data Constants Source #
minimal number of transaction inputs to select
maximal number of transaction inputs to select
Relative frequency of generated credential registration certificates
Relative frequency of generated pool registration certificates
Relative frequency of generated delegation certificates
Relative frequency of generated genesis delegation certificates
Relative frequency of generated credential de-registration certificates
Relative frequency of generated pool retirement certificates
Relative frequency of generated MIR certificates
Relative frequency of script credentials in credential registration certificates
Relative frequency of key credentials in credential registration certificates
Relative frequency of script credentials in credential de-registration certificates
Relative frequency of key credentials in credential de-registration certificates
Relative frequency of script credentials in credential delegation certificates
Relative frequency of key credentials in credential delegation certificates
Relative frequency of Prototol/Application Updates in a transaction
Relative frequency of Metadata in a transaction
minimal number of genesis UTxO outputs
maximal number of genesis UTxO outputs
minimal coin value for generated genesis outputs
maximal coin value for generated genesis outputs
maximal number of certificates per transaction
maximal number of Txs per block
Number of generated keypairs
Number of base scripts from which multi sig scripts are built.
Number of simple scripts which appear in the choices, the remainder are compound (MofN, All, Any, etc.) scripts
Relative frequency that a transaction does not include any reward withdrawals
Relative frequency that a transaction includes a small number of reward withdrawals, bounded by maxAFewWithdrawals.
Maximum number of reward withdrawals that counts as a small number.
Relative frequency that a transaction includes any positive number of reward withdrawals
Minimal slot for CHAIN trace generation.
Maximal slot for CHAIN trace generation.
Lower bound of the MaxEpoch protocol parameter
When generating Tx, we want the UTxO size to fluctuate around this point. If it gets too small, we can't balance the fee, too large it gets too complicated.
If we need to grow the Utxo when generating a Tx, how much should it grow by.
Defined in Test.Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Constants
showsPrec ∷ Int → Constants → ShowS #
show ∷ Constants → String #
showList ∷ [Constants] → ShowS #
defaultConstants ∷ Constants Source #