cardano-ledger-test- Testing harness, tests and benchmarks for Shelley style cardano ledgers
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred




runCompileEra era ⇒ [Pred era] → IO () Source #

data Assembler era where Source #


AssemblePrettyA t ⇒ RootTarget era x t → Assembler era 
SkipAssembler era 

genMaybeCounterExampleReflect era ⇒ Proof era → StringBoolOrderInfo → [Pred era] → Assembler era → Gen (Maybe String) Source #

testnReflect era ⇒ Proof era → StringBoolOrderInfo → [Pred era] → Assembler era → Gen Property Source #

Test that cs :: [Pred] has a solution

failnReflect era ⇒ Proof era → StringBoolOrderInfo → [Pred era] → Assembler era → IO () Source #

Test that cs :: [Pred] does NOT have a solution. We expect a failure

aCyclicPredEra era ⇒ [Pred era] Source #

Used to test cyclic dependencies

cyclicPredEra era ⇒ [Pred era] Source #

test1IO () Source #

test4IO () Source #

test5IO () Source #

constraints ∷ (EraGov era, EraCertState era) ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

test6BoolIO () Source #

Test that we can find a viable variable ordering

test7BoolIO () Source #

Test that we can compute a solution

sumPredsReflect era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

componentPredsEraGov era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

test14IO () Source #

preds16Era era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

univPredsEraCertState era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

pstatePredsEraCertState era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

dstatePredsEraCertState era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

accountstatePredsProof era → [Pred era] Source #

utxostatePredsReflect era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

epochstatePredsEraGov era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

newepochstatePredsEra era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

newepochConstraintsReflect era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

projPreds1EraCertState era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

projPreds2EraCertState era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

help19 ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ Proof era → Gen (Map FutureGenDeleg GenDelegPair) Source #

test19IO () Source #

preds20Era era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #

demoPredsReflect era ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] → IO () Source #

Use to generate a solution to preds, test that the solution meets the preds, and puts you in the Repl to inspect the value of each variable solved for. Companion function to testPreds

testPredsReflect era ⇒ StringProof era → [Pred era] → TestTree Source #

Use this to generate a solution to preds, and make a TestTree that tests the solution meets the preds. Companion function to demoPreds