{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-unrecognised-pragmas #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Use camelCase" #-}
{-# HLINT ignore "Evaluate" #-}
module Test.Cardano.Ledger.Babbage.CDDL (
module Test.Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.CDDL,
module Test.Cardano.Ledger.Babbage.CDDL,
) where
import Codec.CBOR.Cuddle.Huddle
import Data.Function (($))
import Data.Word (Word64)
import GHC.Num (Integer)
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.CDDL hiding (
import Text.Heredoc
babbageCDDL :: Huddle
babbageCDDL :: Huddle
babbageCDDL = [Rule] -> Huddle
collectFrom [Rule
block, Rule
transaction, Rule
kes_signature, Rule
language, Rule
block :: Rule
block :: Rule
block =
forall a. Text -> Named a -> Named a
[str|Valid blocks must also satisfy the following two constraints:
| 1) the length of transaction_bodies and transaction_witness_sets must be
| the same
| 2) every transaction_index must be strictly smaller than the length of
| transaction_bodies
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
[ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, Key
"transaction_bodies" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, Key
"transaction_witness_sets" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, Key
"auxiliary_data_set" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> MapChoice -> MapChoice
mp [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall r. IsType0 r => r -> Key
asKey Rule
transaction_index forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, Key
"invalid_transactions" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
transaction :: Rule
transaction :: Rule
transaction =
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
[ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Value Bool
, forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a (Rule
auxiliary_data forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ Value Void
header :: Rule
= Text
"header" forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
header_body, Key
"body_signature" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
header_body :: Rule
header_body :: Rule
header_body =
forall a. Text -> Named a -> Named a
[str| block_body_size: merkle triple root
| vrf_result: NEW, replaces nonce_vrf and leader_vrf
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
[ Key
"block_number" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Value Int
, Key
"slot" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Value Int
, Key
"prev_hash" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> (Rule
hash32 forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ Value Void
, Key
"issuer_vkey" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, Key
"vrf_vkey" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, Key
"vrf_result" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, Key
"block_body_size" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Value Int
, Key
"block_body_hash" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
next_major_protocol_version :: Integer
next_major_protocol_version :: Integer
next_major_protocol_version = Integer
major_protocol_version :: Rule
major_protocol_version :: Rule
major_protocol_version = Text
"major_protocol_version" forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= (Integer
1 :: Integer) Integer -> Integer -> Ranged
... Integer
operational_cert :: Rule
operational_cert :: Rule
operational_cert =
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
[ Key
"hot_vkey" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, Key
"sequence_number" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> (Value Int
VUInt forall a s. (IsSizeable a, IsSize s) => Value a -> s -> Constrained
`sized` (Word64
8 :: Word64))
, Key
"kes_period" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Value Int
, Key
"sigma" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
protocol_version :: Rule
protocol_version :: Rule
protocol_version = Text
"protocol_version" forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
major_protocol_version, forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Value Int
transaction_body :: Rule
transaction_body :: Rule
transaction_body =
forall a. Text -> Named a -> Named a
[str| 2: fee
| 3: time to live
| 8: validity interval start
|13: collateral inputs
| 16: collateral return
| 17: total collateral
| 18: reference inputs
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= MapChoice -> MapChoice
[ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
0 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> forall t0. IsType0 t0 => t0 -> GRuleCall
set Rule
, Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
1 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
2 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
3 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Value Int
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
4 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
5 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
6 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
7 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
8 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Value Int
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
9 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
11 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
13 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> forall t0. IsType0 t0 => t0 -> GRuleCall
set Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
14 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
15 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
16 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
17 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
18 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> forall t0. IsType0 t0 => t0 -> GRuleCall
set Rule
script_data_hash :: Rule
script_data_hash :: Rule
script_data_hash =
forall a. Text -> Named a -> Named a
[str|This is a hash of data which may affect evaluation of a script.
|This data consists of:
| - The redeemers from the transaction_witness_set (the value of field 5).
| - The datums from the transaction_witness_set (the value of field 4).
| - The value in the costmdls map corresponding to the script's language
| (in field 18 of protocol_param_update.)
|(In the future it may contain additional protocol parameters.)
|Since this data does not exist in contiguous form inside a transaction, it needs
|to be independently constructed by each recipient.
|The bytestring which is hashed is the concatenation of three things:
| redeemers || datums || language views
|The redeemers are exactly the data present in the transaction witness set.
|Similarly for the datums, if present. If no datums are provided, the middle
|field is omitted (i.e. it is the empty/null bytestring).
|language views CDDL:
|{ * language => script_integrity_data }
|This must be encoded canonically, using the same scheme as in
|RFC7049 section 3.9:
| - Maps, strings, and bytestrings must use a definite-length encoding
| - Integers must be as small as possible.
| - The expressions for map length, string length, and bytestring length
| must be as short as possible.
| - The keys in the map must be sorted as follows:
| - If two keys have different lengths, the shorter one sorts earlier.
| - If two keys have the same length, the one with the lower value
| in (byte-wise) lexical order sorts earlier.
|For PlutusV1 (language id 0), the language view is the following:
| - the value of costmdls map at key 0 (in other words, the script_integrity_data)
| is encoded as an indefinite length list and the result is encoded as a bytestring.
| (our apologies)
| For example, the script_integrity_data corresponding to the all zero costmodel for V1
| would be encoded as (in hex):
| 58a89f00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000ff
| - the language ID tag is also encoded twice. first as a uint then as
| a bytestring. (our apologies)
| Concretely, this means that the language version for V1 is encoded as
| 4100 in hex.
|For PlutusV2 (language id 1), the language view is the following:
| - the value of costmdls map at key 1 is encoded as an definite length list.
| For example, the script_integrity_data corresponding to the all zero costmodel for V2
| would be encoded as (in hex):
| 98af0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
| - the language ID tag is encoded as expected.
| Concretely, this means that the language version for V2 is encoded as
| 01 in hex.
|Note that each Plutus language represented inside a transaction must have
|a cost model in the costmdls protocol parameter in order to execute,
|regardless of what the script integrity data is.
|Finally, note that in the case that a transaction includes datums but does not
|include the redeemers field, the script data format becomes (in hex):
|[ 80 | datums | A0 ]
|corresponding to a CBOR empty list and an empty map.
|Note that a transaction might include the redeemers field and set it to the
|empty map, in which case the user supplied encoding of the empty map is used.
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
"script_data_hash" forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= Rule
transaction_output :: Rule
transaction_output :: Rule
transaction_output =
forall a. Text -> Named a -> Named a
[str|Both of the Alonzo and Babbage style TxOut formats are equally valid
|and can be used interchangeably.
| babbage_transaction_output
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= Rule
forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ Rule
shelley_transaction_output :: Rule
shelley_transaction_output :: Rule
shelley_transaction_output =
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
address, Key
"amount" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
value, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Key
"datum_hash" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
babbage_transaction_output :: Rule
babbage_transaction_output :: Rule
babbage_transaction_output =
forall a. Text -> Named a -> Named a
| datum_option
| script_ref
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= MapChoice -> MapChoice
[ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
0 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
1 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
2 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
3 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
transaction_witness_set :: Rule
transaction_witness_set :: Rule
transaction_witness_set =
forall a. Text -> Named a -> Named a
| 6: [* plutus_v2_script]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= MapChoice -> MapChoice
[ forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
0 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
1 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
2 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
3 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
4 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
5 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
6 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
plutus_data :: Rule
plutus_data :: Rule
plutus_data =
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= forall t0. IsType0 t0 => t0 -> GRuleCall
constr Rule
forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ MapChoice -> Seal Map
smp [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall r. IsType0 r => r -> Key
asKey Rule
plutus_data forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ ArrayChoice -> Seal Array
sarr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ Rule
forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ Rule
plutus_v1_script :: Rule
plutus_v1_script :: Rule
plutus_v1_script = Text
"plutus_v1_script" forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= Value ByteString
plutus_v2_script :: Rule
plutus_v2_script :: Rule
plutus_v2_script = Text
"plutus_v2_script" forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= Value ByteString
language :: Rule
language :: Rule
language =
forall a. Text -> Named a -> Named a
[str|0: Plutus v1
|1: Plutus v2
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
"language" forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= Integer -> Literal
int Integer
0 forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ Integer -> Literal
int Integer
cost_models :: Rule
cost_models :: Rule
cost_models =
forall a. Text -> Named a -> Named a
[str|0: Plutus v1
|1: Plutus v2
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= MapChoice -> MapChoice
[ forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
0 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
166 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
int64 forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> Word64 -> a
+> Word64
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
1 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
175 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
int64 forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> Word64 -> a
+> Word64
auxiliary_data :: Rule
auxiliary_data :: Rule
auxiliary_data =
forall a. Text -> Named a -> Named a
[str| metadata: shelley
| transaction_metadata: shelley-ma
|#6.259(0 ==> metadata): alonzo onwards
| 3: [* plutus_v2_script]
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= Rule
forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ ArrayChoice -> Seal Array
[ Key
"transaction_metadata" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, Key
"auxiliary_scripts" forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ forall a. Word64 -> a -> Tagged a
( MapChoice -> MapChoice
[ forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
0 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
1 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
2 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
3 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
data' :: Rule
data' :: Rule
data' = Text
"data" forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= forall a. Word64 -> a -> Tagged a
tag Word64
24 (Value ByteString
VBytes Value ByteString -> Rule -> Constrained
`cbor` Rule
datum_option :: Rule
datum_option :: Rule
datum_option = Text
"datum_option" forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [ArrayEntry
0, forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
hash32] forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [ArrayEntry
1, forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
script_ref :: Rule
script_ref :: Rule
script_ref = Text
"script_ref" forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= forall a. Word64 -> a -> Tagged a
tag Word64
24 (Value ByteString
VBytes Value ByteString -> Rule -> Constrained
`cbor` Rule
script :: Rule
script :: Rule
script =
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [ArrayEntry
0, forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [ArrayEntry
1, forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
forall a c b.
(IsChoosable a c, IsChoosable b c) =>
a -> b -> Choice c
/ ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [ArrayEntry
2, forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
protocol_param_update :: Rule
protocol_param_update :: Rule
protocol_param_update =
forall a. Text -> Named a -> Named a
[str| 0: minfee A
| 1: minfee B
| 2: max block body size
| 3: max transaction size
| 4: max block header size
| 5: key deposit
| 6: pool deposit
| 7: maximum epoch
| 8: n_opt: desired number of stake pools
| 9: pool pledge influence
|10: expansion rate
|11: treasury growth rate
|14: protocol version
|16: min pool cost
|17: ada per utxo byte
|18: cost models for script languages
|19: execution costs
|20: max tx ex units
|21: max block ex units
|22: max value size
|23: collateral percentage
|24: max collateral inputs
forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Text
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= MapChoice -> MapChoice
[ forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
0 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Value Int
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
1 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Value Int
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
2 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> (Value Int
VUInt forall a s. (IsSizeable a, IsSize s) => Value a -> s -> Constrained
`sized` (Word64
4 :: Word64)))
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
3 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> (Value Int
VUInt forall a s. (IsSizeable a, IsSize s) => Value a -> s -> Constrained
`sized` (Word64
4 :: Word64)))
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
4 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> (Value Int
VUInt forall a s. (IsSizeable a, IsSize s) => Value a -> s -> Constrained
`sized` (Word64
2 :: Word64)))
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
5 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
6 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
7 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
8 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Value Int
VUInt forall a s. (IsSizeable a, IsSize s) => Value a -> s -> Constrained
`sized` (Word64
2 :: Word64))
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
9 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
10 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
11 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
14 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
16 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
17 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
18 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
19 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
20 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
21 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
22 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Value Int
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
23 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Value Int
, forall a. CanQuantify a => a -> a
opt (Word64 -> Key
idx Word64
24 forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Value Int
proposed_protocol_parameter_updates :: Rule
proposed_protocol_parameter_updates :: Rule
proposed_protocol_parameter_updates =
forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= MapChoice -> MapChoice
mp [Word64
0 forall a. CanQuantify a => Word64 -> a -> a
<+ forall r. IsType0 r => r -> Key
asKey Rule
genesis_hash forall a me. (IsType0 a, IsEntryLike me) => Key -> a -> me
==> Rule
update :: Rule
update :: Rule
update = Text
"update" forall a. IsType0 a => Text -> a -> Rule
=:= ArrayChoice -> ArrayChoice
arr [forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule
proposed_protocol_parameter_updates, forall a e. (IsType0 a, IsGroupOrArrayEntry e) => a -> e
a Rule