{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilyDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableSuperClasses #-}

module Cardano.Ledger.Core.PParams (
  EraPParams (..),
  PParams (..),
  PParamsUpdate (..),

  -- * PParams lens

  -- * PParamsUpdate lens

  -- * Utility

  -- * PParamsUpdate to Data
  PParam (..),

import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes (
  EpochInterval (..),
  Nonce (..),
  StrictMaybe (..),
import Cardano.Ledger.Binary (DecCBOR, EncCBOR, FromCBOR, ToCBOR)
import Cardano.Ledger.Coin (Coin (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Core.Era (Era (..), PreviousEra, ProtVerAtMost)
import Cardano.Ledger.HKD (HKD, HKDApplicative, HKDFunctor (..), NoUpdate (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.ToPlutusData (ToPlutusData (..))
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Control.Monad.Identity (Identity)
import Data.Aeson (FromJSON, ToJSON)
import Data.Data (Typeable)
import Data.Default.Class (Default (..))
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Map.Strict (Map)
import qualified Data.Map.Strict as Map
import Data.Word (Word16, Word32)
import GHC.Generics (Generic (..), K1 (..), M1 (..), U1, V1, type (:*:) (..))
import GHC.Natural (Natural)
import Lens.Micro (Lens', SimpleGetter, lens)
import NoThunks.Class (NoThunks)

-- | Protocol parameters
newtype PParams era = PParams (PParamsHKD Identity era)

instance EraPParams era => Default (PParams era) where
  def :: PParams era
def = forall era. EraPParams era => PParams era

deriving newtype instance
  Eq (PParamsHKD Identity era) => Eq (PParams era)

deriving newtype instance
  Ord (PParamsHKD Identity era) => Ord (PParams era)

deriving newtype instance
  NFData (PParamsHKD Identity era) => NFData (PParams era)

deriving newtype instance
  NoThunks (PParamsHKD Identity era) => NoThunks (PParams era)

deriving stock instance
  Show (PParamsHKD Identity era) => Show (PParams era)

deriving newtype instance
  ToJSON (PParamsHKD Identity era) => ToJSON (PParams era)

deriving newtype instance
  FromJSON (PParamsHKD Identity era) => FromJSON (PParams era)

deriving newtype instance
  (Typeable era, EncCBOR (PParamsHKD Identity era)) => EncCBOR (PParams era)

deriving newtype instance
  (Typeable era, DecCBOR (PParamsHKD Identity era)) => DecCBOR (PParams era)

deriving newtype instance
  (Typeable era, ToCBOR (PParamsHKD Identity era)) => ToCBOR (PParams era)

deriving newtype instance
  (Typeable era, FromCBOR (PParamsHKD Identity era)) => FromCBOR (PParams era)

deriving instance Generic (PParams era)

-- | The type of updates to Protocol parameters
newtype PParamsUpdate era = PParamsUpdate (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)

instance EraPParams era => Default (PParamsUpdate era) where
  def :: PParamsUpdate era
def = forall era. EraPParams era => PParamsUpdate era

deriving newtype instance
  Eq (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era) => Eq (PParamsUpdate era)

deriving newtype instance
  Ord (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era) => Ord (PParamsUpdate era)

deriving newtype instance
  NFData (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era) => NFData (PParamsUpdate era)

deriving newtype instance
  NoThunks (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era) => NoThunks (PParamsUpdate era)

deriving stock instance
  Show (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era) => Show (PParamsUpdate era)

deriving newtype instance
  (Typeable era, EncCBOR (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)) => EncCBOR (PParamsUpdate era)

deriving newtype instance
  (Typeable era, DecCBOR (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)) => DecCBOR (PParamsUpdate era)

deriving newtype instance
  (Typeable era, ToCBOR (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)) => ToCBOR (PParamsUpdate era)

deriving newtype instance
  (Typeable era, FromCBOR (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)) => FromCBOR (PParamsUpdate era)

deriving newtype instance
  ToJSON (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era) => ToJSON (PParamsUpdate era)

deriving newtype instance
  FromJSON (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era) => FromJSON (PParamsUpdate era)

deriving instance Generic (PParamsUpdate era)

-- Generic derivation of `applyPPUpdates`

class Updatable a u where
  applyUpdate :: a -> u -> a

instance Updatable (U1 a) (U1 u) where
  applyUpdate :: U1 a -> U1 u -> U1 a
applyUpdate U1 a
x U1 u
_ = U1 a

instance Updatable (V1 a) (V1 u) where
  applyUpdate :: V1 a -> V1 u -> V1 a
applyUpdate V1 a
x V1 u
_ = case V1 a
x of {}

  (Updatable (a1 a) (u1 u), Updatable (a2 a) (u2 u)) =>
  Updatable ((a1 :*: a2) a) ((u1 :*: u2) u)
  applyUpdate :: (:*:) a1 a2 a -> (:*:) u1 u2 u -> (:*:) a1 a2 a
applyUpdate (a1 a
x1 :*: a2 a
x2) (u1 u
u1 :*: u2 u
u2) = forall a u. Updatable a u => a -> u -> a
applyUpdate a1 a
x1 u1 u
u1 forall k (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (p :: k).
f p -> g p -> (:*:) f g p
:*: forall a u. Updatable a u => a -> u -> a
applyUpdate a2 a
x2 u2 u

instance Updatable (a x) (a' x') => Updatable (M1 i c a x) (M1 i' c' a' x') where
  applyUpdate :: M1 i c a x -> M1 i' c' a' x' -> M1 i c a x
applyUpdate (M1 a x
x) (M1 a' x'
y) = forall k i (c :: Meta) (f :: k -> *) (p :: k). f p -> M1 i c f p
M1 forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a u. Updatable a u => a -> u -> a
applyUpdate a x
x a' x'

instance Updatable (K1 t x a) (K1 t (StrictMaybe x) u) where
  applyUpdate :: K1 t x a -> K1 t (StrictMaybe x) u -> K1 t x a
applyUpdate (K1 x
x') (K1 StrictMaybe x
sm) = forall k i c (p :: k). c -> K1 i c p
K1 forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ case StrictMaybe x
sm of
    SJust x
x -> x
    StrictMaybe x
SNothing -> x

instance Updatable (K1 t x a) (K1 t (NoUpdate x) u) where
  applyUpdate :: K1 t x a -> K1 t (NoUpdate x) u -> K1 t x a
applyUpdate (K1 x
x) (K1 NoUpdate x
NoUpdate) = forall k i c (p :: k). c -> K1 i c p
K1 x

genericApplyPPUpdates ::
  forall era a u.
  ( Generic (PParamsHKD Identity era)
  , Generic (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
  , Updatable (Rep (PParamsHKD Identity era) a) (Rep (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era) u)
  ) =>
  PParams era ->
  PParamsUpdate era ->
  PParams era
genericApplyPPUpdates :: forall era a u.
(Generic (PParamsHKD Identity era),
 Generic (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era),
   (Rep (PParamsHKD Identity era) a)
   (Rep (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era) u)) =>
PParams era -> PParamsUpdate era -> PParams era
genericApplyPPUpdates (PParams PParamsHKD Identity era
a) (PParamsUpdate PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era
u) =
  forall era. PParamsHKD Identity era -> PParams era
PParams forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a x. Generic a => Rep a x -> a
to forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a u. Updatable a u => a -> u -> a
applyUpdate (forall a x. Generic a => a -> Rep a x
from @_ @a PParamsHKD Identity era
a) (forall a x. Generic a => a -> Rep a x
from @_ @u PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era

  ( Era era
  , Eq (PParamsHKD Identity era)
  , Ord (PParamsHKD Identity era)
  , Show (PParamsHKD Identity era)
  , NFData (PParamsHKD Identity era)
  , EncCBOR (PParamsHKD Identity era)
  , DecCBOR (PParamsHKD Identity era)
  , ToCBOR (PParamsHKD Identity era)
  , FromCBOR (PParamsHKD Identity era)
  , NoThunks (PParamsHKD Identity era)
  , ToJSON (PParamsHKD Identity era)
  , FromJSON (PParamsHKD Identity era)
  , Eq (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
  , Ord (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
  , Show (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
  , NFData (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
  , EncCBOR (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
  , DecCBOR (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
  , ToCBOR (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
  , FromCBOR (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
  , NoThunks (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
  , ToJSON (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
  ) =>
  EraPParams era
  -- | Protocol parameters where the fields are represented with a HKD
  type PParamsHKD (f :: Type -> Type) era = (r :: Type) | r -> era

  -- | Applies a protocol parameters update
  applyPPUpdates ::
    PParams era ->
    PParamsUpdate era ->
    PParams era
  default applyPPUpdates ::
    forall a u.
    ( Generic (PParamsHKD Identity era)
    , Generic (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
    , Updatable (Rep (PParamsHKD Identity era) a) (Rep (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era) u)
    ) =>
    PParams era ->
    PParamsUpdate era ->
    PParams era
  applyPPUpdates = forall era a u.
(Generic (PParamsHKD Identity era),
 Generic (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era),
   (Rep (PParamsHKD Identity era) a)
   (Rep (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era) u)) =>
PParams era -> PParamsUpdate era -> PParams era
genericApplyPPUpdates @_ @a @u

  emptyPParamsIdentity :: PParamsHKD Identity era
  emptyPParamsStrictMaybe :: PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era

  -- |
  type UpgradePParams (f :: Type -> Type) era :: Type

  type DowngradePParams (f :: Type -> Type) era :: Type

  -- | Upgrade PParams from previous era to the current one
  upgradePParamsHKD ::
    (HKDApplicative f, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
    UpgradePParams f era ->
    PParamsHKD f (PreviousEra era) ->
    PParamsHKD f era

  -- | Downgrade PParams from the current era to the previous one
  downgradePParamsHKD ::
    (HKDFunctor f, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
    DowngradePParams f era ->
    PParamsHKD f era ->
    PParamsHKD f (PreviousEra era)

  -- HKD Versions of lenses

  -- | The linear factor for the minimum fee calculation
  hkdMinFeeAL :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)

  -- | The constant factor for the minimum fee calculation
  hkdMinFeeBL :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)

  -- | Maximal block body size
  hkdMaxBBSizeL :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Word32)

  -- | Maximal transaction size
  hkdMaxTxSizeL :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Word32)

  -- | Maximal block header size
  hkdMaxBHSizeL :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Word16)

  -- | The amount of a key registration deposit
  hkdKeyDepositL :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)

  -- | The amount of a pool registration deposit
  hkdPoolDepositL :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)

  -- | epoch bound on pool retirement
  hkdEMaxL :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f EpochInterval)

  -- | Desired number of pools
  hkdNOptL :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Natural)

  -- | Pool influence
  hkdA0L :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f NonNegativeInterval)

  -- | Monetary expansion
  hkdRhoL :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f UnitInterval)

  -- | Treasury expansion
  hkdTauL :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f UnitInterval)

  -- | Decentralization parameter
  hkdDL :: (HKDFunctor f, ProtVerAtMost era 6) => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f UnitInterval)

  -- | Decentralization parameter getter
  ppDG :: SimpleGetter (PParams era) UnitInterval
  default ppDG :: ProtVerAtMost era 6 => SimpleGetter (PParams era) UnitInterval
  ppDG = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f, ProtVerAtMost era 6) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f UnitInterval)
hkdDL @era @Identity

  -- | Extra entropy
  hkdExtraEntropyL :: (HKDFunctor f, ProtVerAtMost era 6) => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Nonce)

  -- | Protocol version
  hkdProtocolVersionL ::
    (HKDFunctor f, ProtVerAtMost era 8) => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f ProtVer)

  ppProtocolVersionL :: Lens' (PParams era) ProtVer
  default ppProtocolVersionL :: ProtVerAtMost era 8 => Lens' (PParams era) ProtVer
  ppProtocolVersionL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f, ProtVerAtMost era 8) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f ProtVer)
hkdProtocolVersionL @era @Identity

  -- | PParamsUpdate Protocol version
  ppuProtocolVersionL :: ProtVerAtMost era 8 => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe ProtVer)
  ppuProtocolVersionL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f, ProtVerAtMost era 8) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f ProtVer)
hkdProtocolVersionL @era @StrictMaybe

  -- | Minimum UTxO value
  hkdMinUTxOValueL :: HKDFunctor f => ProtVerAtMost era 4 => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)

  -- | Minimum Stake Pool Cost
  hkdMinPoolCostL :: HKDFunctor f => Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)

emptyPParams :: EraPParams era => PParams era
emptyPParams :: forall era. EraPParams era => PParams era
emptyPParams = forall era. PParamsHKD Identity era -> PParams era
PParams forall era. EraPParams era => PParamsHKD Identity era

emptyPParamsUpdate :: EraPParams era => PParamsUpdate era
emptyPParamsUpdate :: forall era. EraPParams era => PParamsUpdate era
emptyPParamsUpdate = forall era. PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era -> PParamsUpdate era
PParamsUpdate forall era. EraPParams era => PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era

ppLens :: Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens :: forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens (\(PParams PParamsHKD Identity era
x) -> PParamsHKD Identity era
x) (\PParams era
_ PParamsHKD Identity era
pp -> forall era. PParamsHKD Identity era -> PParams era
PParams PParamsHKD Identity era

ppuLens :: Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens :: forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens = forall s a b t. (s -> a) -> (s -> b -> t) -> Lens s t a b
lens (\(PParamsUpdate PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era
x) -> PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era
x) (\PParamsUpdate era
_ PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era
pp -> forall era. PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era -> PParamsUpdate era
PParamsUpdate PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era

-- PParams versions of lenses

-- | The linear factor for the minimum fee calculation
ppMinFeeAL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Coin
ppMinFeeAL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Coin
ppMinFeeAL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)
hkdMinFeeAL @era @Identity

-- | The constant factor for the minimum fee calculation
ppMinFeeBL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Coin
ppMinFeeBL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Coin
ppMinFeeBL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)
hkdMinFeeBL @era @Identity

-- | Maximal block body size
ppMaxBBSizeL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Word32
ppMaxBBSizeL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Word32
ppMaxBBSizeL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Word32)
hkdMaxBBSizeL @era @Identity

-- | Maximal transaction size
ppMaxTxSizeL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Word32
ppMaxTxSizeL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Word32
ppMaxTxSizeL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Word32)
hkdMaxTxSizeL @era @Identity

-- | Maximal block header size
ppMaxBHSizeL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Word16
ppMaxBHSizeL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Word16
ppMaxBHSizeL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Word16)
hkdMaxBHSizeL @era @Identity

-- | The amount of a key registration deposit
ppKeyDepositL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Coin
ppKeyDepositL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Coin
ppKeyDepositL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)
hkdKeyDepositL @era @Identity

-- | The amount of a pool registration deposit
ppPoolDepositL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Coin
ppPoolDepositL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Coin
ppPoolDepositL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)
hkdPoolDepositL @era @Identity

-- | epoch bound on pool retirement
ppEMaxL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) EpochInterval
ppEMaxL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) EpochInterval
ppEMaxL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f EpochInterval)
hkdEMaxL @era @Identity

-- | Desired number of pools
ppNOptL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Natural
ppNOptL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Natural
ppNOptL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Natural)
hkdNOptL @era @Identity

-- | Pool influence
ppA0L :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) NonNegativeInterval
ppA0L :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParams era) NonNegativeInterval
ppA0L = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f NonNegativeInterval)
hkdA0L @era @Identity

-- | Monetary expansion
ppRhoL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) UnitInterval
ppRhoL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) UnitInterval
ppRhoL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f UnitInterval)
hkdRhoL @era @Identity

-- | Treasury expansion
ppTauL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) UnitInterval
ppTauL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) UnitInterval
ppTauL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f UnitInterval)
hkdTauL @era @Identity

-- | Decentralization parameter
ppDL :: forall era. (EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 6) => Lens' (PParams era) UnitInterval
ppDL :: forall era.
(EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 6) =>
Lens' (PParams era) UnitInterval
ppDL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f, ProtVerAtMost era 6) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f UnitInterval)
hkdDL @era @Identity

-- | Extra entropy
ppExtraEntropyL :: forall era. (EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 6) => Lens' (PParams era) Nonce
ppExtraEntropyL :: forall era.
(EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 6) =>
Lens' (PParams era) Nonce
ppExtraEntropyL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f, ProtVerAtMost era 6) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Nonce)
hkdExtraEntropyL @era @Identity

-- | Minimum UTxO value
ppMinUTxOValueL :: forall era. (EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 4) => Lens' (PParams era) Coin
ppMinUTxOValueL :: forall era.
(EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 4) =>
Lens' (PParams era) Coin
ppMinUTxOValueL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f, ProtVerAtMost era 4) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)
hkdMinUTxOValueL @era @Identity

-- | Minimum Stake Pool Cost
ppMinPoolCostL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Coin
ppMinPoolCostL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParams era) Coin
ppMinPoolCostL = forall era. Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsHKD Identity era)
ppLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)
hkdMinPoolCostL @era @Identity

-- PParamsUpdate versions of lenses

-- | The linear factor for the minimum fee calculation
ppuMinFeeAL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Coin)
ppuMinFeeAL :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Coin)
ppuMinFeeAL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)
hkdMinFeeAL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | The constant factor for the minimum fee calculation
ppuMinFeeBL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Coin)
ppuMinFeeBL :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Coin)
ppuMinFeeBL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)
hkdMinFeeBL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | Maximal block body size
ppuMaxBBSizeL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Word32)
ppuMaxBBSizeL :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Word32)
ppuMaxBBSizeL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Word32)
hkdMaxBBSizeL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | Maximal transaction size
ppuMaxTxSizeL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Word32)
ppuMaxTxSizeL :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Word32)
ppuMaxTxSizeL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Word32)
hkdMaxTxSizeL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | Maximal block header size
ppuMaxBHSizeL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Word16)
ppuMaxBHSizeL :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Word16)
ppuMaxBHSizeL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Word16)
hkdMaxBHSizeL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | The amount of a key registration deposit
ppuKeyDepositL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Coin)
ppuKeyDepositL :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Coin)
ppuKeyDepositL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)
hkdKeyDepositL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | The amount of a pool registration deposit
ppuPoolDepositL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Coin)
ppuPoolDepositL :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Coin)
ppuPoolDepositL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)
hkdPoolDepositL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | epoch bound on pool retirement
ppuEMaxL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe EpochInterval)
ppuEMaxL :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe EpochInterval)
ppuEMaxL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f EpochInterval)
hkdEMaxL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | Desired number of pools
ppuNOptL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Natural)
ppuNOptL :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Natural)
ppuNOptL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Natural)
hkdNOptL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | Pool influence
ppuA0L :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe NonNegativeInterval)
ppuA0L :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe NonNegativeInterval)
ppuA0L = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f NonNegativeInterval)
hkdA0L @era @StrictMaybe

-- | Monetary expansion
ppuRhoL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe UnitInterval)
ppuRhoL :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe UnitInterval)
ppuRhoL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f UnitInterval)
hkdRhoL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | Treasury expansion
ppuTauL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe UnitInterval)
ppuTauL :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe UnitInterval)
ppuTauL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f UnitInterval)
hkdTauL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | Decentralization parameter
ppuDL ::
  forall era.
  (EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 6) =>
  Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe UnitInterval)
ppuDL :: forall era.
(EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 6) =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe UnitInterval)
ppuDL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f, ProtVerAtMost era 6) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f UnitInterval)
hkdDL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | Extra entropy
ppuExtraEntropyL ::
  forall era.
  (EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 6) =>
  Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Nonce)
ppuExtraEntropyL :: forall era.
(EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 6) =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Nonce)
ppuExtraEntropyL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f, ProtVerAtMost era 6) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Nonce)
hkdExtraEntropyL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | Minimum UTxO value
ppuMinUTxOValueL ::
  forall era.
  (EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 4) =>
  Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Coin)
ppuMinUTxOValueL :: forall era.
(EraPParams era, ProtVerAtMost era 4) =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Coin)
ppuMinUTxOValueL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f, ProtVerAtMost era 4) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)
hkdMinUTxOValueL @era @StrictMaybe

-- | Minimum Stake Pool Cost
ppuMinPoolCostL :: forall era. EraPParams era => Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Coin)
ppuMinPoolCostL :: forall era.
EraPParams era =>
Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe Coin)
ppuMinPoolCostL = forall era. Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era)
ppuLens forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f) =>
Lens' (PParamsHKD f era) (HKD f Coin)
hkdMinPoolCostL @era @StrictMaybe

mapPParams :: (PParamsHKD Identity era1 -> PParamsHKD Identity era2) -> PParams era1 -> PParams era2
mapPParams :: forall era1 era2.
(PParamsHKD Identity era1 -> PParamsHKD Identity era2)
-> PParams era1 -> PParams era2
mapPParams PParamsHKD Identity era1 -> PParamsHKD Identity era2
f (PParams PParamsHKD Identity era1
pp) = forall era. PParamsHKD Identity era -> PParams era
PParams forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PParamsHKD Identity era1 -> PParamsHKD Identity era2
f PParamsHKD Identity era1

mapPParamsUpdate ::
  (PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era1 -> PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era2) ->
  PParamsUpdate era1 ->
  PParamsUpdate era2
mapPParamsUpdate :: forall era1 era2.
(PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era1 -> PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era2)
-> PParamsUpdate era1 -> PParamsUpdate era2
mapPParamsUpdate PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era1 -> PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era2
f (PParamsUpdate PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era1
pp) = forall era. PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era -> PParamsUpdate era
PParamsUpdate forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era1 -> PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era2
f PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era1

upgradePParams ::
  (EraPParams era, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
  UpgradePParams Identity era ->
  PParams (PreviousEra era) ->
  PParams era
upgradePParams :: forall era.
(EraPParams era, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
UpgradePParams Identity era
-> PParams (PreviousEra era) -> PParams era
upgradePParams UpgradePParams Identity era
args (PParams PParamsHKD Identity (PreviousEra era)
pphkd) =
  forall era. PParamsHKD Identity era -> PParams era
PParams (forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDApplicative f, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
UpgradePParams f era
-> PParamsHKD f (PreviousEra era) -> PParamsHKD f era
upgradePParamsHKD @_ @Identity UpgradePParams Identity era
args PParamsHKD Identity (PreviousEra era)

downgradePParams ::
  (EraPParams era, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
  DowngradePParams Identity era ->
  PParams era ->
  PParams (PreviousEra era)
downgradePParams :: forall era.
(EraPParams era, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
DowngradePParams Identity era
-> PParams era -> PParams (PreviousEra era)
downgradePParams DowngradePParams Identity era
args (PParams PParamsHKD Identity era
pphkd) =
  forall era. PParamsHKD Identity era -> PParams era
PParams (forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
DowngradePParams f era
-> PParamsHKD f era -> PParamsHKD f (PreviousEra era)
downgradePParamsHKD @_ @Identity DowngradePParams Identity era
args PParamsHKD Identity era

upgradePParamsUpdate ::
  (EraPParams era, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
  UpgradePParams StrictMaybe era ->
  PParamsUpdate (PreviousEra era) ->
  PParamsUpdate era
upgradePParamsUpdate :: forall era.
(EraPParams era, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
UpgradePParams StrictMaybe era
-> PParamsUpdate (PreviousEra era) -> PParamsUpdate era
upgradePParamsUpdate UpgradePParams StrictMaybe era
args (PParamsUpdate PParamsHKD StrictMaybe (PreviousEra era)
pphkd) =
  forall era. PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era -> PParamsUpdate era
PParamsUpdate (forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDApplicative f, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
UpgradePParams f era
-> PParamsHKD f (PreviousEra era) -> PParamsHKD f era
upgradePParamsHKD @_ @StrictMaybe UpgradePParams StrictMaybe era
args PParamsHKD StrictMaybe (PreviousEra era)

downgradePParamsUpdate ::
  (EraPParams era, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
  DowngradePParams StrictMaybe era ->
  PParamsUpdate era ->
  PParamsUpdate (PreviousEra era)
downgradePParamsUpdate :: forall era.
(EraPParams era, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
DowngradePParams StrictMaybe era
-> PParamsUpdate era -> PParamsUpdate (PreviousEra era)
downgradePParamsUpdate DowngradePParams StrictMaybe era
args (PParamsUpdate PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era
pphkd) =
  forall era. PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era -> PParamsUpdate era
PParamsUpdate (forall era (f :: * -> *).
(EraPParams era, HKDFunctor f, EraPParams (PreviousEra era)) =>
DowngradePParams f era
-> PParamsHKD f era -> PParamsHKD f (PreviousEra era)
downgradePParamsHKD @_ @StrictMaybe DowngradePParams StrictMaybe era
args PParamsHKD StrictMaybe era

-- =====================================================================================
-- Tools for building ToPlutusData instances for (PParamUpdates era).

-- | Pair the tag, and exisitenially hide the type of the lens for the field with that Lens'
data PParam era where
  PParam :: ToPlutusData t => Word -> Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe t) -> PParam era

-- | Turn a list into a Map, this assures we have no duplicates.
makePParamMap :: [PParam era] -> Map Word (PParam era)
makePParamMap :: forall era. [PParam era] -> Map Word (PParam era)
makePParamMap [PParam era]
xs = forall k a. Ord k => [(k, a)] -> Map k a
Map.fromList [(Word
n, PParam era
p) | p :: PParam era
p@(PParam Word
n Lens' (PParamsUpdate era) (StrictMaybe t)
_) <- [PParam era]