cardano-data- Specialized data for Cardano project
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



Sometimes we need to write our own version of functions over Map that do not appear in the "containers" library. This module is for such functions.

For example:

  1. Version of withoutKeys where both arguments are Map
  2. Comparing that two maps have exactly the same set of keys
  3. The intersection of two maps guarded by a predicate.
((dom stkcred) ◁ deleg) ▷ (dom stpool)) ==>
intersectDomP (\ k v -> Map.member v stpool) stkcred deleg


data StrictTriple a b c Source #


StrictTriple !a !b !c 


Instances details
(Show a, Show b, Show c) ⇒ Show (StrictTriple a b c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.MapExtras


showsPrecIntStrictTriple a b c → ShowS Source #

showStrictTriple a b c → String Source #

showList ∷ [StrictTriple a b c] → ShowS Source #

(Eq a, Eq b, Eq c) ⇒ Eq (StrictTriple a b c) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.MapExtras


(==)StrictTriple a b c → StrictTriple a b c → Bool Source #

(/=)StrictTriple a b c → StrictTriple a b c → Bool Source #

extractOrd k ⇒ k → Map k b → (Maybe b, Map k b) Source #

Just like delete, but also returns the value if it was indeed deleted from the map.

noKeysOrd k ⇒ Map k a → Map k b → Map k a Source #

keysEqualOrd k ⇒ Map k v1 → Map k v2 → Bool Source #

splitMemberMapOrd k ⇒ k → Map k a → StrictTriple (Map k a) Bool (Map k a) Source #

A variant of splitLookup that indicates only whether the key was present, rather than producing its value. This is used to implement keysEqual to avoid allocating unnecessary Just constructors.

Note - this is a copy pasted internal function from "containers" package adjusted to return StrictTriple

splitMemberSetOrd a ⇒ a → Set a → StrictTriple (Set a) Bool (Set a) Source #

O(log n). Performs a split but also returns whether the pivot element was found in the original set.

This is a modified version of splitMember, where StrictTriple is used instead of a lazy one for minor performance gain.

intersectDomPOrd k ⇒ (k → v2 → Bool) → Map k v1 → Map k v2 → Map k v2 Source #

intersetDomP p m1 m2 == Keep the key and value from m2, iff (the key is in the dom of m1) && ((p key value) is true)

intersectDomPLeftOrd k ⇒ (k → v2 → Bool) → Map k v1 → Map k v2 → Map k v1 Source #

  • Similar to intersectDomP, except the Map returned has the same key as the first input map, rather than the second input map.

intersectMapSetFoldOrd k ⇒ (k → v → ans → ans) → Map k v → Set k → ans → ans Source #

  • fold over the intersection of a Map and a Set

disjointMapSetFoldOrd k ⇒ (k → v → ans → ans) → Map k v → Set k → ans → ans Source #

Fold with accum all those pairs in the map, not appearing in the set.

extractKeysOrd k ⇒ Map k a → Set k → (Map k a, Map k a) Source #

Partition the Map according to keys in the Set. This is equivalent to:

extractKeys m s === (withoutKeys m s, restrictKeys m s)

extractKeysSmallSetOrd k ⇒ Map k a → Set k → (Map k a, Map k a) Source #

It has been discovered expirementally through benchmarks that for small Set size of under around 6 elements this function performs faster than extractKeys#

fromKeys ∷ (Foldable f, Ord k) ⇒ (k → v) → f k → Map k v Source #

Convert any foldable data structure with keys to a Map. Implemented in terms of fromList, therefore last duplicate key wins.

fromElems Source #


∷ (Foldable f, Ord k) 
⇒ (v → k)

Function that will create a key from a value. Most common case is a hashing function.

→ f v 
Map k v 

Convert any foldable data structure with values to a Map. Implemented in terms of fromList, therefore last duplicate key wins.