Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Defines reusable abstractions for testing RoundTrip properties of CBOR instances
- roundTripSpec ∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, Typeable t, Arbitrary t) ⇒ Trip t t → Spec
- roundTripCborSpec ∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, Arbitrary t, EncCBOR t, DecCBOR t) ⇒ Spec
- roundTripAnnCborSpec ∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, Arbitrary t, ToCBOR t, DecCBOR (Annotator t)) ⇒ Spec
- roundTripRangeSpec ∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, Typeable t, Arbitrary t) ⇒ Trip t t → Version → Version → Spec
- roundTripExpectation ∷ (Show t, Eq t, Typeable t, HasCallStack) ⇒ Trip t t → t → Expectation
- roundTripRangeExpectation ∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, Typeable t, HasCallStack) ⇒ Trip t t → Version → Version → t → Expectation
- roundTripFailureExpectation ∷ (Typeable t, Eq t, HasCallStack) ⇒ Trip t t → t → Expectation
- roundTripRangeFailureExpectation ∷ ∀ t. (Typeable t, Eq t, HasCallStack) ⇒ Trip t t → Version → Version → t → Expectation
- roundTripCborExpectation ∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, EncCBOR t, DecCBOR t, HasCallStack) ⇒ t → Expectation
- roundTripCborRangeExpectation ∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, EncCBOR t, DecCBOR t, HasCallStack) ⇒ Version → Version → t → Expectation
- roundTripCborFailureExpectation ∷ ∀ t. (EncCBOR t, DecCBOR t, Eq t, HasCallStack) ⇒ t → Expectation
- roundTripCborRangeFailureExpectation ∷ ∀ t. (EncCBOR t, DecCBOR t, Eq t, HasCallStack) ⇒ Version → Version → t → Expectation
- roundTripAnnExpectation ∷ (Show t, Eq t, ToCBOR t, DecCBOR (Annotator t), HasCallStack) ⇒ t → Expectation
- roundTripAnnRangeExpectation ∷ (Show t, Eq t, ToCBOR t, DecCBOR (Annotator t), HasCallStack) ⇒ Version → Version → t → Expectation
- roundTripAnnFailureExpectation ∷ (ToCBOR t, DecCBOR (Annotator t), HasCallStack) ⇒ t → Expectation
- roundTripAnnRangeFailureExpectation ∷ (ToCBOR t, DecCBOR (Annotator t), HasCallStack) ⇒ Version → Version → t → Expectation
- embedTripSpec ∷ ∀ a b. (Show a, Typeable a, Typeable b, Arbitrary a, Eq b, HasCallStack) ⇒ Version → Version → Trip a b → (b → a → Expectation) → Spec
- embedTripExpectation ∷ ∀ a b. (Typeable b, Eq b, HasCallStack) ⇒ Version → Version → Trip a b → (b → a → Expectation) → a → Expectation
- embedTripAnnExpectation ∷ ∀ a b. (ToCBOR a, DecCBOR (Annotator b), HasCallStack) ⇒ Version → Version → (b → a → Expectation) → a → Expectation
- embedTripFailureExpectation ∷ (Typeable b, Eq b, HasCallStack) ⇒ Trip a b → a → Expectation
- embedTripRangeFailureExpectation ∷ ∀ a b. (Typeable b, Eq b, HasCallStack) ⇒ Trip a b → Version → Version → a → Expectation
- roundTripTwiddledProperty ∷ (Show t, Eq t, Twiddle t, DecCBOR t) ⇒ Version → t → Property
- roundTripAnnTwiddledProperty ∷ ∀ t q. (Twiddle t, DecCBOR (Annotator t), Testable q) ⇒ (t → t → q) → Version → t → Property
- data RoundTripFailure = RoundTripFailure {}
- data Trip a b = Trip {
- tripEncoder ∷ a → Encoding
- tripDecoder ∷ ∀ s. Decoder s b
- tripDropper ∷ ∀ s. Decoder s ()
- mkTrip ∷ ∀ a b. (a → Encoding) → (∀ s. Decoder s b) → Trip a b
- cborTrip ∷ ∀ a b. (EncCBOR a, DecCBOR b) ⇒ Trip a b
- roundTrip ∷ ∀ t. (Eq t, Typeable t) ⇒ Version → Trip t t → t → Either RoundTripFailure t
- roundTripTwiddled ∷ ∀ t. (Twiddle t, DecCBOR t, Eq t) ⇒ Version → t → Gen (Either RoundTripFailure t)
- roundTripAnn ∷ (ToCBOR t, DecCBOR (Annotator t)) ⇒ Version → t → Either RoundTripFailure t
- roundTripAnnTwiddled ∷ (Twiddle t, DecCBOR (Annotator t)) ⇒ Version → t → Gen (Either RoundTripFailure t)
- embedTrip ∷ ∀ a b. (Eq b, Typeable b) ⇒ Version → Version → Trip a b → a → Either RoundTripFailure b
- embedTripAnn ∷ ∀ a b. (ToCBOR a, DecCBOR (Annotator b)) ⇒ Version → Version → a → Either RoundTripFailure b
- embedTripLabel ∷ ∀ a b. Eq b ⇒ Text → Version → Version → Trip a b → a → Either RoundTripFailure b
- embedTripLabelExtra ∷ ∀ a b. Eq b ⇒ Text → Version → Version → Trip a b → a → Either RoundTripFailure (b, Encoding, ByteString)
- decodeAnnExtra ∷ ∀ t. Text → Version → Version → (∀ s. Decoder s (Annotator t)) → Encoding → Either RoundTripFailure (t, ByteString)
roundTripSpec ∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, Typeable t, Arbitrary t) ⇒ Trip t t → Spec Source #
Tests the roundtrip property using QuickCheck generators for all possible versions
starting with shelleyProtVer
roundTripCborSpec ∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, Arbitrary t, EncCBOR t, DecCBOR t) ⇒ Spec Source #
Tests the roundtrip property using QuickCheck generators for all possible versions
starting with shelleyProtVer
roundTripAnnCborSpec ∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, Arbitrary t, ToCBOR t, DecCBOR (Annotator t)) ⇒ Spec Source #
Tests the roundtrip property using QuickCheck generators for all possible versions
starting with shelleyProtVer
roundTripRangeSpec ∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, Typeable t, Arbitrary t) ⇒ Trip t t → Version → Version → Spec Source #
Tests the roundtrip property using QuickCheck generators for specific range of versions
roundTripExpectation ∷ (Show t, Eq t, Typeable t, HasCallStack) ⇒ Trip t t → t → Expectation Source #
Verify that round triping through the binary form holds for all versions starting
with shelleyProtVer
roundTripRangeExpectation Source #
∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, Typeable t, HasCallStack) | |
⇒ Trip t t | |
→ Version | From Version |
→ Version | To Version |
→ t | |
→ Expectation |
Verify that round triping through the binary form holds for a range of versions.
In other words check that:
deserialize version . serialize version === id serialize version . deserialize version . serialize version === serialize version
roundTripFailureExpectation ∷ (Typeable t, Eq t, HasCallStack) ⇒ Trip t t → t → Expectation Source #
roundTripRangeFailureExpectation Source #
∷ ∀ t. (Typeable t, Eq t, HasCallStack) | |
⇒ Trip t t | |
→ Version | From Version |
→ Version | To Version |
→ t | |
→ Expectation |
roundTripCborExpectation ∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, EncCBOR t, DecCBOR t, HasCallStack) ⇒ t → Expectation Source #
roundTripCborRangeExpectation Source #
∷ ∀ t. (Show t, Eq t, EncCBOR t, DecCBOR t, HasCallStack) | |
⇒ Version | From Version |
→ Version | To Version |
→ t | |
→ Expectation |
roundTripCborFailureExpectation ∷ ∀ t. (EncCBOR t, DecCBOR t, Eq t, HasCallStack) ⇒ t → Expectation Source #
roundTripCborRangeFailureExpectation Source #
∷ ∀ t. (EncCBOR t, DecCBOR t, Eq t, HasCallStack) | |
⇒ Version | From Version |
→ Version | To Version |
→ t | |
→ Expectation |
roundTripAnnExpectation ∷ (Show t, Eq t, ToCBOR t, DecCBOR (Annotator t), HasCallStack) ⇒ t → Expectation Source #
roundTripAnnRangeExpectation ∷ (Show t, Eq t, ToCBOR t, DecCBOR (Annotator t), HasCallStack) ⇒ Version → Version → t → Expectation Source #
roundTripAnnFailureExpectation ∷ (ToCBOR t, DecCBOR (Annotator t), HasCallStack) ⇒ t → Expectation Source #
roundTripAnnRangeFailureExpectation ∷ (ToCBOR t, DecCBOR (Annotator t), HasCallStack) ⇒ Version → Version → t → Expectation Source #
∷ ∀ a b. (Show a, Typeable a, Typeable b, Arbitrary a, Eq b, HasCallStack) | |
⇒ Version | Version for the encoder |
→ Version | Version for the decoder |
→ Trip a b | |
→ (b → a → Expectation) | |
→ Spec |
Tests the embedtrip property using QuickCheck generators
∷ ∀ a b. (Typeable b, Eq b, HasCallStack) | |
⇒ Version | Version for the encoder |
→ Version | Version for the decoder |
→ Trip a b | |
→ (b → a → Expectation) | |
→ a | |
→ Expectation |
embedTripAnnExpectation Source #
∷ ∀ a b. (ToCBOR a, DecCBOR (Annotator b), HasCallStack) | |
⇒ Version | Version for the encoder |
→ Version | Version for the decoder |
→ (b → a → Expectation) | |
→ a | |
→ Expectation |
This is just like roundTripAnnExpectation
, except it allows for source and target
types to be different. This is very useful to test translation of the same type family
from one era to another.
embedTripFailureExpectation ∷ (Typeable b, Eq b, HasCallStack) ⇒ Trip a b → a → Expectation Source #
embedTripRangeFailureExpectation Source #
∷ ∀ a b. (Typeable b, Eq b, HasCallStack) | |
⇒ Trip a b | |
→ Version | From Version |
→ Version | To Version |
→ a | |
→ Expectation |
roundTripAnnTwiddledProperty ∷ ∀ t q. (Twiddle t, DecCBOR (Annotator t), Testable q) ⇒ (t → t → q) → Version → t → Property Source #
Tripping failure
data RoundTripFailure Source #
RoundTripFailure | |
Show RoundTripFailure Source # | |
Defined in Test.Cardano.Ledger.Binary.RoundTrip Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → RoundTripFailure → ShowS # show ∷ RoundTripFailure → String # showList ∷ [RoundTripFailure] → ShowS # |
Tripping definitions
A definition of a CBOR trip through binary representation of one type to another. In this module this is called an embed. When a source and target type is the exact same one then it would be a dual and is expected to round trip.
Trip | |
mkTrip ∷ ∀ a b. (a → Encoding) → (∀ s. Decoder s b) → Trip a b Source #
Construct a Trip
using encoder and decoder, with dropper set to the decoder which
drops the value
Tripping functions
roundTrip ∷ ∀ t. (Eq t, Typeable t) ⇒ Version → Trip t t → t → Either RoundTripFailure t Source #
Check that serialization followed by deserialization of the value produces the same value back. We also check that re-serialization is idempotent. In other words, we ensure that deserialization does not modify the decoded value in a way that its binary representation has changed. Dropper is checked as well.
roundTripTwiddled ∷ ∀ t. (Twiddle t, DecCBOR t, Eq t) ⇒ Version → t → Gen (Either RoundTripFailure t) Source #
roundTripAnn ∷ (ToCBOR t, DecCBOR (Annotator t)) ⇒ Version → t → Either RoundTripFailure t Source #
roundTripAnnTwiddled ∷ (Twiddle t, DecCBOR (Annotator t)) ⇒ Version → t → Gen (Either RoundTripFailure t) Source #
∷ ∀ a b. (Eq b, Typeable b) | |
⇒ Version | Version for the encoder |
→ Version | Version for the decoder |
→ Trip a b | |
→ a | |
→ Either RoundTripFailure b |
Can we serialise a type, and then deserialise it as something else?