{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
module Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Rules.Certs (
ConwayCertsPredFailure (..),
ConwayCertsEvent (..),
CertsEnv (..),
) where
import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes (
EpochNo (EpochNo),
Globals (..),
import Cardano.Ledger.Binary (DecCBOR (..), EncCBOR (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Binary.Coders (
Decode (..),
Encode (..),
import Cardano.Ledger.CertState (EraCertState (..), VState, vsDRepsL, vsNumDormantEpochsL)
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Core
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Era (ConwayCERT, ConwayCERTS, ConwayEra)
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Governance (
GovActionPurpose (..),
Voter (DRepVoter),
VotingProcedures (unVotingProcedures),
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Rules.Cert (CertEnv (CertEnv), ConwayCertEvent, ConwayCertPredFailure)
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Rules.Deleg (ConwayDelegPredFailure)
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Rules.GovCert (ConwayGovCertPredFailure, computeDRepExpiry)
import Cardano.Ledger.DRep (drepExpiryL)
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.API (
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules (
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (asks)
import Control.State.Transition.Extended (
Embed (..),
STS (..),
TRC (..),
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import qualified Data.OSet.Strict as OSet
import Data.Sequence (Seq (..))
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import Lens.Micro
import NoThunks.Class (NoThunks (..))
data CertsEnv era = CertsEnv
{ forall era. CertsEnv era -> Tx era
certsTx :: Tx era
, forall era. CertsEnv era -> PParams era
certsPParams :: PParams era
, forall era. CertsEnv era -> EpochNo
certsCurrentEpoch :: EpochNo
, forall era. CertsEnv era -> StrictMaybe (Committee era)
certsCurrentCommittee :: StrictMaybe (Committee era)
, forall era.
CertsEnv era
-> Map (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era) (GovActionState era)
certsCommitteeProposals :: Map.Map (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era) (GovActionState era)
deriving (forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall era x. Rep (CertsEnv era) x -> CertsEnv era
forall era x. CertsEnv era -> Rep (CertsEnv era) x
$cto :: forall era x. Rep (CertsEnv era) x -> CertsEnv era
$cfrom :: forall era x. CertsEnv era -> Rep (CertsEnv era) x
instance EraTx era => EncCBOR (CertsEnv era) where
encCBOR :: CertsEnv era -> Encoding
encCBOR x :: CertsEnv era
x@(CertsEnv Tx era
_ PParams era
_ EpochNo
_ StrictMaybe (Committee era)
_ Map (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era) (GovActionState era)
_) =
let CertsEnv {Map (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era) (GovActionState era)
PParams era
Tx era
StrictMaybe (Committee era)
certsCommitteeProposals :: Map (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era) (GovActionState era)
certsCurrentCommittee :: StrictMaybe (Committee era)
certsCurrentEpoch :: EpochNo
certsPParams :: PParams era
certsTx :: Tx era
certsCommitteeProposals :: forall era.
CertsEnv era
-> Map (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era) (GovActionState era)
certsCurrentCommittee :: forall era. CertsEnv era -> StrictMaybe (Committee era)
certsCurrentEpoch :: forall era. CertsEnv era -> EpochNo
certsPParams :: forall era. CertsEnv era -> PParams era
certsTx :: forall era. CertsEnv era -> Tx era
..} = CertsEnv era
in forall (w :: Wrapped) t. Encode w t -> Encoding
encode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
forall t. t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
Rec forall era.
Tx era
-> PParams era
-> EpochNo
-> StrictMaybe (Committee era)
-> Map (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era) (GovActionState era)
-> CertsEnv era
forall (w :: Wrapped) a t (r :: Density).
Encode w (a -> t) -> Encode ('Closed r) a -> Encode w t
!> forall t. EncCBOR t => t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
To Tx era
forall (w :: Wrapped) a t (r :: Density).
Encode w (a -> t) -> Encode ('Closed r) a -> Encode w t
!> forall t. EncCBOR t => t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
To PParams era
forall (w :: Wrapped) a t (r :: Density).
Encode w (a -> t) -> Encode ('Closed r) a -> Encode w t
!> forall t. EncCBOR t => t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
To EpochNo
forall (w :: Wrapped) a t (r :: Density).
Encode w (a -> t) -> Encode ('Closed r) a -> Encode w t
!> forall t. EncCBOR t => t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
To StrictMaybe (Committee era)
forall (w :: Wrapped) a t (r :: Density).
Encode w (a -> t) -> Encode ('Closed r) a -> Encode w t
!> forall t. EncCBOR t => t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
To Map (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era) (GovActionState era)
deriving instance (EraPParams era, Eq (Tx era)) => Eq (CertsEnv era)
deriving instance (EraPParams era, Show (Tx era)) => Show (CertsEnv era)
instance (EraPParams era, NFData (Tx era)) => NFData (CertsEnv era)
data ConwayCertsPredFailure era
(Map.Map RewardAccount Coin)
CertFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era))
deriving (forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall era x.
Rep (ConwayCertsPredFailure era) x -> ConwayCertsPredFailure era
forall era x.
ConwayCertsPredFailure era -> Rep (ConwayCertsPredFailure era) x
$cto :: forall era x.
Rep (ConwayCertsPredFailure era) x -> ConwayCertsPredFailure era
$cfrom :: forall era x.
ConwayCertsPredFailure era -> Rep (ConwayCertsPredFailure era) x
type instance EraRuleFailure "CERTS" ConwayEra = ConwayCertsPredFailure ConwayEra
type instance EraRuleEvent "CERTS" ConwayEra = ConwayCertsEvent ConwayEra
instance InjectRuleFailure "CERTS" ConwayCertsPredFailure ConwayEra
instance InjectRuleFailure "CERTS" ConwayCertPredFailure ConwayEra where
injectFailure :: ConwayCertPredFailure ConwayEra -> EraRuleFailure "CERTS" ConwayEra
injectFailure = forall era.
PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era) -> ConwayCertsPredFailure era
instance InjectRuleFailure "CERTS" ConwayDelegPredFailure ConwayEra where
injectFailure :: ConwayDelegPredFailure ConwayEra
-> EraRuleFailure "CERTS" ConwayEra
injectFailure = forall era.
PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era) -> ConwayCertsPredFailure era
CertFailure forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (rule :: Symbol) (t :: * -> *) era.
InjectRuleFailure rule t era =>
t era -> EraRuleFailure rule era
instance InjectRuleFailure "CERTS" ShelleyPoolPredFailure ConwayEra where
injectFailure :: ShelleyPoolPredFailure ConwayEra
-> EraRuleFailure "CERTS" ConwayEra
injectFailure = forall era.
PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era) -> ConwayCertsPredFailure era
CertFailure forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (rule :: Symbol) (t :: * -> *) era.
InjectRuleFailure rule t era =>
t era -> EraRuleFailure rule era
instance InjectRuleFailure "CERTS" ConwayGovCertPredFailure ConwayEra where
injectFailure :: ConwayGovCertPredFailure ConwayEra
-> EraRuleFailure "CERTS" ConwayEra
injectFailure = forall era.
PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era) -> ConwayCertsPredFailure era
CertFailure forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall (rule :: Symbol) (t :: * -> *) era.
InjectRuleFailure rule t era =>
t era -> EraRuleFailure rule era
deriving stock instance
Eq (PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era)) =>
Eq (ConwayCertsPredFailure era)
deriving stock instance
Show (PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era)) =>
Show (ConwayCertsPredFailure era)
NoThunks (PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era)) =>
NoThunks (ConwayCertsPredFailure era)
NFData (PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era)) =>
NFData (ConwayCertsPredFailure era)
newtype ConwayCertsEvent era = CertEvent (Event (EraRule "CERT" era))
deriving (forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
forall era x. Rep (ConwayCertsEvent era) x -> ConwayCertsEvent era
forall era x. ConwayCertsEvent era -> Rep (ConwayCertsEvent era) x
$cto :: forall era x. Rep (ConwayCertsEvent era) x -> ConwayCertsEvent era
$cfrom :: forall era x. ConwayCertsEvent era -> Rep (ConwayCertsEvent era) x
deriving instance Eq (Event (EraRule "CERT" era)) => Eq (ConwayCertsEvent era)
instance NFData (Event (EraRule "CERT" era)) => NFData (ConwayCertsEvent era)
( Era era
, EncCBOR (PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era))
) =>
EncCBOR (ConwayCertsPredFailure era)
encCBOR :: ConwayCertsPredFailure era -> Encoding
encCBOR =
forall (w :: Wrapped) t. Encode w t -> Encoding
encode forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. \case
WithdrawalsNotInRewardsCERTS Map RewardAccount Coin
rs -> forall t. t -> Word -> Encode 'Open t
Sum (forall era. Map RewardAccount Coin -> ConwayCertsPredFailure era
WithdrawalsNotInRewardsCERTS @era) Word
0 forall (w :: Wrapped) a t (r :: Density).
Encode w (a -> t) -> Encode ('Closed r) a -> Encode w t
!> forall t. EncCBOR t => t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
To Map RewardAccount Coin
CertFailure PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era)
x -> forall t. t -> Word -> Encode 'Open t
Sum (forall era.
PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era) -> ConwayCertsPredFailure era
CertFailure @era) Word
1 forall (w :: Wrapped) a t (r :: Density).
Encode w (a -> t) -> Encode ('Closed r) a -> Encode w t
!> forall t. EncCBOR t => t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
To PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era)
( Era era
, DecCBOR (PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era))
) =>
DecCBOR (ConwayCertsPredFailure era)
decCBOR :: forall s. Decoder s (ConwayCertsPredFailure era)
decCBOR = forall (w :: Wrapped) t s. Decode w t -> Decoder s t
decode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall t.
Text -> (Word -> Decode 'Open t) -> Decode ('Closed 'Dense) t
Summands Text
"ConwayGovPredFailure" forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \case
0 -> forall t. t -> Decode 'Open t
SumD forall era. Map RewardAccount Coin -> ConwayCertsPredFailure era
WithdrawalsNotInRewardsCERTS forall (w1 :: Wrapped) a t (w :: Density).
Decode w1 (a -> t) -> Decode ('Closed w) a -> Decode w1 t
<! forall t (w :: Wrapped). DecCBOR t => Decode w t
1 -> forall t. t -> Decode 'Open t
SumD forall era.
PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era) -> ConwayCertsPredFailure era
CertFailure forall (w1 :: Wrapped) a t (w :: Density).
Decode w1 (a -> t) -> Decode ('Closed w) a -> Decode w1 t
<! forall t (w :: Wrapped). DecCBOR t => Decode w t
k -> forall (w :: Wrapped) t. Word -> Decode w t
Invalid Word
( EraTx era
, ConwayEraTxBody era
, ConwayEraPParams era
, State (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ CertState era
, Signal (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ TxCert era
, Environment (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ CertEnv era
, Embed (EraRule "CERT" era) (ConwayCERTS era)
, EraCertState era
) =>
STS (ConwayCERTS era)
type State (ConwayCERTS era) = CertState era
type Signal (ConwayCERTS era) = Seq (TxCert era)
type Environment (ConwayCERTS era) = CertsEnv era
type BaseM (ConwayCERTS era) = ShelleyBase
PredicateFailure (ConwayCERTS era) =
ConwayCertsPredFailure era
type Event (ConwayCERTS era) = ConwayCertsEvent era
transitionRules :: [TransitionRule (ConwayCERTS era)]
transitionRules = [forall era.
(EraTx era, ConwayEraTxBody era,
State (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ CertState era,
Embed (EraRule "CERT" era) (ConwayCERTS era),
Environment (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ CertEnv era,
Signal (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ TxCert era, EraCertState era) =>
TransitionRule (ConwayCERTS era)
conwayCertsTransition @era]
conwayCertsTransition ::
forall era.
( EraTx era
, ConwayEraTxBody era
, State (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ CertState era
, Embed (EraRule "CERT" era) (ConwayCERTS era)
, Environment (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ CertEnv era
, Signal (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ TxCert era
, EraCertState era
) =>
TransitionRule (ConwayCERTS era)
conwayCertsTransition :: forall era.
(EraTx era, ConwayEraTxBody era,
State (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ CertState era,
Embed (EraRule "CERT" era) (ConwayCERTS era),
Environment (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ CertEnv era,
Signal (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ TxCert era, EraCertState era) =>
TransitionRule (ConwayCERTS era)
conwayCertsTransition = do
( env :: Environment (ConwayCERTS era)
env@(CertsEnv Tx era
tx PParams era
pp EpochNo
currentEpoch StrictMaybe (Committee era)
committee Map (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era) (GovActionState era)
, State (ConwayCERTS era)
, Signal (ConwayCERTS era)
) <-
forall sts (rtype :: RuleType).
Rule sts rtype (RuleContext rtype sts)
network <- forall sts a (ctx :: RuleType).
STS sts =>
BaseM sts a -> Rule sts ctx a
liftSTS forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (m :: * -> *) r a. Monad m => (r -> a) -> ReaderT r m a
asks Globals -> Network
case Signal (ConwayCERTS era)
certificates of
Seq (TxCert era)
Signal (ConwayCERTS era)
Empty -> do
let drepActivity :: EpochInterval
drepActivity = PParams era
pp forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. forall era.
ConwayEraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParams era) EpochInterval
let certState' :: CertState era
certState' =
let hasProposals :: Bool
hasProposals = Bool -> Bool
not forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. OSet a -> Bool
OSet.null forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Tx era
tx forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. forall era. EraTx era => Lens' (Tx era) (TxBody era)
bodyTxL forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
Lens' (TxBody era) (OSet (ProposalProcedure era))
in if Bool
then State (ConwayCERTS era)
certState forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& forall era. EraCertState era => Lens' (CertState era) (VState era)
certVStateL forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
%~ forall era. EpochNo -> VState era -> VState era
updateDormantDRepExpiry EpochNo
else State (ConwayCERTS era)
let numDormantEpochs :: EpochNo
numDormantEpochs = CertState era
certState' forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. forall era. EraCertState era => Lens' (CertState era) (VState era)
certVStateL forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era. Lens' (VState era) EpochNo
updateVSDReps :: Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
-> Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
updateVSDReps Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
vsDReps =
forall a k b. (a -> k -> b -> a) -> a -> Map k b -> a
( \Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
dreps Voter
voter Map GovActionId (VotingProcedure era)
_ -> case Voter
voter of
DRepVoter Credential 'DRepRole
cred ->
forall k a. Ord k => (a -> a) -> k -> Map k a -> Map k a
(Lens' DRepState EpochNo
drepExpiryL forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
.~ EpochInterval -> EpochNo -> EpochNo -> EpochNo
computeDRepExpiry EpochInterval
drepActivity EpochNo
currentEpoch EpochNo
Credential 'DRepRole
Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
_ -> Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
(forall era.
VotingProcedures era
-> Map Voter (Map GovActionId (VotingProcedure era))
unVotingProcedures forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Tx era
tx forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. forall era. EraTx era => Lens' (Tx era) (TxBody era)
bodyTxL forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
Lens' (TxBody era) (VotingProcedures era)
let certStateWithDRepExpiryUpdated :: CertState era
certStateWithDRepExpiryUpdated = CertState era
certState' forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& forall era. EraCertState era => Lens' (CertState era) (VState era)
certVStateL forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era.
Lens' (VState era) (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState)
vsDRepsL forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
%~ Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
-> Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
dState :: DState era
dState = CertState era
certStateWithDRepExpiryUpdated forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. forall era. EraCertState era => Lens' (CertState era) (DState era)
withdrawals :: Withdrawals
withdrawals = Tx era
tx forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. forall era. EraTx era => Lens' (Tx era) (TxBody era)
bodyTxL forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era. EraTxBody era => Lens' (TxBody era) Withdrawals
forall e sts (ctx :: RuleType).
(e -> PredicateFailure sts)
-> Validation (NonEmpty e) () -> Rule sts ctx ()
validateTrans forall era. Map RewardAccount Coin -> ConwayCertsPredFailure era
WithdrawalsNotInRewardsCERTS forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall era.
DState era
-> Withdrawals -> Network -> Test (Map RewardAccount Coin)
validateZeroRewards DState era
dState Withdrawals
withdrawals Network
forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ CertState era
certStateWithDRepExpiryUpdated forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& forall era. EraCertState era => Lens' (CertState era) (DState era)
certDStateL forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
.~ forall era. DState era -> Withdrawals -> DState era
drainWithdrawals DState era
dState Withdrawals
Seq (TxCert era)
gamma :|> TxCert era
txCert -> do
CertState era
certState' <-
forall sub super (rtype :: RuleType).
Embed sub super =>
RuleContext rtype sub -> Rule super rtype (State sub)
trans @(ConwayCERTS era) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall sts. (Environment sts, State sts, Signal sts) -> TRC sts
TRC (Environment (ConwayCERTS era)
env, State (ConwayCERTS era)
certState, Seq (TxCert era)
forall sub super (rtype :: RuleType).
Embed sub super =>
RuleContext rtype sub -> Rule super rtype (State sub)
trans @(EraRule "CERT" era) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
forall sts. (Environment sts, State sts, Signal sts) -> TRC sts
TRC (forall era.
PParams era
-> EpochNo
-> StrictMaybe (Committee era)
-> Map (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era) (GovActionState era)
-> CertEnv era
CertEnv PParams era
pp EpochNo
currentEpoch StrictMaybe (Committee era)
committee Map (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era) (GovActionState era)
committeeProposals, CertState era
certState', TxCert era
( Era era
, STS (ConwayCERT era)
, BaseM (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ ShelleyBase
, Event (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ ConwayCertEvent era
, PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era) ~ ConwayCertPredFailure era
) =>
Embed (ConwayCERT era) (ConwayCERTS era)
wrapFailed :: PredicateFailure (ConwayCERT era)
-> PredicateFailure (ConwayCERTS era)
wrapFailed = forall era.
PredicateFailure (EraRule "CERT" era) -> ConwayCertsPredFailure era
wrapEvent :: Event (ConwayCERT era) -> Event (ConwayCERTS era)
wrapEvent = forall era. Event (EraRule "CERT" era) -> ConwayCertsEvent era
updateDormantDRepExpiry ::
EpochNo ->
VState era ->
VState era
updateDormantDRepExpiry :: forall era. EpochNo -> VState era -> VState era
updateDormantDRepExpiry EpochNo
currentEpoch VState era
vState =
if EpochNo
numDormantEpochs forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Word64 -> EpochNo
EpochNo Word64
then VState era
VState era
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& forall era. Lens' (VState era) EpochNo
vsNumDormantEpochsL forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> b -> s -> t
.~ Word64 -> EpochNo
EpochNo Word64
forall a b. a -> (a -> b) -> b
& forall era.
Lens' (VState era) (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState)
vsDRepsL forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
%~ forall a b k. (a -> b) -> Map k a -> Map k b
Map.map DRepState -> DRepState
numDormantEpochs :: EpochNo
numDormantEpochs = VState era
vState forall s a. s -> Getting a s a -> a
^. forall era. Lens' (VState era) EpochNo
updateExpiry :: DRepState -> DRepState
updateExpiry =
Lens' DRepState EpochNo
forall s t a b. ASetter s t a b -> (a -> b) -> s -> t
%~ \EpochNo
currentExpiry ->
let actualExpiry :: EpochNo
actualExpiry = (Word64 -> Word64 -> Word64) -> EpochNo -> EpochNo -> EpochNo
binOpEpochNo forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
(+) EpochNo
numDormantEpochs EpochNo
in if EpochNo
actualExpiry forall a. Ord a => a -> a -> Bool
< EpochNo
then EpochNo
else EpochNo