Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell2010 |
- field ∷ Era era ⇒ Rep era s → Term era t → AnyF era s
- getName ∷ Term era t → Name era
- type NELens era t = Lens' (NewEpochState era) t
- currentEpoch ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era EpochNo
- prevBlocksMade ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Natural)
- currBlocksMade ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Natural)
- poolDistr ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake)
- mockPoolDistr ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Rational)
- poolDistrL ∷ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake)
- rewards ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- rewardsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- delegations ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool))
- delegationsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool))
- stakeDeposits ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- stakeDepositsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- ptrs ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map Ptr (Credential 'Staking))
- ptrsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map Ptr (Credential 'Staking))
- currentDRepState ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState)
- drepsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState)
- drepDelegation ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep)
- drepDelegationL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep)
- futureGenDelegs ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map FutureGenDeleg GenDelegPair)
- futureGenDelegsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map FutureGenDeleg GenDelegPair)
- genDelegs ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) GenDelegPair)
- genDelegsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) GenDelegPair)
- instanReserves ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- instanReservesL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- instanReservesSum ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- instanTreasury ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- instanTreasuryL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- instanTreasurySum ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- deltaReserves ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era DeltaCoin
- deltaReservesNEL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era DeltaCoin
- deltaTreasury ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era DeltaCoin
- deltaTreasuryNEL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era DeltaCoin
- regPools ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams)
- regPoolsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams)
- futureRegPools ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams)
- futureRegPoolsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams)
- retiring ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) EpochNo)
- retiringL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) EpochNo)
- poolDeposits ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Coin)
- poolDepositsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Coin)
- committeeState ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) CommitteeAuthorization)
- committeeStateL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) CommitteeAuthorization)
- numDormantEpochs ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era EpochNo
- numDormantEpochsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era EpochNo
- utxo ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Map TxIn (TxOutF era))
- utxoL' ∷ Proof era → NELens era (Map TxIn (TxOutF era))
- unUtxoL ∷ Proof era → Lens' (UTxO era) (Map TxIn (TxOutF era))
- deposits ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- depositsL ∷ NELens era Coin
- fees ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- feesL ∷ NELens era Coin
- donation ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- donationL ∷ NELens era Coin
- ppup ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (ShelleyGovState era)
- ppupsL ∷ Proof era → NELens era (ShelleyGovState era)
- pparamProposals ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) (PParamsUpdateF era))
- futurePParamProposals ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) (PParamsUpdateF era))
- currPParams ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (PParamsF era)
- futurePParams ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (FuturePParams era)
- prevPParams ∷ EraGov era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (PParamsF era)
- proposalsL ∷ Lens' (ShelleyGovState era) (ProposedPPUpdates era)
- futureProposalsL ∷ Lens' (ShelleyGovState era) (ProposedPPUpdates era)
- ppupStateT ∷ ∀ era. (GovState era ~ ShelleyGovState era, EraGov era) ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (ShelleyGovState era) (ShelleyGovState era)
- govL ∷ Lens' (GovState era) (GovState era)
- govStateT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (GovState era) (GovState era)
- individualPoolStakeL ∷ Lens' IndividualPoolStake Rational
- isPtrMapT ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map Ptr Coin)
- ptrMapL ∷ Lens' (NewEpochState era) (Map Ptr Coin)
- isCredMapT ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- credMapL ∷ Lens' (NewEpochState era) (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- incrementalStake ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- incrementalStakeT ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Proof era → Target era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- treasury ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- treasuryL ∷ NELens era Coin
- reserves ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- reservesL ∷ NELens era Coin
- mirAvailTreasury ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- mirAvailReserves ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- snapshots ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era SnapShots
- snapshotsL ∷ NELens era SnapShots
- ppFL ∷ Proof era → Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsF era)
- pparamsVar ∷ EraGov era ⇒ Proof era → V era (PParamsF era)
- pparams ∷ EraGov era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (PParamsF era)
- nmLikelihoodsT ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) [Float])
- nmRewardPotT ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- stakeL ∷ Lens' Stake (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- vmapL ∷ Lens' (VMap VB VB k v) (Map k v)
- markStakeL ∷ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- markStake ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- markDelegs ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool))
- markDelegsL ∷ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool))
- markPools ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams)
- markPoolsL ∷ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams)
- markSnapShotT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era SnapShot SnapShot
- setStake ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- setStakeL ∷ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- setDelegs ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool))
- setDelegsL ∷ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool))
- setPools ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams)
- setPoolsL ∷ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams)
- setSnapShotT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era SnapShot SnapShot
- goStake ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- goStakeL ∷ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- goDelegs ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool))
- goDelegsL ∷ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool))
- goPools ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams)
- goPoolsL ∷ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams)
- goSnapShotT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era SnapShot SnapShot
- markPoolDistr ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake)
- markPoolDistrL ∷ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake)
- snapShotFee ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- snapShotsT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era SnapShots SnapShots
- deltaT ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Maybe DeltaCoin)
- deltaTL ∷ NELens era (Maybe DeltaCoin)
- deltaR ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Maybe DeltaCoin)
- deltaRL ∷ NELens era (Maybe DeltaCoin)
- deltaF ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Maybe DeltaCoin)
- deltaFL ∷ NELens era (Maybe DeltaCoin)
- rewardSet ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (Set Reward))
- rewardSetL ∷ NELens era (Maybe (Map (Credential 'Staking) (Set Reward)))
- totalAda ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- utxoCoin ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- credsUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'Staking))
- spendCredsUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'Payment))
- voteUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'DRepRole))
- drepUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set DRep)
- hotCommitteeCredsUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'HotCommitteeRole))
- coldCommitteeCredsUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole))
- payUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'Payment))
- spendscriptUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Map ScriptHash (ScriptF era))
- nonSpendScriptUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Map ScriptHash (ScriptF era))
- allScriptUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Map ScriptHash (ScriptF era))
- dataUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map DataHash (Data era))
- poolHashUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (KeyHash 'StakePool))
- stakeHashUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (KeyHash 'Staking))
- drepHashUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (KeyHash 'DRepRole))
- genesisHashUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) GenDelegPair)
- voteCredUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole))
- txinUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set TxIn)
- govActionIdUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set GovActionId)
- txoutUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Set (TxOutF era))
- colTxoutUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Set (TxOutF era))
- feeTxOut ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (TxOutF era)
- feeTxIn ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era TxIn
- bigCoin ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- datumsUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era [Datum era]
- multiAssetUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era [MultiAsset]
- keymapUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'Witness) (KeyPair 'Witness))
- currentSlot ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era SlotNo
- endSlotDelta ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era SlotNo
- beginSlotDelta ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era SlotNo
- network ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Network
- quorumConstant ∷ Word64
- quorum ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Int
- addrUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set Addr)
- ptrUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set Ptr)
- plutusUniv ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Map ScriptHash (IsValid, ScriptF era))
- spendPlutusUniv ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Map ScriptHash (IsValid, ScriptF era))
- byronAddrUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'Payment) (Addr, SigningKey))
- newEpochStateConstr ∷ Proof era → EpochNo → Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Natural → Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Natural → EpochState era → Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake → NewEpochState era
- newEpochStateT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (NewEpochState era) (NewEpochState era)
- epochStateT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (EpochState era) (EpochState era)
- accountStateT ∷ Era era ⇒ RootTarget era AccountState AccountState
- ledgerStateT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (LedgerState era) (LedgerState era)
- ledgerState ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (LedgerState era)
- utxoStateT ∷ ∀ era. EraGov era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (UTxOState era) (UTxOState era)
- unGovL ∷ Proof era → Lens' (GovState era) (GovState era)
- justProtocolVersion ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ Proof era → PParams era
- unCertStateFL ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Lens' (CertState era) (CertStateF era)
- certStateFL ∷ Lens' (CertStateF era) (CertState era)
- certStateT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (CertStateF era) (CertStateF era)
- vstateT ∷ ∀ era. EraCertState era ⇒ RootTarget era (VState era) (VState era)
- committeeL ∷ Lens' (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) CommitteeAuthorization) (CommitteeState era)
- pstateT ∷ ∀ era. EraCertState era ⇒ RootTarget era (PState era) (PState era)
- dstateT ∷ ∀ era. EraCertState era ⇒ RootTarget era (DState era) (DState era)
- dstate ∷ Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin → Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin → Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool) → Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep → Map Ptr (Credential 'Staking) → Map FutureGenDeleg GenDelegPair → Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) GenDelegPair → InstantaneousRewards → DState era
- instantaneousRewardsT ∷ ∀ era. EraCertState era ⇒ RootTarget era InstantaneousRewards InstantaneousRewards
- allvars ∷ String
- printTarget ∷ RootTarget era root t → IO ()
- protVer ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era ProtVer
- prevProtVer ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era ProtVer
- minFeeA ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Coin
- minFeeB ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Coin
- maxBBSize ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Natural
- maxTxSize ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Natural
- fromIntegralBounded ∷ ∀ a b. (HasCallStack, Integral a, Show a, Integral b, Bounded b, Show b) ⇒ String → a → b
- word32NaturalL ∷ Lens' Word32 Natural
- word16NaturalL ∷ Lens' Word16 Natural
- maxBHSize ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Natural
- poolDepAmt ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Coin
- keyDepAmt ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Coin
- proposalDeposit ∷ ConwayEraPParams era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Coin
- maxTxExUnits ∷ AlonzoEraPParams era ⇒ Proof era → Term era ExUnits
- collateralPercentage ∷ AlonzoEraPParams era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Natural
- drepDeposit ∷ ConwayEraPParams era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Coin
- drepActivity ∷ ConwayEraPParams era ⇒ Proof era → Term era EpochInterval
- maxEpoch ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era EpochInterval
- txbodyterm ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (TxBodyF era)
- inputs ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set TxIn)
- collateral ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set TxIn)
- refInputs ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set TxIn)
- outputs ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era [TxOutF era]
- collateralReturn ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (TxOutF era)
- totalCol ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- certs ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era [TxCertF era]
- withdrawals ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ Term era (Map RewardAccount Coin)
- txfee ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- ttl ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era SlotNo
- validityInterval ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era ValidityInterval
- mint ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map ScriptHash (Map AssetName Integer))
- reqSignerHashes ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (KeyHash 'Witness))
- networkID ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Maybe Network)
- adHash ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Maybe TxAuxDataHash)
- wppHash ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Maybe (SafeHash EraIndependentScriptIntegrity))
- txDonation ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- liftMultiAsset ∷ Map ScriptHash (Map AssetName Integer) → MultiAsset
- scriptsNeeded ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (ScriptsNeededF era)
- smNeededL ∷ ScriptsNeeded era ~ ShelleyScriptsNeeded era ⇒ Lens' (ScriptsNeededF era) (Set ScriptHash)
- acNeededL ∷ ScriptsNeeded era ~ AlonzoScriptsNeeded era ⇒ Lens' (ScriptsNeededF era) [(PlutusPurposeF era, ScriptHash)]
- extraCol ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- sumCol ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- colRetAddr ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Addr
- colRetCoin ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- owed ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- txbody ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (TxBodyF era)
- txwits ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (TxWitsF era)
- txauxdata ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Maybe (TxAuxDataF era))
- txisvalid ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era IsValid
- valids ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era [IsValid]
- txterm ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (TxF era)
- getRwdCredL ∷ Lens' RewardAccount (Credential 'Staking)
- txOutFL ∷ Lens' (TxOutF era) (TxOut era)
- valueFL ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Lens' (Value era) (ValueF era)
- lensVC ∷ Val t ⇒ Lens' t Coin
- valueFCoinL ∷ (HasCallStack, Reflect era) ⇒ Lens' (ValueF era) Coin
- outputCoinL ∷ (HasCallStack, Reflect era) ⇒ Lens' (TxOutF era) Coin
- valCoinF ∷ (HasCallStack, Reflect era) ⇒ Field era (ValueF era) Coin
- valCoin ∷ (HasCallStack, Reflect era) ⇒ Term era Coin
- maryValueMultiAssetL ∷ Lens' MaryValue MultiAsset
- valueFMultiAssetL ∷ Lens' (ValueF era) MultiAsset
- valueFMultiAssetF ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Field era (ValueF era) MultiAsset
- valueFMultiAsset ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era MultiAsset
- txoutAddressF ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Field era (TxOutF era) Addr
- txoutAddress ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era Addr
- txoutCoinF ∷ (HasCallStack, Reflect era) ⇒ Field era (TxOutF era) Coin
- txoutCoin ∷ (HasCallStack, Reflect era) ⇒ Term era Coin
- txoutAmountF ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Field era (TxOutF era) (ValueF era)
- txoutAmount ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (ValueF era)
- scriptWits ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Map ScriptHash (ScriptF era))
- redeemers ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Map (PlutusPointerF era) (Data era, ExUnits))
- bootWits ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Set BootstrapWitness)
- dataWits ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Map DataHash (Data era))
- keyWits ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Set (WitVKey 'Witness))
- witsTarget ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Set BootstrapWitness) → Term era (Set (WitVKey 'Witness)) → Target era (TxWits era)
- txTarget ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (TxBodyF era) → Term era (Set BootstrapWitness) → Term era (Set (WitVKey 'Witness)) → Target era (TxF era)
- txbodyTarget ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era Coin → Term era (Maybe ScriptIntegrityHash) → Term era Coin → Target era (TxBodyF era)
- allowMIRTransfer ∷ Proof era → Term era Bool
- constitution ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Constitution era)
- enactTreasury ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- enactWithdrawals ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin)
- currentGovActionStates ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map GovActionId (GovActionState era))
- currentProposalOrder ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era [GovActionId]
- prevGovActionStates ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map GovActionId (GovActionState era))
- prevProposalOrder ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era [GovActionId]
- previousCommitteeState ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) (Maybe (Credential 'HotCommitteeRole)))
- commMembers ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) EpochNo)
- commQuorum ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era UnitInterval
- committeeVar ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Maybe (Committee era))
- type UtxoPulse era = (Map TxIn (TxOutF era), DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era))
- utxoPulse ∷ (RunConwayRatify era, Reflect era) ⇒ Proof era → Term era (UtxoPulse era)
- pulsingPairT ∷ ∀ era. (RunConwayRatify era, Reflect era) ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (UtxoPulse era) (UtxoPulse era)
- justPulser ∷ ∀ era. (Reflect era, RunConwayRatify era) ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era))
- drepPulser ∷ (RunConwayRatify era, Reflect era) ⇒ Term era (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era))
- prevPulsingPreds ∷ (RunConwayRatify era, Reflect era) ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era]
- pulsingPulsingStateT ∷ ∀ era. (RunConwayRatify era, Reflect era) ⇒ RootTarget era (DRepPulsingState era) (DRepPulsingState era)
- pulsingStatePulserL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulsingState era) (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era))
- initPulser ∷ ∀ era. (Reflect era, RunConwayRatify era) ⇒ Proof era → Map TxIn (TxOutF era) → Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep → Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake → Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState → EpochNo → Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) CommitteeAuthorization → EnactState era → [GovActionState era] → Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams → DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)
- proposalsT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (Proposals era) (Proposals era)
- pulsingSnapshotT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era (PulsingSnapshot era) (PulsingSnapshot era)
- pulsingSnapshotL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulsingState era) (PulsingSnapshot era)
- completePulsingStateT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (DRepPulsingState era) (DRepPulsingState era)
- ratifyState ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (RatifyState era)
- ratifyStateL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulsingState era) (RatifyState era)
- prevProposals ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Proposals era)
- ratifyGovActionStatesL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) [GovActionState era]
- partialDRepDistr ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map DRep Coin)
- partialDRepDistrL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (Map DRep Coin)
- prevDRepState ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState)
- prevDRepStateL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState)
- prevPoolDistr ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake)
- prevPoolDistrL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake)
- prevDRepDelegations ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep)
- prevDRepDelegationsL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep)
- prevCommitteeState ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) CommitteeAuthorization)
- prevCommitteeStateL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) CommitteeAuthorization)
- prevEnactState ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (EnactState era)
- prevEnactStateL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (EnactState era)
- prevEpoch ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era EpochNo
- prevEpochL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) EpochNo
- prevTreasury ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- partialIndividualPoolStake ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Coin)
- prevRegPools ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams)
- prevRegPoolsL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams)
- conwayGovStateT ∷ ∀ era. (RunConwayRatify era, Reflect era) ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (ConwayGovState era) (ConwayGovState era)
- proposalDeposits ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- drepDepositsView ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) Coin)
- currProposals ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Proposals era)
- prevGovActionIds ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ Term era (GovRelation StrictMaybe era)
- currGovStates ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era [GovActionState era]
- enactStateT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (EnactState era) (EnactState era)
- committeeT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era (Committee era) (Committee era)
- ppUpdateChildren ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set GovActionId)
- hardForkChildren ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set GovActionId)
- committeeChildren ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set GovActionId)
- constitutionChildren ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set GovActionId)
- pparamsFL ∷ Proof era → Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsF era)
- pparamsMaybeFL ∷ Proof era → Lens' (Maybe (PParams era)) (Maybe (PParamsF era))
- smCommL ∷ Lens' (StrictMaybe (Committee era)) (Committee era)
- proposedMapL ∷ Proof era → Lens' (ProposedPPUpdates era) (Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) (PParamsUpdateF era))
- pair1 ∷ Era era ⇒ Rep era a → Term era a
- pair2 ∷ Era era ⇒ Rep era b → Term era b
- pairT ∷ ∀ era a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b, Era era) ⇒ Rep era a → Rep era b → RootTarget era (a, b) (a, b)
- idV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era GovActionId
- committeeVotesV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'HotCommitteeRole) Vote)
- drepVotesV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) Vote)
- stakePoolVotesV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Vote)
- depositV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin
- returnAddrV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era RewardAccount
- actionV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (GovAction era)
- proposedInV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era EpochNo
- expiresAfterV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era EpochNo
- childrenV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set GovActionId)
- anchorV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Anchor
- govActionStateTarget ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovActionState era) (GovActionState era)
- liftId ∷ Maybe GovActionId → StrictMaybe (GovPurposeId p era)
- dropId ∷ StrictMaybe (GovPurposeId p era) → Maybe GovActionId
- gaPrevId ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Maybe GovActionId)
- gaPParamsUpdate ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (PParamsUpdateF era)
- gaProtVer ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era ProtVer
- gaRewardAccount ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map RewardAccount Coin)
- gaRemMember ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole))
- gaAddMember ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) EpochNo)
- gaThreshold ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era UnitInterval
- gaPolicy ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Maybe ScriptHash)
- gaConstitutionAnchor ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Anchor
- gaNewConstitution ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Constitution era)
- constitutionT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (Constitution era) (Constitution era)
- parameterChangeT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era)
- hardForkInitiationT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era)
- treasuryWithdrawalsT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era)
- noConfidenceT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era)
- updateCommitteeT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era)
- newConstitutionT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era)
- infoActionT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era)
field ∷ Era era ⇒ Rep era s → Term era t → AnyF era s Source #
Used in Component constraints to turn a Var Term into a component (AnyF era s) E.g. (Component foo [ field fooRep fooPart1, field fooRep fooPart2]) Where fooPart1 :: Term era a, and fooPart2 :: Term era b And fooPart1 has an (Access foo a) And fooPart2 has an (Access foo b)
type NELens era t = Lens' (NewEpochState era) t Source #
mockPoolDistr ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Rational) Source #
For tests only, Like PoolDistr but has a Rational (rather than a IndividualPoolStake).
poolDistrL ∷ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake) Source #
rewards ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
rewardsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
delegations ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool)) Source #
delegationsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool)) Source #
stakeDeposits ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
stakeDepositsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
ptrs ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map Ptr (Credential 'Staking)) Source #
ptrsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map Ptr (Credential 'Staking)) Source #
currentDRepState ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState) Source #
drepsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState) Source #
drepDelegation ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep) Source #
drepDelegationL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep) Source #
futureGenDelegs ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map FutureGenDeleg GenDelegPair) Source #
futureGenDelegsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map FutureGenDeleg GenDelegPair) Source #
genDelegs ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) GenDelegPair) Source #
genDelegsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) GenDelegPair) Source #
instanReserves ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
instanReservesL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
instanTreasury ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
instanTreasuryL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
deltaReserves ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era DeltaCoin Source #
deltaReservesNEL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era DeltaCoin Source #
deltaTreasury ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era DeltaCoin Source #
deltaTreasuryNEL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era DeltaCoin Source #
regPools ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams) Source #
regPoolsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams) Source #
futureRegPools ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams) Source #
futureRegPoolsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams) Source #
poolDeposits ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Coin) Source #
poolDepositsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Coin) Source #
committeeState ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) CommitteeAuthorization) Source #
committeeStateL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) CommitteeAuthorization) Source #
numDormantEpochs ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ Term era EpochNo Source #
numDormantEpochsL ∷ EraCertState era ⇒ NELens era EpochNo Source #
pparamProposals ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) (PParamsUpdateF era)) Source #
futurePParamProposals ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) (PParamsUpdateF era)) Source #
futurePParams ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (FuturePParams era) Source #
proposalsL ∷ Lens' (ShelleyGovState era) (ProposedPPUpdates era) Source #
futureProposalsL ∷ Lens' (ShelleyGovState era) (ProposedPPUpdates era) Source #
ppupStateT ∷ ∀ era. (GovState era ~ ShelleyGovState era, EraGov era) ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (ShelleyGovState era) (ShelleyGovState era) Source #
isCredMapT ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
credMapL ∷ Lens' (NewEpochState era) (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
incrementalStake ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
This variable is computed from the UTxO and the PParams,
It represents the incremental stake that is computed by smartUTxO
in the UTxOState Target UTxOStateT
The domain of this map is the complete set of credentials used to delegate Coin
in the TxOuts in the UTxO.
incrementalStakeT ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Proof era → Target era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
mirAvailTreasury ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin Source #
The Coin availabe for a MIR transfer to/from the Treasury
Computed from treasury
+ deltaTreasury
- sum(instanTreasury
mirAvailReserves ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin Source #
The Coin availabe for a MIR transfer to/from the Reserves
Computed from reserves
+ deltaReserves
- sum(instanReserves
snapshotsL ∷ NELens era SnapShots Source #
ppFL ∷ Proof era → Lens' (PParams era) (PParamsF era) Source #
Lens' from the Core PParams to the Model PParamsF which embeds a (Proof era)
stakeL ∷ Lens' Stake (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
Helper lens that deals with the Stake newtype, and the shift from Map to VMap
vmapL ∷ Lens' (VMap VB VB k v) (Map k v) Source #
Helper lens that deals with the shift from Map to VMap
markStakeL ∷ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
markDelegs ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool)) Source #
markDelegsL ∷ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool)) Source #
markPoolsL ∷ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams) Source #
markSnapShotT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era SnapShot SnapShot Source #
setDelegsL ∷ NELens era (Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool)) Source #
setSnapShotT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era SnapShot SnapShot Source #
goSnapShotT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era SnapShot SnapShot Source #
markPoolDistr ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake) Source #
markPoolDistrL ∷ NELens era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake) Source #
snapShotsT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era SnapShots SnapShots Source #
rewardSetL ∷ NELens era (Maybe (Map (Credential 'Staking) (Set Reward))) Source #
credsUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'Staking)) Source #
The universe of Staking Credentials. A credential is either KeyHash of a ScriptHash Any Plutus scripts in this Universe are NOT Spending scripts, so they do not need a Redeemer
spendCredsUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'Payment)) Source #
The universe of Staking Credentials. A credential is either KeyHash of a ScriptHash All Plutus scripts in this Universe are SPENDING scripts, so they will need a Redeemer Use this ONLY in the Pay-part of an Address (Do not use this in the Stake-part of an Address)
voteUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'DRepRole)) Source #
The universe of Voting Credentials. A credential is either KeyHash of a ScriptHash
hotCommitteeCredsUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'HotCommitteeRole)) Source #
The universe of Credentials used in voting for constitutional committee changes.
coldCommitteeCredsUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole)) Source #
The universe of Credentials used in voting for constitutional committee changes.
payUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'Payment)) Source #
The universe of Payment Credentials. A credential is either KeyHash of a ScriptHash We only find payment credentials in the Payment part of an Addr.
spendscriptUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Map ScriptHash (ScriptF era)) Source #
The universe of Scripts (and their hashes) useable in spending contexts That means if they are Plutus scripts then they will be passed an additional argument (the TxInfo context)
nonSpendScriptUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Map ScriptHash (ScriptF era)) Source #
The universe of Scripts (and their hashes) useable in contexts other than Spending
allScriptUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Map ScriptHash (ScriptF era)) Source #
The union of spendscriptUniv
and nonSpendScriptUniv
. All possible scripts in any context
dataUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map DataHash (Data era)) Source #
The universe of Data (and their hashes)
poolHashUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (KeyHash 'StakePool)) Source #
The universe of StakePool key hashes. These hashes hash the cold key of the Pool operators.
stakeHashUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (KeyHash 'Staking)) Source #
The universe of StakePool key hashes. These hashes hash are hashes of the Owners of a PoolParam
drepHashUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (KeyHash 'DRepRole)) Source #
The universe of DRep key hashes. These hashes hash are hashes of the DReps
genesisHashUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) GenDelegPair) Source #
The universe of the Genesis key hashes and their signing and validating GenDelegPairs
voteCredUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole)) Source #
txinUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set TxIn) Source #
The universe of TxIns. Pairs of TxId: hashes of previously run transaction bodies, and TxIx: indexes of one of the bodies outputs.
govActionIdUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set GovActionId) Source #
The universe of GovActionId. Pairs of TxId: hashes of previously run transaction bodies, and GovActionIx: indexes of one of the bodies Proposals .
txoutUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Set (TxOutF era)) Source #
The universe of TxOuts.
It contains colTxoutUniv
as a sublist and feeOutput
as an element
See also feeOutput
which is defined by the universes, and is related.
colTxoutUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Set (TxOutF era)) Source #
The universe of TxOuts useable for collateral The collateral TxOuts consists only of VKey addresses and The collateral TxOuts do not contain any non-ADA part
feeTxOut ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (TxOutF era) Source #
A TxOut, guaranteed to have
1) no scripts in its Addr, and
2) It's Addr is in the addrUniv
3) bigCoin
is stored in the Addr Value, and
4) the Addr Value has empty MutiAssets
5) be a member of the txoutUniv
bigCoin ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin Source #
A Coin large enough to pay almost any fee.
See also feeOutput
which is related.
multiAssetUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era [MultiAsset] Source #
keymapUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'Witness) (KeyPair 'Witness)) Source #
The universe of key hashes, and the signing and validating key pairs they represent.
quorumConstant ∷ Word64 Source #
This not really a variable, But a constant that is set by the testGlobals
we reflect this into a Term, so we can refer to it in the Preds.
quorum ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Int Source #
From Globals. Reflected here at type Int, This is set to quorumConstant
in CertState.
because is is used to compare the Size of things, which are computed as Int
plutusUniv ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Map ScriptHash (IsValid, ScriptF era)) Source #
spendPlutusUniv ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Map ScriptHash (IsValid, ScriptF era)) Source #
byronAddrUniv ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'Payment) (Addr, SigningKey)) Source #
The universe of all Byron addresses. In Eras, Babbage, Conway we avoid these Adresses, as they do not play well with Plutus Scripts.
newEpochStateConstr ∷ Proof era → EpochNo → Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Natural → Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) Natural → EpochState era → Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake → NewEpochState era Source #
Abstract constuctor function for NewEpochState
newEpochStateT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (NewEpochState era) (NewEpochState era) Source #
Target for NewEpochState
epochStateT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (EpochState era) (EpochState era) Source #
Target for EpochState
accountStateT ∷ Era era ⇒ RootTarget era AccountState AccountState Source #
Target for AccountState
ledgerStateT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (LedgerState era) (LedgerState era) Source #
Target for LedgerState
ledgerState ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (LedgerState era) Source #
utxoStateT ∷ ∀ era. EraGov era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (UTxOState era) (UTxOState era) Source #
Target for UTxOState
unCertStateFL ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Lens' (CertState era) (CertStateF era) Source #
certStateFL ∷ Lens' (CertStateF era) (CertState era) Source #
certStateT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (CertStateF era) (CertStateF era) Source #
Target for CertState
vstateT ∷ ∀ era. EraCertState era ⇒ RootTarget era (VState era) (VState era) Source #
Target for VState
committeeL ∷ Lens' (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) CommitteeAuthorization) (CommitteeState era) Source #
pstateT ∷ ∀ era. EraCertState era ⇒ RootTarget era (PState era) (PState era) Source #
Target for PState
dstateT ∷ ∀ era. EraCertState era ⇒ RootTarget era (DState era) (DState era) Source #
Target for DState
dstate ∷ Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin → Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin → Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool) → Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep → Map Ptr (Credential 'Staking) → Map FutureGenDeleg GenDelegPair → Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) GenDelegPair → InstantaneousRewards → DState era Source #
Abstract construcor function for DState
instantaneousRewardsT ∷ ∀ era. EraCertState era ⇒ RootTarget era InstantaneousRewards InstantaneousRewards Source #
A String that pretty prints the complete set of variables of the NewEpochState
printTarget ∷ RootTarget era root t → IO () Source #
fromIntegralBounded ∷ ∀ a b. (HasCallStack, Integral a, Show a, Integral b, Bounded b, Show b) ⇒ String → a → b Source #
proposalDeposit ∷ ConwayEraPParams era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Coin Source #
maxTxExUnits ∷ AlonzoEraPParams era ⇒ Proof era → Term era ExUnits Source #
collateralPercentage ∷ AlonzoEraPParams era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Natural Source #
drepDeposit ∷ ConwayEraPParams era ⇒ Proof era → Term era Coin Source #
drepActivity ∷ ConwayEraPParams era ⇒ Proof era → Term era EpochInterval Source #
totalCol ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin Source #
The sum of all the collateral
inputs. The Tx is constucted
by SNothing or wrapping SJust
around this value.
withdrawals ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ Term era (Map RewardAccount Coin) Source #
validityInterval ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era ValidityInterval Source #
liftMultiAsset ∷ Map ScriptHash (Map AssetName Integer) → MultiAsset Source #
lift the model type of mint
into a MultiAsset
scriptsNeeded ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (ScriptsNeededF era) Source #
smNeededL ∷ ScriptsNeeded era ~ ShelleyScriptsNeeded era ⇒ Lens' (ScriptsNeededF era) (Set ScriptHash) Source #
acNeededL ∷ ScriptsNeeded era ~ AlonzoScriptsNeeded era ⇒ Lens' (ScriptsNeededF era) [(PlutusPurposeF era, ScriptHash)] Source #
extraCol ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin Source #
A Coin that needs to be added to the range of the colInputs in the UtxO that will make sure the collateral is large enough to pay the fees if needed
sumCol ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin Source #
The sum of all the collateral
inputs, total colateral of the Tx is computed by adding (SJust _) to this value.
colRetCoin ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin Source #
The Coin in the collateralReturn
owed ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin Source #
The amount that the collateral must cover if there is a two phase error.
This is roughly the collateralPercentage
* txfee
. The calculation deals with rounding,
but you don't need those details to understand what is going on.
valueFCoinL ∷ (HasCallStack, Reflect era) ⇒ Lens' (ValueF era) Coin Source #
outputCoinL ∷ (HasCallStack, Reflect era) ⇒ Lens' (TxOutF era) Coin Source #
valCoinF ∷ (HasCallStack, Reflect era) ⇒ Field era (ValueF era) Coin Source #
a Field from (ValueF era) to Coin
valueFMultiAssetL ∷ Lens' (ValueF era) MultiAsset Source #
valueFMultiAssetF ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Field era (ValueF era) MultiAsset Source #
a Field from (ValueF era) to MultiAsset
valueFMultiAsset ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era MultiAsset Source #
txoutAddressF ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Field era (TxOutF era) Addr Source #
a Field from (TxOut era) to (Addr era)
txoutCoinF ∷ (HasCallStack, Reflect era) ⇒ Field era (TxOutF era) Coin Source #
a Field from (TxOutF era) to Coin
txoutAmountF ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Field era (TxOutF era) (ValueF era) Source #
a Field from (TxOutF era) to (ValueF era)
scriptWits ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Map ScriptHash (ScriptF era)) Source #
witsTarget ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (Set BootstrapWitness) → Term era (Set (WitVKey 'Witness)) → Target era (TxWits era) Source #
txTarget ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (TxBodyF era) → Term era (Set BootstrapWitness) → Term era (Set (WitVKey 'Witness)) → Target era (TxF era) Source #
txbodyTarget ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era Coin → Term era (Maybe ScriptIntegrityHash) → Term era Coin → Target era (TxBodyF era) Source #
Need to build the TxBody with different terms that control the fee and wppHash so we parameterise this target over those two terms
constitution ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Constitution era) Source #
enactWithdrawals ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) Coin) Source #
currentGovActionStates ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map GovActionId (GovActionState era)) Source #
currentProposalOrder ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era [GovActionId] Source #
prevGovActionStates ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map GovActionId (GovActionState era)) Source #
prevProposalOrder ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era [GovActionId] Source #
previousCommitteeState ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) (Maybe (Credential 'HotCommitteeRole))) Source #
commMembers ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) EpochNo) Source #
commQuorum ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era UnitInterval Source #
type UtxoPulse era = (Map TxIn (TxOutF era), DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) Source #
There are 2 forms of DRepPulsingState. This is part of the first one where the pulsing is
not complete, and the snapshots are stored as fields in the datatype DRepPulser
Note that the function part of Invert
: initPulser
makes many transformations from the
types used in the Model, and the types stored in the implementation types.
In order to construct a valid DRepPulser we need the UTxO (to compute the IncrementalStake)
But we cannot find a Lens that can recover the UTxO from a DRepPulser. So we introduce this
type ' UtxoPulse' that pairs the two (which makes the recovery possible). W
utxoPulse ∷ (RunConwayRatify era, Reflect era) ⇒ Proof era → Term era (UtxoPulse era) Source #
We also introduce an intermediate variable utxoPulse
which can constrain this value
by using the predicate [ utxoPulse p :<-: pulsingPair p ]
pulsingPairT ∷ ∀ era. (RunConwayRatify era, Reflect era) ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (UtxoPulse era) (UtxoPulse era) Source #
an invertable RootTarget to compute a (UtxoPulse era)
justPulser ∷ ∀ era. (Reflect era, RunConwayRatify era) ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) Source #
drepPulser ∷ (RunConwayRatify era, Reflect era) ⇒ Term era (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) Source #
Variable used to constrain the DRepPulser
prevPulsingPreds ∷ (RunConwayRatify era, Reflect era) ⇒ Proof era → [Pred era] Source #
Predicates that constrain the DRepPuser and all its prevXXX
These ensure we generate state just passing the epoch boundary
pulsingPulsingStateT ∷ ∀ era. (RunConwayRatify era, Reflect era) ⇒ RootTarget era (DRepPulsingState era) (DRepPulsingState era) Source #
Target for assembling DRPulsing
form of (DRepPulsingState era)
from drepPulser
:: forall era. Term era (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era))
pulsingStatePulserL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulsingState era) (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) Source #
The Lens' used in pulsingPulsingStateT
initPulser ∷ ∀ era. (Reflect era, RunConwayRatify era) ⇒ Proof era → Map TxIn (TxOutF era) → Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep → Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake → Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState → EpochNo → Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) CommitteeAuthorization → EnactState era → [GovActionState era] → Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams → DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era) Source #
The abstract form of DRepPulser that transforms from the Model types
used in the inputs, and the concrete types actually stored in DRepPulser
proposalsT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (Proposals era) (Proposals era) Source #
pulsingSnapshotT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era (PulsingSnapshot era) (PulsingSnapshot era) Source #
The snapshot dedicated datatype (PulsingSnapshot era) stored inside DRComplete
Note this is used in dRepPulsingStateT
, the second DRepPulsingState form.
pulsingSnapshotL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulsingState era) (PulsingSnapshot era) Source #
completePulsingStateT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (DRepPulsingState era) (DRepPulsingState era) Source #
There are 2 forms of DRepPulsingState. This is the second one where the pulsing is complete
ratifyState ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (RatifyState era) Source #
ratifyStateL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulsingState era) (RatifyState era) Source #
ratifyGovActionStatesL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) [GovActionState era] Source #
partialDRepDistr ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map DRep Coin) Source #
Partially computed DRepDistr inside the pulser
partialDRepDistrL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (Map DRep Coin) Source #
prevDRepState ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState) Source #
Snapshot of dreps
from the start of the current epoch
prevDRepStateL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState) Source #
prevPoolDistr ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake) Source #
snapshot of poolDistr
from the start of the current epoch
prevPoolDistrL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) IndividualPoolStake) Source #
prevDRepDelegations ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep) Source #
Snapshot of the drepDelegation
from he start of the current epoch.
prevDRepDelegationsL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep) Source #
Snapshot of drepDelegation
from the start of the current epoch
prevCommitteeState ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) CommitteeAuthorization) Source #
Snapshot of committeeState
from the start of the current epoch
prevCommitteeStateL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) CommitteeAuthorization) Source #
prevEnactState ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (EnactState era) Source #
Snapshot of the enactState built by enactStateT
assembled from data at the start the current epoch
prevEnactStateL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (EnactState era) Source #
prevEpoch ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era EpochNo Source #
Snapshot of currentEpoch
just before the start of the current epoch. (currenEpoch - 1)
prevEpochL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) EpochNo Source #
prevRegPools ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams) Source #
prevRegPoolsL ∷ Lens' (DRepPulser era Identity (RatifyState era)) (Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams) Source #
conwayGovStateT ∷ ∀ era. (RunConwayRatify era, Reflect era) ⇒ Proof era → RootTarget era (ConwayGovState era) (ConwayGovState era) Source #
proposalDeposits ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era Coin Source #
The sum of all the gasDeposit
fields of currProposals
drepDepositsView ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) Coin) Source #
A view of currentDRepState
(sum of the drepDeposit field of in the range of currentDRepState
currProposals ∷ Era era ⇒ Proof era → Term era (Proposals era) Source #
The current set of proposals. Proposals has a serious set of invariants. We do not attempt to state these proposals (Yes I know that is cheating) We get random Proposals (that meets its invariants) by using (genSizedRep n (ProposalsR p))
prevGovActionIds ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ Term era (GovRelation StrictMaybe era) Source #
Part of the EnactState, it is computed by selecting from currProposals
currGovStates ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era [GovActionState era] Source #
This is a view of currProposals, so will compute it once once currProposals is defined
enactStateT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (EnactState era) (EnactState era) Source #
committeeT ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era (Committee era) (Committee era) Source #
One can use this Target, to make a constraint for committeeVar
from the
vars commMembers
and commQuorum
ppUpdateChildren ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set GovActionId) Source #
hardForkChildren ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set GovActionId) Source #
committeeChildren ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set GovActionId) Source #
constitutionChildren ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set GovActionId) Source #
proposedMapL ∷ Proof era → Lens' (ProposedPPUpdates era) (Map (KeyHash 'Genesis) (PParamsUpdateF era)) Source #
pairT ∷ ∀ era a b. (Typeable a, Typeable b, Era era) ⇒ Rep era a → Rep era b → RootTarget era (a, b) (a, b) Source #
committeeVotesV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'HotCommitteeRole) Vote) Source #
drepVotesV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) Vote) Source #
returnAddrV ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era RewardAccount Source #
govActionStateTarget ∷ ∀ era. Era era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovActionState era) (GovActionState era) Source #
liftId ∷ Maybe GovActionId → StrictMaybe (GovPurposeId p era) Source #
Lift the Model to the real type
dropId ∷ StrictMaybe (GovPurposeId p era) → Maybe GovActionId Source #
Drop the real type back to the Model
gaPParamsUpdate ∷ Reflect era ⇒ Term era (PParamsUpdateF era) Source #
gaRewardAccount ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map RewardAccount Coin) Source #
gaRemMember ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Set (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole)) Source #
gaAddMember ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Map (Credential 'ColdCommitteeRole) EpochNo) Source #
gaThreshold ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era UnitInterval Source #
gaNewConstitution ∷ Era era ⇒ Term era (Constitution era) Source #
constitutionT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (Constitution era) (Constitution era) Source #
parameterChangeT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era) Source #
hardForkInitiationT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era) Source #
treasuryWithdrawalsT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era) Source #
noConfidenceT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era) Source #
updateCommitteeT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era) Source #
newConstitutionT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era) Source #
infoActionT ∷ ∀ era. Reflect era ⇒ RootTarget era (GovAction era) (GovAction era) Source #