Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- data ShelleyBBODY era
- data ShelleyBbodyState era = BbodyState !(State (EraRule "LEDGERS" era)) !BlocksMade
- data BbodyEnv era = BbodyEnv {
- bbodyPp ∷ PParams era
- bbodyAccount ∷ AccountState
- data ShelleyBbodyPredFailure era
- = WrongBlockBodySizeBBODY (Mismatch 'RelEQ Int)
- | InvalidBodyHashBBODY (Mismatch 'RelEQ (Hash HASH EraIndependentBlockBody))
- | LedgersFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "LEDGERS" era))
- newtype ShelleyBbodyEvent era = LedgersEvent (Event (EraRule "LEDGERS" era))
- type family PredicateFailure a
- type family State a
- data ShelleyDELEG era
- data DelegEnv era = DelegEnv {
- slotNo ∷ SlotNo
- deCurEpochNo ∷ EpochNo
- ptr_ ∷ Ptr
- acnt_ ∷ AccountState
- ppDE ∷ PParams era
- type family PredicateFailure a
- data ShelleyDelegPredFailure era
- = StakeKeyAlreadyRegisteredDELEG (Credential 'Staking)
- | StakeKeyNotRegisteredDELEG (Credential 'Staking)
- | StakeKeyNonZeroAccountBalanceDELEG Coin
- | StakeDelegationImpossibleDELEG (Credential 'Staking)
- | WrongCertificateTypeDELEG
- | GenesisKeyNotInMappingDELEG (KeyHash 'Genesis)
- | DuplicateGenesisDelegateDELEG (KeyHash 'GenesisDelegate)
- | InsufficientForInstantaneousRewardsDELEG MIRPot (Mismatch 'RelLTEQ Coin)
- | MIRCertificateTooLateinEpochDELEG (Mismatch 'RelLT SlotNo)
- | DuplicateGenesisVRFDELEG (VRFVerKeyHash 'GenDelegVRF)
- | MIRTransferNotCurrentlyAllowed
- | MIRNegativesNotCurrentlyAllowed
- | InsufficientForTransferDELEG MIRPot (Mismatch 'RelLTEQ Coin)
- | MIRProducesNegativeUpdate
- | MIRNegativeTransfer MIRPot Coin
- newtype ShelleyDelegEvent era = DelegNewEpoch EpochNo
- data ShelleyDELEGS era
- data DelegsEnv era = DelegsEnv {
- delegsSlotNo ∷ SlotNo
- delegsEpochNo ∷ EpochNo
- delegsIx ∷ TxIx
- delegspp ∷ PParams era
- delegsTx ∷ Tx era
- delegsAccount ∷ AccountState
- data ShelleyDelegsPredFailure era
- = DelegateeNotRegisteredDELEG (KeyHash 'StakePool)
- | WithdrawalsNotInRewardsDELEGS (Map RewardAccount Coin)
- | DelplFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "DELPL" era))
- newtype ShelleyDelegsEvent era = DelplEvent (Event (EraRule "DELPL" era))
- type family PredicateFailure a
- validateZeroRewards ∷ ∀ era. DState era → Withdrawals → Network → Test (Map RewardAccount Coin)
- validateStakePoolDelegateeRegistered ∷ PState era → KeyHash 'StakePool → Test (KeyHash 'StakePool)
- drainWithdrawals ∷ DState era → Withdrawals → DState era
- data ShelleyDELPL era
- data DelplEnv era = DelplEnv {}
- data ShelleyDelplPredFailure era
- = PoolFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "POOL" era))
- | DelegFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "DELEG" era))
- data ShelleyDelplEvent era
- type family PredicateFailure a
- data ShelleyLEDGER era
- data LedgerEnv era = LedgerEnv {}
- ledgerSlotNoL ∷ Lens' (LedgerEnv era) SlotNo
- ledgerEpochNoL ∷ Lens' (LedgerEnv era) (Maybe EpochNo)
- ledgerIxL ∷ Lens' (LedgerEnv era) TxIx
- ledgerPpL ∷ Lens' (LedgerEnv era) (PParams era)
- ledgerAccountL ∷ Lens' (LedgerEnv era) AccountState
- data ShelleyLedgerPredFailure era
- = UtxowFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "UTXOW" era))
- | DelegsFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "DELEGS" era))
- data ShelleyLedgerEvent era
- = UtxowEvent (Event (EraRule "UTXOW" era))
- | DelegsEvent (Event (EraRule "DELEGS" era))
- type family Event a
- type family PredicateFailure a
- epochFromSlot ∷ SlotNo → Reader Globals EpochNo
- renderDepositEqualsObligationViolation ∷ (EraTx era, EraGov era, Environment t ~ LedgerEnv era, Signal t ~ Tx era, State t ~ LedgerState era) ⇒ AssertionViolation t → String
- shelleyLedgerAssertions ∷ (EraGov era, State (rule era) ~ LedgerState era) ⇒ [Assertion (rule era)]
- data ShelleyLEDGERS era
- data ShelleyLedgersEnv era = LedgersEnv {}
- newtype ShelleyLedgersPredFailure era = LedgerFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "LEDGER" era))
- newtype ShelleyLedgersEvent era = LedgerEvent (Event (EraRule "LEDGER" era))
- type family PredicateFailure a
- data ShelleyPOOL era
- data PoolEvent era
- data PoolEnv era = PoolEnv EpochNo (PParams era)
- type family PredicateFailure a
- data ShelleyPoolPredFailure era
- = StakePoolNotRegisteredOnKeyPOOL (KeyHash 'StakePool)
- | StakePoolRetirementWrongEpochPOOL (Mismatch 'RelGT EpochNo) (Mismatch 'RelLTEQ EpochNo)
- | StakePoolCostTooLowPOOL (Mismatch 'RelGTEQ Coin)
- | WrongNetworkPOOL (Mismatch 'RelEQ Network) (KeyHash 'StakePool)
- | PoolMedataHashTooBig (KeyHash 'StakePool) Int
- data ShelleyPPUP era
- data PpupEnv era = PPUPEnv SlotNo (PParams era) GenDelegs
- data ShelleyPpupPredFailure era
- data ShelleyGovState era = ShelleyGovState {
- sgsCurProposals ∷ !(ProposedPPUpdates era)
- sgsFutureProposals ∷ !(ProposedPPUpdates era)
- sgsCurPParams ∷ !(PParams era)
- sgsPrevPParams ∷ !(PParams era)
- sgsFuturePParams ∷ !(FuturePParams era)
- newtype PpupEvent era = PpupNewEpoch EpochNo
- type family PredicateFailure a
- data VotingPeriod
- votedFuturePParams ∷ ∀ era. EraPParams era ⇒ ProposedPPUpdates era → PParams era → Word64 → Maybe (PParams era)
- data ShelleyUTXO era
- data UtxoEnv era = UtxoEnv {}
- data ShelleyUtxoPredFailure era
- = BadInputsUTxO (Set TxIn)
- | ExpiredUTxO (Mismatch 'RelLTEQ SlotNo)
- | MaxTxSizeUTxO (Mismatch 'RelLTEQ Integer)
- | InputSetEmptyUTxO
- | FeeTooSmallUTxO (Mismatch 'RelGTEQ Coin)
- | ValueNotConservedUTxO (Mismatch 'RelEQ (Value era))
- | WrongNetwork Network (Set Addr)
- | WrongNetworkWithdrawal Network (Set RewardAccount)
- | OutputTooSmallUTxO [TxOut era]
- | UpdateFailure (EraRuleFailure "PPUP" era)
- | OutputBootAddrAttrsTooBig [TxOut era]
- data UtxoEvent era
- = TotalDeposits (SafeHash EraIndependentTxBody) Coin
- | UpdateEvent (Event (EraRule "PPUP" era))
- | TxUTxODiff (UTxO era) (UTxO era)
- type family PredicateFailure a
- updateUTxOState ∷ (EraTxBody era, Monad m) ⇒ PParams era → UTxOState era → TxBody era → CertState era → GovState era → (Coin → m ()) → (UTxO era → UTxO era → m ()) → m (UTxOState era)
- validateInputSetEmptyUTxO ∷ EraTxBody era ⇒ TxBody era → Test (ShelleyUtxoPredFailure era)
- validateFeeTooSmallUTxO ∷ EraUTxO era ⇒ PParams era → Tx era → UTxO era → Test (ShelleyUtxoPredFailure era)
- validateBadInputsUTxO ∷ UTxO era → Set TxIn → Test (ShelleyUtxoPredFailure era)
- validateWrongNetwork ∷ (EraTxOut era, Foldable f) ⇒ Network → f (TxOut era) → Test (ShelleyUtxoPredFailure era)
- validateWrongNetworkWithdrawal ∷ EraTxBody era ⇒ Network → TxBody era → Test (ShelleyUtxoPredFailure era)
- validateOutputBootAddrAttrsTooBig ∷ (EraTxOut era, Foldable f) ⇒ f (TxOut era) → Test (ShelleyUtxoPredFailure era)
- validateMaxTxSizeUTxO ∷ EraTx era ⇒ PParams era → Tx era → Test (ShelleyUtxoPredFailure era)
- validateValueNotConservedUTxO ∷ EraUTxO era ⇒ PParams era → UTxO era → CertState era → TxBody era → Test (ShelleyUtxoPredFailure era)
- utxoEnvSlotL ∷ Lens' (UtxoEnv era) SlotNo
- utxoEnvPParamsL ∷ Lens' (UtxoEnv era) (PParams era)
- utxoEnvCertStateL ∷ Lens' (UtxoEnv era) (CertState era)
- data ShelleyUTXOW era
- data ShelleyUtxowPredFailure era
- = InvalidWitnessesUTXOW [VKey 'Witness]
- | MissingVKeyWitnessesUTXOW (Set (KeyHash 'Witness))
- | MissingScriptWitnessesUTXOW (Set ScriptHash)
- | ScriptWitnessNotValidatingUTXOW (Set ScriptHash)
- | UtxoFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "UTXO" era))
- | MIRInsufficientGenesisSigsUTXOW (Set (KeyHash 'Witness))
- | MissingTxBodyMetadataHash TxAuxDataHash
- | MissingTxMetadata TxAuxDataHash
- | ConflictingMetadataHash (Mismatch 'RelEQ TxAuxDataHash)
- | InvalidMetadata
- | ExtraneousScriptWitnessesUTXOW (Set ScriptHash)
- newtype ShelleyUtxowEvent era = UtxoEvent (Event (EraRule "UTXO" era))
- type family PredicateFailure a
- transitionRulesUTXOW ∷ ∀ era. (EraUTxO era, ShelleyEraTxBody era, ScriptsNeeded era ~ ShelleyScriptsNeeded era, BaseM (EraRule "UTXOW" era) ~ ShelleyBase, Embed (EraRule "UTXO" era) (EraRule "UTXOW" era), Environment (EraRule "UTXO" era) ~ UtxoEnv era, State (EraRule "UTXO" era) ~ UTxOState era, Signal (EraRule "UTXO" era) ~ Tx era, Environment (EraRule "UTXOW" era) ~ UtxoEnv era, State (EraRule "UTXOW" era) ~ UTxOState era, Signal (EraRule "UTXOW" era) ~ Tx era, InjectRuleFailure "UTXOW" ShelleyUtxowPredFailure era, STS (EraRule "UTXOW" era)) ⇒ TransitionRule (EraRule "UTXOW" era)
- validateFailedNativeScripts ∷ EraTx era ⇒ ScriptsProvided era → Tx era → Test (ShelleyUtxowPredFailure era)
- validateMissingScripts ∷ ShelleyScriptsNeeded era → ScriptsProvided era → Test (ShelleyUtxowPredFailure era)
- validateVerifiedWits ∷ EraTx era ⇒ Tx era → Test (ShelleyUtxowPredFailure era)
- validateMetadata ∷ EraTx era ⇒ PParams era → Tx era → Test (ShelleyUtxowPredFailure era)
- validateMIRInsufficientGenesisSigs ∷ (EraTx era, ShelleyEraTxBody era) ⇒ GenDelegs → Word64 → Set (KeyHash 'Witness) → Tx era → Test (ShelleyUtxowPredFailure era)
- validateNeededWitnesses ∷ EraUTxO era ⇒ Set (KeyHash 'Witness) → CertState era → UTxO era → TxBody era → Test (ShelleyUtxowPredFailure era)
- data ShelleyEPOCH era
- data ShelleyEpochPredFailure era
- = PoolReapFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "POOLREAP" era))
- | SnapFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "SNAP" era))
- | UpecFailure (UpecPredFailure era)
- data ShelleyEpochEvent era
- type family PredicateFailure a
- type UpecPredFailure era = UpecPredFailurePV (ProtVerLow era) era
- data ShelleyNEWEPOCH era
- data ShelleyNewEpochPredFailure era
- = EpochFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "EPOCH" era))
- | CorruptRewardUpdate RewardUpdate
- | MirFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "MIR" era))
- data ShelleyNewEpochEvent era
- = DeltaRewardEvent (Event (EraRule "RUPD" era))
- | RestrainedRewards EpochNo (Map (Credential 'Staking) (Set Reward)) (Set (Credential 'Staking))
- | TotalRewardEvent EpochNo (Map (Credential 'Staking) (Set Reward))
- | EpochEvent (Event (EraRule "EPOCH" era))
- | MirEvent (Event (EraRule "MIR" era))
- | TotalAdaPotsEvent AdaPots
- type family PredicateFailure a
- updateRewards ∷ EraGov era ⇒ EpochState era → EpochNo → RewardUpdate → Rule (ShelleyNEWEPOCH era) 'Transition (EpochState era)
- calculatePoolDistr ∷ SnapShot → PoolDistr
- calculatePoolDistr' ∷ (KeyHash 'StakePool → Bool) → SnapShot → PoolDistr
- data ShelleyRUPD era
- data RupdEnv era = RupdEnv BlocksMade (EpochState era)
- type family PredicateFailure a
- data ShelleyRupdPredFailure era
- epochInfoRange ∷ Monad m ⇒ EpochInfo m → EpochNo → m (SlotNo, SlotNo)
- data PulsingRewUpdate
- startStep ∷ ∀ era. EraGov era ⇒ EpochSize → BlocksMade → EpochState era → Coin → ActiveSlotCoeff → NonZero Word64 → PulsingRewUpdate
- pulseStep ∷ PulsingRewUpdate → ShelleyBase (PulsingRewUpdate, RewardEvent)
- completeStep ∷ PulsingRewUpdate → ShelleyBase (PulsingRewUpdate, RewardEvent)
- lift ∷ (MonadTrans t, Monad m) ⇒ m a → t m a
- newtype Identity a = Identity {
- runIdentity ∷ a
- data RupdEvent = RupdEvent !EpochNo !(Map (Credential 'Staking) (Set Reward))
- data ShelleySNAP era
- type family PredicateFailure a
- data ShelleySnapPredFailure era
- newtype SnapEvent era = StakeDistEvent (Map (Credential 'Staking) (Coin, KeyHash 'StakePool))
- data SnapEnv era = SnapEnv (LedgerState era) (PParams era)
- data ShelleyTICK era
- type family State a
- data ShelleyTickPredFailure era
- = NewEpochFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "NEWEPOCH" era))
- | RupdFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "RUPD" era))
- data ShelleyTickEvent era
- = TickNewEpochEvent (Event (EraRule "NEWEPOCH" era))
- | TickRupdEvent (Event (EraRule "RUPD" era))
- type family PredicateFailure a
- adoptGenesisDelegs ∷ EpochState era → SlotNo → EpochState era
- data ShelleyTICKF era
- data ShelleyTickfPredFailure era
- validatingTickTransition ∷ ∀ tick era. (EraGov era, Embed (EraRule "NEWEPOCH" era) (tick era), STS (tick era), State (tick era) ~ NewEpochState era, BaseM (tick era) ~ ShelleyBase, Environment (EraRule "NEWEPOCH" era) ~ (), State (EraRule "NEWEPOCH" era) ~ NewEpochState era, Signal (EraRule "NEWEPOCH" era) ~ EpochNo) ⇒ NewEpochState era → SlotNo → TransitionRule (tick era)
- validatingTickTransitionFORECAST ∷ ∀ tick era. (State (tick era) ~ NewEpochState era, BaseM (tick era) ~ ShelleyBase, State (EraRule "UPEC" era) ~ UpecState era, Signal (EraRule "UPEC" era) ~ (), Environment (EraRule "UPEC" era) ~ LedgerState era, Embed (EraRule "UPEC" era) (tick era), STS (tick era), GovState era ~ ShelleyGovState era, EraGov era) ⇒ NewEpochState era → SlotNo → TransitionRule (tick era)
- solidifyNextEpochPParams ∷ EraGov era ⇒ NewEpochState era → SlotNo → ShelleyBase (EpochNo, NewEpochState era)
- data ShelleyUPEC era
- data UpecState era = UpecState {
- usCurPParams ∷ !(PParams era)
- usGovState ∷ !(ShelleyGovState era)
- newtype ShelleyUpecPredFailure era = NewPpFailure (PredicateFailure (ShelleyNEWPP era))
- data ShelleyMIR era
- type family PredicateFailure a
- data ShelleyMirPredFailure era
- data ShelleyMirEvent era
- emptyInstantaneousRewards ∷ InstantaneousRewards
- data ShelleyNEWPP era
- data ShelleyNewppState era = NewppState (PParams era) (ShelleyGovState era)
- data NewppEnv era = NewppEnv {
- neCertState ∷ CertState era
- neUTxOState ∷ UTxOState era
- type family PredicateFailure a
- data ShelleyPOOLREAP era
- data ShelleyPoolreapEvent era = RetiredPools {
- refundPools ∷ Map (Credential 'Staking) (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Coin)
- unclaimedPools ∷ Map (Credential 'Staking) (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Coin)
- epochNo ∷ EpochNo
- data ShelleyPoolreapState era = PoolreapState {
- prUTxOSt ∷ UTxOState era
- prAccountState ∷ AccountState
- prDState ∷ DState era
- prPState ∷ PState era
- newtype ShelleyPoolreapEnv era = ShelleyPoolreapEnv {}
- type family PredicateFailure a
- data ShelleyPoolreapPredFailure era
data ShelleyBBODY era Source #
data ShelleyBbodyState era Source #
BbodyState !(State (EraRule "LEDGERS" era)) !BlocksMade |
Show (State (EraRule "LEDGERS" era)) ⇒ Show (ShelleyBbodyState era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Bbody Methods showsPrec ∷ Int → ShelleyBbodyState era → ShowS # show ∷ ShelleyBbodyState era → String # showList ∷ [ShelleyBbodyState era] → ShowS # | |
Eq (State (EraRule "LEDGERS" era)) ⇒ Eq (ShelleyBbodyState era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Bbody Methods (==) ∷ ShelleyBbodyState era → ShelleyBbodyState era → Bool # (/=) ∷ ShelleyBbodyState era → ShelleyBbodyState era → Bool # |
BbodyEnv | |
data ShelleyBbodyPredFailure era Source #
WrongBlockBodySizeBBODY (Mismatch 'RelEQ Int) |
InvalidBodyHashBBODY (Mismatch 'RelEQ (Hash HASH EraIndependentBlockBody)) |
LedgersFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "LEDGERS" era)) |
newtype ShelleyBbodyEvent era Source #
LedgersEvent (Event (EraRule "LEDGERS" era)) |
type family PredicateFailure a Source #
Descriptive type for the possible failures which might cause a transition to fail.
As a convention, PredicateFailure
s which are "structural" (meaning that
they are not "throwable" in practice, and are used to pass control from
one transition rule to another) are prefixed with S_
Structural PredicateFailure
s represent conditions between rules where
the disjunction of all rules' preconditions is equal to True
. That is,
either one rule will throw a structural PredicateFailure
and the other
will succeed, or vice-versa.
Type of the state which the system transitions between.
data ShelleyDELEG era Source #
DelegEnv | |
Generic (DelegEnv era) Source # | |
Show (PParams era) ⇒ Show (DelegEnv era) Source # | |
NFData (PParams era) ⇒ NFData (DelegEnv era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Deleg | |
Eq (PParams era) ⇒ Eq (DelegEnv era) Source # | |
type Rep (DelegEnv era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Deleg type Rep (DelegEnv era) = D1 ('MetaData "DelegEnv" "Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Deleg" "cardano-ledger-shelley-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "DelegEnv" 'PrefixI 'True) ((S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "slotNo") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 SlotNo) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "deCurEpochNo") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 EpochNo)) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "ptr_") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 Ptr) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "acnt_") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 AccountState) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "ppDE") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (PParams era)))))) |
type family PredicateFailure a Source #
Descriptive type for the possible failures which might cause a transition to fail.
As a convention, PredicateFailure
s which are "structural" (meaning that
they are not "throwable" in practice, and are used to pass control from
one transition rule to another) are prefixed with S_
Structural PredicateFailure
s represent conditions between rules where
the disjunction of all rules' preconditions is equal to True
. That is,
either one rule will throw a structural PredicateFailure
and the other
will succeed, or vice-versa.
data ShelleyDelegPredFailure era Source #
newtype ShelleyDelegEvent era Source #
DelegNewEpoch EpochNo |
data ShelleyDELEGS era Source #
DelegsEnv | |
data ShelleyDelegsPredFailure era Source #
DelegateeNotRegisteredDELEG (KeyHash 'StakePool) | Target pool which is not registered |
WithdrawalsNotInRewardsDELEGS (Map RewardAccount Coin) | Withdrawals that are missing or do not withdrawal the entire amount |
DelplFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "DELPL" era)) | Subtransition Failures |
newtype ShelleyDelegsEvent era Source #
DelplEvent (Event (EraRule "DELPL" era)) |
type family PredicateFailure a Source #
Descriptive type for the possible failures which might cause a transition to fail.
As a convention, PredicateFailure
s which are "structural" (meaning that
they are not "throwable" in practice, and are used to pass control from
one transition rule to another) are prefixed with S_
Structural PredicateFailure
s represent conditions between rules where
the disjunction of all rules' preconditions is equal to True
. That is,
either one rule will throw a structural PredicateFailure
and the other
will succeed, or vice-versa.
validateZeroRewards ∷ ∀ era. DState era → Withdrawals → Network → Test (Map RewardAccount Coin) Source #
validateStakePoolDelegateeRegistered ∷ PState era → KeyHash 'StakePool → Test (KeyHash 'StakePool) Source #
drainWithdrawals ∷ DState era → Withdrawals → DState era Source #
data ShelleyDELPL era Source #
DelplEnv | |
data ShelleyDelplPredFailure era Source #
PoolFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "POOL" era)) | |
DelegFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "DELEG" era)) |
data ShelleyDelplEvent era Source #
type family PredicateFailure a Source #
Descriptive type for the possible failures which might cause a transition to fail.
As a convention, PredicateFailure
s which are "structural" (meaning that
they are not "throwable" in practice, and are used to pass control from
one transition rule to another) are prefixed with S_
Structural PredicateFailure
s represent conditions between rules where
the disjunction of all rules' preconditions is equal to True
. That is,
either one rule will throw a structural PredicateFailure
and the other
will succeed, or vice-versa.
data ShelleyLEDGER era Source #
LedgerEnv | |
Generic (LedgerEnv era) Source # | |
Show (PParams era) ⇒ Show (LedgerEnv era) Source # | |
EraPParams era ⇒ EncCBOR (LedgerEnv era) Source # | |
NFData (PParams era) ⇒ NFData (LedgerEnv era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Ledger | |
Eq (PParams era) ⇒ Eq (LedgerEnv era) Source # | |
type Rep (LedgerEnv era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Ledger type Rep (LedgerEnv era) = D1 ('MetaData "LedgerEnv" "Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Ledger" "cardano-ledger-shelley-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "LedgerEnv" 'PrefixI 'True) ((S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "ledgerSlotNo") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 SlotNo) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "ledgerEpochNo") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Maybe EpochNo))) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "ledgerIx") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 TxIx) :*: (S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "ledgerPp") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (PParams era)) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Just "ledgerAccount") 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 AccountState))))) |
ledgerAccountL ∷ Lens' (LedgerEnv era) AccountState Source #
data ShelleyLedgerPredFailure era Source #
UtxowFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "UTXOW" era)) | |
DelegsFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "DELEGS" era)) |
data ShelleyLedgerEvent era Source #
UtxowEvent (Event (EraRule "UTXOW" era)) | |
DelegsEvent (Event (EraRule "DELEGS" era)) |
Event type.
type family PredicateFailure a Source #
Descriptive type for the possible failures which might cause a transition to fail.
As a convention, PredicateFailure
s which are "structural" (meaning that
they are not "throwable" in practice, and are used to pass control from
one transition rule to another) are prefixed with S_
Structural PredicateFailure
s represent conditions between rules where
the disjunction of all rules' preconditions is equal to True
. That is,
either one rule will throw a structural PredicateFailure
and the other
will succeed, or vice-versa.
renderDepositEqualsObligationViolation ∷ (EraTx era, EraGov era, Environment t ~ LedgerEnv era, Signal t ~ Tx era, State t ~ LedgerState era) ⇒ AssertionViolation t → String Source #
shelleyLedgerAssertions ∷ (EraGov era, State (rule era) ~ LedgerState era) ⇒ [Assertion (rule era)] Source #
data ShelleyLEDGERS era Source #
data ShelleyLedgersEnv era Source #
LedgersEnv | |
Fields |
newtype ShelleyLedgersPredFailure era Source #
LedgerFailure (PredicateFailure (EraRule "LEDGER" era)) |
newtype ShelleyLedgersEvent era Source #
LedgerEvent (Event (EraRule "LEDGER" era)) |
type family PredicateFailure a Source #
Descriptive type for the possible failures which might cause a transition to fail.
As a convention, PredicateFailure
s which are "structural" (meaning that
they are not "throwable" in practice, and are used to pass control from
one transition rule to another) are prefixed with S_
Structural PredicateFailure
s represent conditions between rules where
the disjunction of all rules' preconditions is equal to True
. That is,
either one rule will throw a structural PredicateFailure
and the other
will succeed, or vice-versa.
data ShelleyPOOL era Source #
RegisterPool (KeyHash 'StakePool) | |
ReregisterPool (KeyHash 'StakePool) |
Generic (PoolEvent era) Source # | |
NFData (PoolEvent era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Pool | |
Eq (PoolEvent era) Source # | |
type Rep (PoolEvent era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Pool type Rep (PoolEvent era) = D1 ('MetaData "PoolEvent" "Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Pool" "cardano-ledger-shelley-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "RegisterPool" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing ∷ Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (KeyHash 'StakePool))) :+: C1 ('MetaCons "ReregisterPool" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing ∷ Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (KeyHash 'StakePool)))) |
Generic (PoolEnv era) Source # | |
Show (PParams era) ⇒ Show (PoolEnv era) Source # | |
EraPParams era ⇒ EncCBOR (PoolEnv era) Source # | |
NFData (PParams era) ⇒ NFData (PoolEnv era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Pool | |
Eq (PParams era) ⇒ Eq (PoolEnv era) Source # | |
type Rep (PoolEnv era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Pool type Rep (PoolEnv era) = D1 ('MetaData "PoolEnv" "Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Pool" "cardano-ledger-shelley-" 'False) (C1 ('MetaCons "PoolEnv" 'PrefixI 'False) (S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing ∷ Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 EpochNo) :*: S1 ('MetaSel ('Nothing ∷ Maybe Symbol) 'NoSourceUnpackedness 'NoSourceStrictness 'DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (PParams era)))) |
type family PredicateFailure a Source #
Descriptive type for the possible failures which might cause a transition to fail.
As a convention, PredicateFailure
s which are "structural" (meaning that
they are not "throwable" in practice, and are used to pass control from
one transition rule to another) are prefixed with S_
Structural PredicateFailure
s represent conditions between rules where
the disjunction of all rules' preconditions is equal to True
. That is,
either one rule will throw a structural PredicateFailure
and the other
will succeed, or vice-versa.
data ShelleyPoolPredFailure era Source #
data ShelleyPPUP era Source #
data ShelleyPpupPredFailure era Source #
NonGenesisUpdatePPUP (Mismatch 'RelSubset (Set (KeyHash 'Genesis))) | An update was proposed by a key hash that is not one of the genesis keys.
PPUpdateWrongEpoch EpochNo EpochNo VotingPeriod | An update was proposed for the wrong epoch.
The first |
PVCannotFollowPPUP ProtVer | An update was proposed which contains an invalid protocol version. New protocol versions must either increase the major number by exactly one and set the minor version to zero, or keep the major version the same and increase the minor version by exactly one. |
data ShelleyGovState era Source #
ShelleyGovState | |
newtype PpupEvent era Source #
PpupNewEpoch EpochNo |
type family PredicateFailure a Source #
Descriptive type for the possible failures which might cause a transition to fail.
As a convention, PredicateFailure
s which are "structural" (meaning that
they are not "throwable" in practice, and are used to pass control from
one transition rule to another) are prefixed with S_
Structural PredicateFailure
s represent conditions between rules where
the disjunction of all rules' preconditions is equal to True
. That is,
either one rule will throw a structural PredicateFailure
and the other
will succeed, or vice-versa.
type PredicateFailure (ShelleyBBODY era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Bbody | |
type PredicateFailure (ShelleyDELEG era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Deleg | |
type PredicateFailure (ShelleyDELEGS era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Delegs | |
type PredicateFailure (ShelleyDELPL era) Source # | |
Defined in Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules.Delpl | |