePath -> Property
goldenTestCBOR PassPhrase
passphrase (FilePath -> Property) -> FilePath -> Property
<:< FilePath
    -- PassPhrase has to be 32 bytes in length
    passphrase :: PassPhrase
passphrase = forall a. ByteArray a => [Word8] -> a
ByteArray.pack (ByteString -> [Word8]
BS.unpack forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> Int -> ByteString
getBytes Int
3 Int
32) :: PassPhrase

roundTripPassPhraseCBOR :: Property
roundTripPassPhraseCBOR :: Property
roundTripPassPhraseCBOR = forall a.
(Show a, HasCallStack) =>
TestLimit -> Gen a -> (a -> PropertyT IO ()) -> Property
eachOf TestLimit
1000 Gen PassPhrase
genPassPhrase forall a (m :: * -> *).
(DecCBOR a, EncCBOR a, Eq a, MonadTest m, Buildable a,
 HasCallStack) =>
a -> m ()


getBytes :: Int -> Int -> ByteString
getBytes :: Int -> Int -> ByteString
getBytes Int
offset Int
len = Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
BS.take Int
len forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
BS.drop Int
offset ByteString

-- | Changing existing values in this string will break existing golden
-- tests, but it us OK to append more data to the end.
constantByteString :: ByteString
constantByteString :: ByteString
constantByteString =


sizeEstimates :: H.Group
sizeEstimates :: Group
sizeEstimates =
  let testPrecise :: forall a. (Show a, EncCBOR a) => Gen a -> Property
      testPrecise :: forall a. (Show a, EncCBOR a) => Gen a -> Property
testPrecise Gen a
g = forall a. EncCBOR a => SizeTestConfig a -> Property
sizeTest forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a. Show a => SizeTestConfig a
scfg {gen :: Gen a
gen = Gen a
g, precise :: Bool
precise = Bool
   in GroupName -> [(PropertyName, Property)] -> Group
"Encoded size bounds for crypto types."
        [ (PropertyName
"VerificationKey", forall a. (Show a, EncCBOR a) => Gen a -> Property
testPrecise Gen VerificationKey
          ( PropertyName
"AbstractHash Blake2b_224 VerificationKey"
          , forall a. (Show a, EncCBOR a) => Gen a -> Property
testPrecise @(AbstractHash Blake2b_224 VerificationKey)
              forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a algo.
(EncCBOR a, HashAlgorithm algo) =>
Gen a -> Gen (AbstractHash algo a)
genAbstractHash Gen VerificationKey
          ( PropertyName
"AbstractHash Blake2b_256 VerificationKey"
          , forall a. (Show a, EncCBOR a) => Gen a -> Property
testPrecise @(AbstractHash Blake2b_256 VerificationKey)
              forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a algo.
(EncCBOR a, HashAlgorithm algo) =>
Gen a -> Gen (AbstractHash algo a)
genAbstractHash Gen VerificationKey
          ( PropertyName
"AbstractHash Blake2b_384 VerificationKey"
          , forall a. (Show a, EncCBOR a) => Gen a -> Property
testPrecise @(AbstractHash Blake2b_384 VerificationKey)
              forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a algo.
(EncCBOR a, HashAlgorithm algo) =>
Gen a -> Gen (AbstractHash algo a)
genAbstractHash Gen VerificationKey
          ( PropertyName
"AbstractHash Blake2b_512 VerificationKey"
          , forall a. (Show a, EncCBOR a) => Gen a -> Property
testPrecise @(AbstractHash Blake2b_512 VerificationKey)
              forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a algo.
(EncCBOR a, HashAlgorithm algo) =>
Gen a -> Gen (AbstractHash algo a)
genAbstractHash Gen VerificationKey
          ( PropertyName
"AbstractHash SHA1 VerificationKey"
          , forall a. (Show a, EncCBOR a) => Gen a -> Property
testPrecise @(AbstractHash SHA1 VerificationKey)
              forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a algo.
(EncCBOR a, HashAlgorithm algo) =>
Gen a -> Gen (AbstractHash algo a)
genAbstractHash Gen VerificationKey
        , (PropertyName
"RedeemVerificationKey", forall a. (Show a, EncCBOR a) => Gen a -> Property
testPrecise Gen RedeemVerificationKey
        , (PropertyName
"RedeemSigningKey", forall a. (Show a, EncCBOR a) => Gen a -> Property
testPrecise Gen RedeemSigningKey
          ( PropertyName
"RedeemSignature VerificationKey"
          , forall a. (Show a, EncCBOR a) => Gen a -> Property
testPrecise (forall a.
EncCBOR a =>
ProtocolMagicId -> Gen a -> Gen (RedeemSignature a)
genRedeemSignature (Word32 -> ProtocolMagicId
ProtocolMagicId Word32
0) Gen VerificationKey


tests :: IO Bool
tests :: IO Bool
tests =
  forall (t :: * -> *). Foldable t => t Bool -> Bool
    forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall (t :: * -> *) (m :: * -> *) a.
(Traversable t, Monad m) =>
t (m a) -> m (t a)
      [ forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => Group -> m Bool
H.checkSequential $$FilePath
[(PropertyName, Property)]
FilePath -> PropertyName
FilePath -> GroupName
GroupName -> [(PropertyName, Property)] -> Group
goldenPassPhrase :: Property
goldenAbstractHash :: Property
goldenDeprecatedSecretProof :: Property
goldenDeprecatedSecret :: Property
goldenDeprecatedEncShare :: Property
goldenDeprecatedDecShare :: Property
goldenDeprecatedVssPublicKey :: Property
goldenRedeemSignature :: Property
goldenRedeemSigningKey :: Property
goldenRedeemVerificationKey :: Property
goldenSignature :: Property
goldenSigningKey :: Property
goldenVerificationKey :: Property
      , forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => Group -> m Bool
H.checkParallel $$FilePath
[(PropertyName, Property)]
FilePath -> PropertyName
FilePath -> GroupName
GroupName -> [(PropertyName, Property)] -> Group
roundTripPassPhraseCBOR :: Property
roundTripAbstractHashAeson :: Property
roundTripAbstractHashCBOR :: Property
roundTripRedeemSignatureAeson :: Property
roundTripRedeemSignatureCBOR :: Property
roundTripRedeemSigningKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripRedeemVerificationKeyAeson :: Property
roundTripRedeemVerificationKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripSignatureAeson :: Property
roundTripSignatureCBOR :: Property
roundTripSigningKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripCompactRedeemVerificationKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripVerificationKeyAeson :: Property
roundTripVerificationKeyCBOR :: Property
roundTripRequiresNetworkMagicCBOR :: Property
roundTripProtocolMagicAeson :: Property
      , forall (m :: * -> *). MonadIO m => Group -> m Bool
H.checkParallel Group