{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingVia #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ImportQualifiedPost #-}
{-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-redundant-constraints #-}

-- RecordWildCards cause name shadowing warnings in ghc-8.10.
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 900
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-name-shadowing #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -O0 #-}

-- | This module provides the necessary instances of `HasSpec`
-- and `HasSimpleRep` to write specs for the environments,
-- states, and signals in the STS rules of the Ledger. Note some simple
-- types used in the PParams (Coin, EpochInterval, etc.) have their
-- instances defined in Test.Cardano.Ledger.Constrained.Conway.Instances.Basic
-- and they are reexported here.
module Test.Cardano.Ledger.Constrained.Conway.Instances.Ledger (
  ProposalsSplit (..),
  module Test.Cardano.Ledger.Constrained.Conway.Instances.Basic,
) where

import Cardano.Chain.Common (
  AddrAttributes (..),
  AddrType (..),
  Address (..),
  Attributes (..),
  NetworkMagic (..),
  UnparsedFields (..),
import Cardano.Crypto.Hash hiding (Blake2b_224)
import Cardano.Crypto.Hashing (AbstractHash, abstractHashFromBytes)
import Cardano.Ledger.Address
import Cardano.Ledger.Allegra.Scripts
import Cardano.Ledger.Allegra.TxAuxData (AllegraTxAuxData (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Scripts (AlonzoScript (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Tx
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxAuxData (AlonzoTxAuxData (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxOut
import Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.TxWits
import Cardano.Ledger.Babbage.TxBody (BabbageTxOut (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.BaseTypes hiding (inject)
import Cardano.Ledger.Binary (DecCBOR (..), EncCBOR (..), Sized (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Binary.Coders
import Cardano.Ledger.CertState
import Cardano.Ledger.Coin
import Cardano.Ledger.Compactible
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway (ConwayEra)
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Core
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Governance
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.PParams
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Rules
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Scripts ()
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.State
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.TxBody
import Cardano.Ledger.Conway.TxCert
import Cardano.Ledger.Credential
import Cardano.Ledger.HKD
import Cardano.Ledger.Hashes (GenDelegPair (..), GenDelegs (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Keys (BootstrapWitness, WitVKey, coerceKeyRole)
import Cardano.Ledger.Mary.Value (AssetName (..), MaryValue (..), MultiAsset (..), PolicyID (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.MemoBytes
import Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.Data
import Cardano.Ledger.Plutus.Language
import Cardano.Ledger.PoolParams
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.CertState (ShelleyCertState)
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.LedgerState
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.PoolRank
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.RewardUpdate (FreeVars, Pulser, RewardAns, RewardPulser (RSLP))
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rewards (LeaderOnlyReward, PoolRewardInfo, StakeShare)
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Rules
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Tx (ShelleyTx (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.TxAuxData (Metadatum, ShelleyTxAuxData (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.TxCert (
  GenesisDelegCert (..),
  ShelleyDelegCert (..),
  ShelleyTxCert (..),
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.TxOut (ShelleyTxOut (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.TxWits (ShelleyTxWits (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.TxIn (TxId (..), TxIn (..))
import Cardano.Ledger.UMap
import Cardano.Ledger.Val (Val)
import Constrained hiding (Sized, Value)
import Constrained qualified as C
import Constrained.Base (
  Binder (..),
  HasGenHint (..),
  Pred (..),
  Term (..),
import Constrained.Spec.Map
import Control.DeepSeq (NFData)
import Crypto.Hash (Blake2b_224)
import Data.ByteString qualified as BS
import Data.ByteString.Short (ShortByteString)
import Data.ByteString.Short qualified as SBS
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Foldable
import Data.Int
import Data.Kind
import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE
import Data.Map (Map)
import Data.Map.Strict qualified as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.OMap.Strict qualified as OMap
import Data.OSet.Strict qualified as SOS
import Data.Sequence (Seq)
import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq
import Data.Sequence.Strict (StrictSeq)
import Data.Sequence.Strict qualified as StrictSeq
import Data.Set (Set)
import Data.Set qualified as Set
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.Tree
import Data.Typeable
import Data.VMap (VMap)
import Data.VMap qualified as VMap
import Data.Word
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
import PlutusLedgerApi.V1 qualified as PV1
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Allegra.Arbitrary ()
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Alonzo.Arbitrary ()
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Constrained.Conway.Instances.Basic
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Arbitrary ()
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Core.Utils
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.Shelley.Utils
import Test.Cardano.Ledger.TreeDiff (ToExpr)
import Test.Cardano.Slotting.Numeric ()
import Test.QuickCheck hiding (Args, Fun, NonZero, forAll)

-- ==========================================================

type ConwayUnivFns = CoinFn : CoerceFn : StringFn : MapFn : FunFn : TreeFn : BaseFns
type ConwayFn = Fix (OneofL ConwayUnivFns)

type IsConwayUniv fn =
  ( BaseUniverse fn
  , Member (CoinFn fn) fn
  , Member (CoerceFn fn) fn
  , Member (StringFn fn) fn
  , Member (MapFn fn) fn
  , Member (FunFn fn) fn
  , Member (TreeFn fn) fn

-- TxBody HasSpec instance ------------------------------------------------

-- NOTE: this is a representation of the `ConwayTxBody` type. You can't
-- simply use the generics to derive the `SimpleRep` for `ConwayTxBody`
-- because the type is memoized. So instead we say that the representation
-- is the same as what you would get from using the `ConwayTxBody` pattern.
type ConwayTxBodyTypes =
  '[ Set TxIn
   , Set TxIn
   , Set TxIn
   , StrictSeq (Sized (TxOut ConwayEra))
   , StrictMaybe (Sized (TxOut ConwayEra))
   , StrictMaybe Coin
   , SOS.OSet (ConwayTxCert ConwayEra)
   , Withdrawals
   , Coin
   , ValidityInterval
   , Set (KeyHash 'Witness)
   , MultiAsset
   , StrictMaybe ScriptIntegrityHash
   , StrictMaybe TxAuxDataHash
   , StrictMaybe Network
   , VotingProcedures ConwayEra
   , SOS.OSet (ProposalProcedure ConwayEra)
   , StrictMaybe Coin
   , Coin
instance (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (ConwayTxBody ConwayEra)

instance HasSimpleRep (ConwayTxBody ConwayEra) where
  type TheSop (ConwayTxBody ConwayEra) = '["ConwayTxBody" ::: ConwayTxBodyTypes]
  toSimpleRep :: ConwayTxBody ConwayEra -> SimpleRep (ConwayTxBody ConwayEra)
toSimpleRep ConwayTxBody {Set (KeyHash 'Witness)
Set TxIn
OSet (TxCert ConwayEra)
OSet (ProposalProcedure ConwayEra)
StrictMaybe ScriptIntegrityHash
StrictMaybe TxAuxDataHash
StrictMaybe Coin
StrictMaybe (Sized (TxOut ConwayEra))
StrictMaybe Network
VotingProcedures ConwayEra
StrictSeq (Sized (TxOut ConwayEra))
ctbSpendInputs :: forall era. ConwayEraTxBody era => ConwayTxBody era -> Set TxIn
ctbCollateralInputs :: forall era. ConwayEraTxBody era => ConwayTxBody era -> Set TxIn
ctbReferenceInputs :: forall era. ConwayEraTxBody era => ConwayTxBody era -> Set TxIn
ctbOutputs :: forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
ConwayTxBody era -> StrictSeq (Sized (TxOut era))
ctbCollateralReturn :: forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
ConwayTxBody era -> StrictMaybe (Sized (TxOut era))
ctbTotalCollateral :: forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
ConwayTxBody era -> StrictMaybe Coin
ctbCerts :: forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
ConwayTxBody era -> OSet (TxCert era)
ctbWithdrawals :: forall era. ConwayEraTxBody era => ConwayTxBody era -> Withdrawals
ctbTxfee :: forall era. ConwayEraTxBody era => ConwayTxBody era -> Coin
ctbVldt :: forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
ConwayTxBody era -> ValidityInterval
ctbReqSignerHashes :: forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
ConwayTxBody era -> Set (KeyHash 'Witness)
ctbMint :: forall era. ConwayEraTxBody era => ConwayTxBody era -> MultiAsset
ctbScriptIntegrityHash :: forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
ConwayTxBody era -> StrictMaybe ScriptIntegrityHash
ctbAdHash :: forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
ConwayTxBody era -> StrictMaybe TxAuxDataHash
ctbTxNetworkId :: forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
ConwayTxBody era -> StrictMaybe Network
ctbVotingProcedures :: forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
ConwayTxBody era -> VotingProcedures era
ctbProposalProcedures :: forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
ConwayTxBody era -> OSet (ProposalProcedure era)
ctbCurrentTreasuryValue :: forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
ConwayTxBody era -> StrictMaybe Coin
ctbTreasuryDonation :: forall era. ConwayEraTxBody era => ConwayTxBody era -> Coin
ctbTreasuryDonation :: Coin
ctbCurrentTreasuryValue :: StrictMaybe Coin
ctbProposalProcedures :: OSet (ProposalProcedure ConwayEra)
ctbVotingProcedures :: VotingProcedures ConwayEra
ctbTxNetworkId :: StrictMaybe Network
ctbAdHash :: StrictMaybe TxAuxDataHash
ctbScriptIntegrityHash :: StrictMaybe ScriptIntegrityHash
ctbMint :: MultiAsset
ctbReqSignerHashes :: Set (KeyHash 'Witness)
ctbVldt :: ValidityInterval
ctbTxfee :: Coin
ctbWithdrawals :: Withdrawals
ctbCerts :: OSet (TxCert ConwayEra)
ctbTotalCollateral :: StrictMaybe Coin
ctbCollateralReturn :: StrictMaybe (Sized (TxOut ConwayEra))
ctbOutputs :: StrictSeq (Sized (TxOut ConwayEra))
ctbReferenceInputs :: Set TxIn
ctbCollateralInputs :: Set TxIn
ctbSpendInputs :: Set TxIn
..} =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"ConwayTxBody" @'["ConwayTxBody" ::: ConwayTxBodyTypes]
      Set TxIn
      Set TxIn
      Set TxIn
      StrictSeq (Sized (TxOut ConwayEra))
      StrictMaybe (Sized (TxOut ConwayEra))
      StrictMaybe Coin
      OSet (TxCert ConwayEra)
      Set (KeyHash 'Witness)
      StrictMaybe ScriptIntegrityHash
      StrictMaybe TxAuxDataHash
      StrictMaybe Network
      VotingProcedures ConwayEra
      OSet (ProposalProcedure ConwayEra)
      StrictMaybe Coin
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (ConwayTxBody ConwayEra) -> ConwayTxBody ConwayEra
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (ConwayTxBody ConwayEra)
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["ConwayTxBody" ::: ConwayTxBodyTypes] SimpleRep (ConwayTxBody ConwayEra)
rep forall era.
ConwayEraTxBody era =>
Set TxIn
-> Set TxIn
-> Set TxIn
-> StrictSeq (Sized (TxOut era))
-> StrictMaybe (Sized (TxOut era))
-> StrictMaybe Coin
-> OSet (TxCert era)
-> Withdrawals
-> Coin
-> ValidityInterval
-> Set (KeyHash 'Witness)
-> MultiAsset
-> StrictMaybe ScriptIntegrityHash
-> StrictMaybe TxAuxDataHash
-> StrictMaybe Network
-> VotingProcedures era
-> OSet (ProposalProcedure era)
-> StrictMaybe Coin
-> Coin
-> ConwayTxBody era

instance HasSimpleRep DeltaCoin where
  type SimpleRep DeltaCoin = Integer
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep DeltaCoin -> DeltaCoin
fromSimpleRep = Integer -> DeltaCoin
  toSimpleRep :: DeltaCoin -> SimpleRep DeltaCoin
toSimpleRep (DeltaCoin Integer
c) = Integer
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn DeltaCoin
instance IsConwayUniv fn => OrdLike fn DeltaCoin
instance IsConwayUniv fn => NumLike fn DeltaCoin
instance IsConwayUniv fn => Foldy fn DeltaCoin where
  genList :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(BaseUniverse fn, MonadGenError m) =>
Specification fn DeltaCoin
-> Specification fn DeltaCoin -> GenT m [DeltaCoin]
genList Specification fn DeltaCoin
s Specification fn DeltaCoin
s' = forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map forall a. HasSimpleRep a => SimpleRep a -> a
fromSimpleRep forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (m :: * -> *).
(Foldy fn a, BaseUniverse fn, MonadGenError m) =>
Specification fn a -> Specification fn a -> GenT m [a]
genList @fn @Integer (forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (SimpleRep a), HasSimpleRep a,
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (SimpleRep a)) =>
Specification fn a -> Specification fn (SimpleRep a)
toSimpleRepSpec Specification fn DeltaCoin
s) (forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (SimpleRep a), HasSimpleRep a,
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (SimpleRep a)) =>
Specification fn a -> Specification fn (SimpleRep a)
toSimpleRepSpec Specification fn DeltaCoin
  theAddFn :: fn '[DeltaCoin, DeltaCoin] DeltaCoin
theAddFn = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. NumLike fn a => fn '[a, a] a
  theZero :: DeltaCoin
theZero = Integer -> DeltaCoin
DeltaCoin Integer
  genSizedList :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(BaseUniverse fn, MonadGenError m) =>
Specification fn Integer
-> Specification fn DeltaCoin
-> Specification fn DeltaCoin
-> GenT m [DeltaCoin]
genSizedList Specification fn Integer
sz Specification fn DeltaCoin
elemSpec Specification fn DeltaCoin
foldSpec =
    forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map forall a. HasSimpleRep a => SimpleRep a -> a
      forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (m :: * -> *).
(Foldy fn a, MonadGenError m, Random a, Integral a,
 TypeSpec fn a ~ NumSpec fn a) =>
Specification fn Integer
-> Specification fn a -> Specification fn a -> GenT m [a]
genListWithSize @fn @Integer Specification fn Integer
sz (forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (SimpleRep a), HasSimpleRep a,
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (SimpleRep a)) =>
Specification fn a -> Specification fn (SimpleRep a)
toSimpleRepSpec Specification fn DeltaCoin
elemSpec) (forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (SimpleRep a), HasSimpleRep a,
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (SimpleRep a)) =>
Specification fn a -> Specification fn (SimpleRep a)
toSimpleRepSpec Specification fn DeltaCoin
  noNegativeValues :: Bool
noNegativeValues = Bool

deriving via Integer instance Num DeltaCoin

instance HasSimpleRep (GovSignal era)
instance (EraTxCert ConwayEra, EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (GovSignal ConwayEra)

instance HasSimpleRep SlotNo
instance IsConwayUniv fn => OrdLike fn SlotNo
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn SlotNo

instance HasSimpleRep EpochNo
instance IsConwayUniv fn => OrdLike fn EpochNo
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn EpochNo
instance IsConwayUniv fn => NumLike fn EpochNo

instance HasSimpleRep TxIx
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn TxIx

instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Typeable index) => HasSpec fn (SafeHash index) where
  type TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index) = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index)
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index)
-> TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index)
-> Specification fn (SafeHash index)
combineSpec TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index)
_ TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index) -> GenT m (SafeHash index)
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index)
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index) -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index) -> SafeHash index -> [SafeHash index]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index)
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack =>
SafeHash index -> TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index) -> Bool
conformsTo SafeHash index
_ TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index)
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn (SafeHash index) -> TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index) -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn (SafeHash index)
_ TypeSpec fn (SafeHash index)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

instance HasSimpleRep TxId
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn TxId

instance HasSimpleRep TxIn
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn TxIn

instance HasSimpleRep (StrictSeq a) where
  type SimpleRep (StrictSeq a) = [a]
  toSimpleRep :: StrictSeq a -> SimpleRep (StrictSeq a)
toSimpleRep = forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> [a]
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (StrictSeq a) -> StrictSeq a
fromSimpleRep = forall a. [a] -> StrictSeq a
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, HasSpec fn a) => HasSpec fn (StrictSeq a)
instance Forallable (StrictSeq a) a

instance HasSimpleRep (Seq a) where
  type SimpleRep (Seq a) = [a]
  toSimpleRep :: Seq a -> SimpleRep (Seq a)
toSimpleRep = forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> [a]
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (Seq a) -> Seq a
fromSimpleRep = forall a. [a] -> Seq a
instance HasSpec fn a => HasSpec fn (Seq a)
instance Forallable (Seq a) a
instance HasSpec fn a => C.Sized fn (Seq a)

instance HasSimpleRep (Sized a)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, HasSpec fn a) => HasSpec fn (Sized a)

sizedValue_ :: (HasSpec fn (Sized a), HasSpec fn a) => Term fn (Sized a) -> Term fn a
sizedValue_ :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
(HasSpec fn (Sized a), HasSpec fn a) =>
Term fn (Sized a) -> Term fn a
sizedValue_ = forall (n :: Natural) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (c :: Symbol)
       (as :: [*]).
(SimpleRep a ~ ProdOver as, TheSop a ~ '[c ::: as],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (ProdOver as), Select fn n as,
 HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (ProdOver as), HasSimpleRep a) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn (At n as)
sel @0

sizedSize_ :: (HasSpec fn (Sized a), HasSpec fn a) => Term fn (Sized a) -> Term fn Int64
sizedSize_ :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
(HasSpec fn (Sized a), HasSpec fn a) =>
Term fn (Sized a) -> Term fn Int64
sizedSize_ = forall (n :: Natural) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (c :: Symbol)
       (as :: [*]).
(SimpleRep a ~ ProdOver as, TheSop a ~ '[c ::: as],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (ProdOver as), Select fn n as,
 HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (ProdOver as), HasSimpleRep a) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn (At n as)
sel @1

instance HasSimpleRep Addr28Extra
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Addr28Extra

instance HasSimpleRep DataHash32
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn DataHash32

type ShelleyTxOutTypes era =
  '[ Addr
   , Value era
instance (Era era, Val (Value era)) => HasSimpleRep (ShelleyTxOut era) where
  type TheSop (ShelleyTxOut era) = '["ShelleyTxOut" ::: ShelleyTxOutTypes era]
  toSimpleRep :: ShelleyTxOut era -> SimpleRep (ShelleyTxOut era)
toSimpleRep (ShelleyTxOut Addr
addr Value era
val) =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"ShelleyTxOut" @'["ShelleyTxOut" ::: ShelleyTxOutTypes era]
      Value era
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (ShelleyTxOut era) -> ShelleyTxOut era
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (ShelleyTxOut era)
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["ShelleyTxOut" ::: ShelleyTxOutTypes era] SimpleRep (ShelleyTxOut era)
rep forall era.
(HasCallStack, Era era, Val (Value era)) =>
Addr -> Value era -> ShelleyTxOut era

instance (EraTxOut era, HasSpec fn (Value era), IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (ShelleyTxOut era)

type AlonzoTxOutTypes era =
  '[ Addr
   , Value era
   , StrictMaybe DataHash
instance (Era era, Val (Value era)) => HasSimpleRep (AlonzoTxOut era) where
  type TheSop (AlonzoTxOut era) = '["AlonzoTxOut" ::: AlonzoTxOutTypes era]
  toSimpleRep :: AlonzoTxOut era -> SimpleRep (AlonzoTxOut era)
toSimpleRep (AlonzoTxOut Addr
addr Value era
val StrictMaybe (SafeHash EraIndependentData)
mdat) =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"AlonzoTxOut" @'["AlonzoTxOut" ::: AlonzoTxOutTypes era]
      Value era
      StrictMaybe (SafeHash EraIndependentData)
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (AlonzoTxOut era) -> AlonzoTxOut era
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (AlonzoTxOut era)
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["AlonzoTxOut" ::: AlonzoTxOutTypes era] SimpleRep (AlonzoTxOut era)
rep forall era.
(Era era, Val (Value era), HasCallStack) =>
-> Value era
-> StrictMaybe (SafeHash EraIndependentData)
-> AlonzoTxOut era

instance (EraTxOut era, HasSpec fn (Value era), IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (AlonzoTxOut era)

type BabbageTxOutTypes era =
  '[ Addr
   , Value era
   , Datum era
   , StrictMaybe (Script era)
instance (Era era, Val (Value era)) => HasSimpleRep (BabbageTxOut era) where
  type TheSop (BabbageTxOut era) = '["BabbageTxOut" ::: BabbageTxOutTypes era]
  toSimpleRep :: BabbageTxOut era -> SimpleRep (BabbageTxOut era)
toSimpleRep (BabbageTxOut Addr
addr Value era
val Datum era
dat StrictMaybe (Script era)
msc) =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"BabbageTxOut" @'["BabbageTxOut" ::: BabbageTxOutTypes era]
      Value era
      Datum era
      StrictMaybe (Script era)
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (BabbageTxOut era) -> BabbageTxOut era
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (BabbageTxOut era)
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["BabbageTxOut" ::: BabbageTxOutTypes era] SimpleRep (BabbageTxOut era)
rep forall era.
(Era era, Val (Value era), HasCallStack) =>
-> Value era
-> Datum era
-> StrictMaybe (Script era)
-> BabbageTxOut era

  ( IsConwayUniv fn
  , HasSpec fn (Value era)
  , Era era
  , HasSpec fn (Data era)
  , Val (Value era)
  , HasSpec fn (Script era)
  , IsNormalType (Script era)
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (BabbageTxOut era)

txOutVal_ ::
  ( HasSpec fn (Value era)
  , Era era
  , HasSpec fn (Data era)
  , Val (Value era)
  , HasSpec fn (Script era)
  , IsConwayUniv fn
  , HasSpec fn (BabbageTxOut era)
  , IsNormalType (Script era)
  ) =>
  Term fn (BabbageTxOut era) ->
  Term fn (Value era)
txOutVal_ :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) era.
(HasSpec fn (Value era), Era era, HasSpec fn (Data era),
 Val (Value era), HasSpec fn (Script era), IsConwayUniv fn,
 HasSpec fn (BabbageTxOut era), IsNormalType (Script era)) =>
Term fn (BabbageTxOut era) -> Term fn (Value era)
txOutVal_ = forall (n :: Natural) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (c :: Symbol)
       (as :: [*]).
(SimpleRep a ~ ProdOver as, TheSop a ~ '[c ::: as],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (ProdOver as), Select fn n as,
 HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (ProdOver as), HasSimpleRep a) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn (At n as)
sel @1

  ( Compactible a
  , HasSimpleRep a
  , Typeable (SimpleRep a)
  , Show (SimpleRep a)
  ) =>
  HasSimpleRep (CompactForm a)
  type SimpleRep (CompactForm a) = SimpleRep a
  toSimpleRep :: CompactForm a -> SimpleRep (CompactForm a)
toSimpleRep = forall a. HasSimpleRep a => a -> SimpleRep a
toSimpleRep forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. Compactible a => CompactForm a -> a
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (CompactForm a) -> CompactForm a
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (CompactForm a)
x = forall a. a -> Maybe a -> a
fromMaybe CompactForm a
err forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. Compactible a => a -> Maybe (CompactForm a)
toCompact forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a. HasSimpleRep a => SimpleRep a -> a
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (CompactForm a)
      err :: CompactForm a
err = forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ [Char]
"toCompact @" forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show (forall a. Typeable a => a -> TypeRep
typeOf SimpleRep (CompactForm a)
x) forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ [Char]
" " forall a. [a] -> [a] -> [a]
++ forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show SimpleRep (CompactForm a)
  ( IsConwayUniv fn
  , Compactible a
  , HasSpec fn a
  , HasSimpleRep a
  , HasSpec fn (SimpleRep a)
  , Show (TypeSpec fn (SimpleRep a))
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (CompactForm a)

instance HasSimpleRep MaryValue where
  type TheSop MaryValue = '["MaryValue" ::: '[Coin]]
  toSimpleRep :: MaryValue -> SimpleRep MaryValue
toSimpleRep (MaryValue Coin
c MultiAsset
_) = Coin
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep MaryValue -> MaryValue
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep MaryValue
c = Coin -> MultiAsset -> MaryValue
MaryValue SimpleRep MaryValue
c forall a. Monoid a => a
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn MaryValue

maryValueCoin_ :: IsConwayUniv fn => Term fn MaryValue -> Term fn Coin
maryValueCoin_ :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
IsConwayUniv fn =>
Term fn MaryValue -> Term fn Coin
maryValueCoin_ = forall (n :: Natural) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (c :: Symbol)
       (as :: [*]).
(SimpleRep a ~ ProdOver as, TheSop a ~ '[c ::: as],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (ProdOver as), Select fn n as,
 HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (ProdOver as), HasSimpleRep a) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn (At n as)
sel @0

instance HasSimpleRep PV1.Data
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn PV1.Data where
  type TypeSpec fn PV1.Data = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn Data
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn Data -> TypeSpec fn Data -> Specification fn Data
combineSpec TypeSpec fn Data
_ TypeSpec fn Data
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn Data -> GenT m Data
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn Data
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn Data -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn Data
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn Data -> Data -> [Data]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn Data
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack => Data -> TypeSpec fn Data -> Bool
conformsTo Data
_ TypeSpec fn Data
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn Data -> TypeSpec fn Data -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn Data
_ TypeSpec fn Data
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

instance Era era => HasSimpleRep (Data era) where
  type SimpleRep (Data era) = PV1.Data
  toSimpleRep :: Data era -> SimpleRep (Data era)
toSimpleRep = forall era. Data era -> Data
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (Data era) -> Data era
fromSimpleRep = forall era t.
(Era era, EncCBOR (RawType t), Memoized t) =>
RawType t -> t
mkMemoizedEra @era forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall era. Data -> PlutusData era
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era) => HasSpec fn (Data era)

instance Era era => HasSimpleRep (BinaryData era) where
  type SimpleRep (BinaryData era) = Data era
  toSimpleRep :: BinaryData era -> SimpleRep (BinaryData era)
toSimpleRep = forall era. Era era => BinaryData era -> Data era
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (BinaryData era) -> BinaryData era
fromSimpleRep = forall era. Data era -> BinaryData era
  (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era, HasSpec fn (Data era)) =>
  HasSpec fn (BinaryData era)

instance HasSimpleRep (Datum era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era, HasSpec fn (Data era)) => HasSpec fn (Datum era)

-- TODO: here we are cheating to get out of having to deal with Plutus scripts
instance HasSimpleRep (AlonzoScript era) where
  type SimpleRep (AlonzoScript era) = Timelock era
  toSimpleRep :: AlonzoScript era -> SimpleRep (AlonzoScript era)
toSimpleRep (TimelockScript Timelock era
tl) = Timelock era
  toSimpleRep (PlutusScript PlutusScript era
_) = forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"toSimpleRep for AlonzoScript on a PlutusScript"
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (AlonzoScript era) -> AlonzoScript era
fromSimpleRep = forall era. Timelock era -> AlonzoScript era
  ( IsConwayUniv fn
  , AlonzoEraScript era
  , Script era ~ AlonzoScript era
  , NativeScript era ~ Timelock era
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (AlonzoScript era)

You might think that you could do something like this for `Timelock`.
However, when you do that some questions arise:
  (1) How are you going to write constraints over recursive types
      that don't blow up to infinity?
  (2) How are you going to generate recursive values?

(2) you could imagine solving with some tricks for controlling how we generate
Sum and Prod things (with some global index of sizes: `TypeRep -> Int`). Potentially
you could solve this by having size constraints in the language. There the question is
how you design those constraints - their semantics could be `const True` while still
changing the `Specification` - thus giving you the ability to provide a generation time hint!

Solving (1) is more tricky however. The best guess I have is that you would need
to push any constraint you have into functions `MyConstraint :: MyUniv fn '[Timelock era] Bool`
and implement everything "offline". This is highly non-satisfactory - but it's hard to see
how else you would do it.

type TimelockTypes era =
  '[ -- RequireSignature
     '[KeyHash 'Witness ]
     -- RequireAllOf
   , '[StrictSeq (Timelock era)]
     -- RequireAnyOf
   , '[StrictSeq (Timelock era)]
     -- RequireMOf
   , '[Int, StrictSeq (Timelock era)]
     -- RequireTimeExpire
   , '[SlotNo]
     -- RequireTimeStart
   , '[SlotNo]

instance Era era => HasSimpleRep (Timelock era) where
  type SimpleRep (Timelock era) = SOP (TimelockTypes era)

  toSimpleRep (RequireSignature h)  = inject @0 @(TimelockTypes era) h
  toSimpleRep (RequireAllOf ts)     = inject @1 @(TimelockTypes era) ts
  toSimpleRep (RequireAnyOf ts)     = inject @2 @(TimelockTypes era) ts
  toSimpleRep (RequireMOf m ts)     = inject @3 @(TimelockTypes era) m ts
  toSimpleRep (RequireTimeExpire s) = inject @4 @(TimelockTypes era) s
  toSimpleRep (RequireTimeStart s)  = inject @5 @(TimelockTypes era) s

  fromSimpleRep rep =
    algebra @(TimelockTypes era) rep

  ( IsConwayUniv fn
  , AllegraEraScript era
  , NativeScript era ~ Timelock era
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (Timelock era)
  type TypeSpec fn (Timelock era) = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn (Timelock era)
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn (Timelock era)
-> TypeSpec fn (Timelock era) -> Specification fn (Timelock era)
combineSpec TypeSpec fn (Timelock era)
_ TypeSpec fn (Timelock era)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn (Timelock era) -> GenT m (Timelock era)
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (Timelock era)
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (Timelock era) -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (Timelock era)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (Timelock era) -> Timelock era -> [Timelock era]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (Timelock era)
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack => Timelock era -> TypeSpec fn (Timelock era) -> Bool
conformsTo Timelock era
_ TypeSpec fn (Timelock era)
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn (Timelock era) -> TypeSpec fn (Timelock era) -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn (Timelock era)
_ TypeSpec fn (Timelock era)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

instance HasSimpleRep CompactAddr where
  type SimpleRep CompactAddr = SimpleRep Addr
  toSimpleRep :: CompactAddr -> SimpleRep CompactAddr
toSimpleRep = forall a. HasSimpleRep a => a -> SimpleRep a
toSimpleRep forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. HasCallStack => CompactAddr -> Addr
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep CompactAddr -> CompactAddr
fromSimpleRep = Addr -> CompactAddr
compactAddr forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. HasSimpleRep a => SimpleRep a -> a
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn CompactAddr

instance HasSimpleRep Addr
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Addr

instance HasSimpleRep BootstrapAddress where
    TheSop BootstrapAddress =
      '[ "BootstrapAddress"
          ::: '[ AbstractHash Blake2b_224 Address'
               , NetworkMagic
               , AddrType
  toSimpleRep :: BootstrapAddress -> SimpleRep BootstrapAddress
toSimpleRep (BootstrapAddress (Address AbstractHash Blake2b_224 Address'
root (Attributes (AddrAttributes Maybe HDAddressPayload
_ NetworkMagic
magic) UnparsedFields
_) AddrType
typ)) =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"BootstrapAddress" @(TheSop BootstrapAddress)
      AbstractHash Blake2b_224 Address'
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep BootstrapAddress -> BootstrapAddress
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep BootstrapAddress
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @(TheSop BootstrapAddress) SimpleRep BootstrapAddress
rep forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      \AbstractHash Blake2b_224 Address'
root NetworkMagic
magic AddrType
typ ->
        Address -> BootstrapAddress
          (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 Address'
-> Attributes AddrAttributes -> AddrType -> Address
Address AbstractHash Blake2b_224 Address'
root (forall h. h -> UnparsedFields -> Attributes h
Attributes (Maybe HDAddressPayload -> NetworkMagic -> AddrAttributes
AddrAttributes forall a. Maybe a
Nothing NetworkMagic
magic) (Map Word8 ByteString -> UnparsedFields
UnparsedFields forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty)) AddrType
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn BootstrapAddress

instance HasSimpleRep NetworkMagic
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn NetworkMagic

instance HasSimpleRep AddrType
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn AddrType

instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Typeable b) => HasSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b) where
  type TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b) = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
-> TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
-> Specification fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
combineSpec TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
_ TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
-> GenT m (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
_ = do
bytes <- forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a. Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
vectorOf Int
28 forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
    forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a. HasCallStack => Maybe a -> a
fromJust forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall algo a.
HashAlgorithm algo =>
ByteString -> Maybe (AbstractHash algo a)
abstractHashFromBytes ([Word8] -> ByteString
BS.pack [Word8]
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
-> AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b -> [AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
_ AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b
_ = []
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
-> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack =>
AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b
-> TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b) -> Bool
conformsTo AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b
_ TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
-> TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b) -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
_ TypeSpec fn (AbstractHash Blake2b_224 b)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

instance HasSimpleRep StakeReference
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn StakeReference

instance HasSimpleRep SlotNo32
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn SlotNo32

instance HasSimpleRep Ptr
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Ptr

instance HasSimpleRep CertIx where
  type SimpleRep CertIx = Word16
  toSimpleRep :: CertIx -> SimpleRep CertIx
toSimpleRep = CertIx -> Word16
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep CertIx -> CertIx
fromSimpleRep = Word16 -> CertIx
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn CertIx

instance HasSimpleRep (Credential r)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Typeable r) => HasSpec fn (Credential r)

cKeyHashObj ::
  (IsConwayUniv fn, Typeable r) => Term fn (KeyHash r) -> Term fn (Credential r)
cKeyHashObj :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) (r :: KeyRole).
(IsConwayUniv fn, Typeable r) =>
Term fn (KeyHash r) -> Term fn (Credential r)
cKeyHashObj = forall (c :: Symbol) a r (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(SimpleRep a ~ SOP (TheSop a),
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (SOP (TheSop a)),
 TypeList (ConstrOf c (TheSop a)), HasSpec fn a, HasSimpleRep a,
 r ~ FunTy (MapList (Term fn) (ConstrOf c (TheSop a))) (Term fn a),
 ResultType r ~ Term fn a, SOPTerm c fn (TheSop a),
 ConstrTerm fn (ConstrOf c (TheSop a))) =>
con @"KeyHashObj"

cScriptHashObj ::
  (IsConwayUniv fn, Typeable r) => Term fn ScriptHash -> Term fn (Credential r)
cScriptHashObj :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) (r :: KeyRole).
(IsConwayUniv fn, Typeable r) =>
Term fn ScriptHash -> Term fn (Credential r)
cScriptHashObj = forall (c :: Symbol) a r (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(SimpleRep a ~ SOP (TheSop a),
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (SOP (TheSop a)),
 TypeList (ConstrOf c (TheSop a)), HasSpec fn a, HasSimpleRep a,
 r ~ FunTy (MapList (Term fn) (ConstrOf c (TheSop a))) (Term fn a),
 ResultType r ~ Term fn a, SOPTerm c fn (TheSop a),
 ConstrTerm fn (ConstrOf c (TheSop a))) =>
con @"ScriptHashObj"

instance HasSimpleRep ScriptHash
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn ScriptHash

pickFromFixedPool :: Arbitrary a => Int -> Gen a
pickFromFixedPool :: forall a. Arbitrary a => Int -> Gen a
pickFromFixedPool Int
n = do
seed <- (Int, Int) -> Gen Int
chooseInt (Int
0, Int
  forall n a. Integral n => n -> Gen a -> Gen a
variant Int
seed forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a

genHashWithDuplicates :: HashAlgorithm h => Gen (Hash h b)
genHashWithDuplicates :: forall h b. HashAlgorithm h => Gen (Hash h b)
genHashWithDuplicates =
  forall a. HasCallStack => [Gen a] -> Gen a
    [ forall a. Arbitrary a => Int -> Gen a
pickFromFixedPool Int
    , forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a

instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Typeable r) => HasSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r) where
  type TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r) = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
-> TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
-> Specification fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
combineSpec TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
_ TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r) -> GenT m (VRFVerKeyHash r)
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (r :: KeyRoleVRF). Hash HASH KeyRoleVRF -> VRFVerKeyHash r
VRFVerKeyHash forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall h b. HashAlgorithm h => Gen (Hash h b)
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r) -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
-> VRFVerKeyHash r -> [VRFVerKeyHash r]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack =>
VRFVerKeyHash r -> TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r) -> Bool
conformsTo VRFVerKeyHash r
_ TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
-> TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r) -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
_ TypeSpec fn (VRFVerKeyHash r)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

instance (IsConwayUniv fn, HashAlgorithm a, Typeable b) => HasSpec fn (Hash a b) where
  type TypeSpec fn (Hash a b) = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn (Hash a b)
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn (Hash a b)
-> TypeSpec fn (Hash a b) -> Specification fn (Hash a b)
combineSpec TypeSpec fn (Hash a b)
_ TypeSpec fn (Hash a b)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn (Hash a b) -> GenT m (Hash a b)
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (Hash a b)
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall h b. HashAlgorithm h => Gen (Hash h b)
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (Hash a b) -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (Hash a b)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (Hash a b) -> Hash a b -> [Hash a b]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (Hash a b)
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack => Hash a b -> TypeSpec fn (Hash a b) -> Bool
conformsTo Hash a b
_ TypeSpec fn (Hash a b)
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn (Hash a b) -> TypeSpec fn (Hash a b) -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn (Hash a b)
_ TypeSpec fn (Hash a b)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

instance HasSimpleRep (ConwayTxCert era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era) => HasSpec fn (ConwayTxCert era)

instance HasSimpleRep ConwayDelegCert
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn ConwayDelegCert

instance HasSimpleRep PoolCert
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn PoolCert

instance HasSimpleRep PoolParams
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn PoolParams

instance HasSimpleRep PoolMetadata
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn PoolMetadata

instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn StakePoolRelay where
  type TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay
-> TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay -> Specification fn StakePoolRelay
combineSpec TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay
_ TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay -> GenT m StakePoolRelay
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay -> StakePoolRelay -> [StakePoolRelay]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack =>
StakePoolRelay -> TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay -> Bool
conformsTo StakePoolRelay
_ TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn StakePoolRelay -> TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn StakePoolRelay
_ TypeSpec fn StakePoolRelay
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

instance HasSimpleRep Port
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Port

instance HasSimpleRep ConwayGovCert
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn ConwayGovCert

instance HasSimpleRep Anchor
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Anchor

instance HasSimpleRep Url
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Url where
  type TypeSpec fn Url = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn Url
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn Url -> TypeSpec fn Url -> Specification fn Url
combineSpec TypeSpec fn Url
_ TypeSpec fn Url
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn Url -> GenT m Url
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn Url
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn Url -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn Url
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn Url -> Url -> [Url]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn Url
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack => Url -> TypeSpec fn Url -> Bool
conformsTo Url
_ TypeSpec fn Url
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn Url -> TypeSpec fn Url -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn Url
_ TypeSpec fn Url
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Text where
  type TypeSpec fn Text = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn Text
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn Text -> TypeSpec fn Text -> Specification fn Text
combineSpec TypeSpec fn Text
_ TypeSpec fn Text
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn Text -> GenT m Text
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn Text
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn Text -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn Text
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn Text -> Text -> [Text]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn Text
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack => Text -> TypeSpec fn Text -> Bool
conformsTo Text
_ TypeSpec fn Text
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn Text -> TypeSpec fn Text -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn Text
_ TypeSpec fn Text
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

newtype StringSpec fn = StringSpec {forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). StringSpec fn -> Specification fn Int
strSpecLen :: Specification fn Int}

deriving instance IsConwayUniv fn => Show (StringSpec fn)

instance HasSpec fn Int => Semigroup (StringSpec fn) where
  StringSpec Specification fn Int
len <> :: StringSpec fn -> StringSpec fn -> StringSpec fn
<> StringSpec Specification fn Int
len' = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). Specification fn Int -> StringSpec fn
StringSpec (Specification fn Int
len forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> Specification fn Int

instance HasSpec fn Int => Monoid (StringSpec fn) where
  mempty :: StringSpec fn
mempty = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). Specification fn Int -> StringSpec fn
StringSpec forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a

instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn ByteString where
  type TypeSpec fn ByteString = StringSpec fn
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn ByteString
emptySpec = forall a. Monoid a => a
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn ByteString
-> TypeSpec fn ByteString -> Specification fn ByteString
combineSpec TypeSpec fn ByteString
s TypeSpec fn ByteString
s' = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
TypeSpec fn a -> Specification fn a
typeSpec forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TypeSpec fn ByteString
s forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> TypeSpec fn ByteString
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn ByteString -> GenT m ByteString
genFromTypeSpec (StringSpec Specification fn Int
ls) = do
len <- forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, HasSpec fn a, MonadGenError m) =>
Specification fn a -> GenT m a
genFromSpecT Specification fn Int
    [Word8] -> ByteString
BS.pack forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadGenError m =>
Int -> GenT GE a -> GenT m [a]
vectorOfT Int
len (forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn ByteString -> ByteString -> [ByteString]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn ByteString
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn ByteString -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn ByteString
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack => ByteString -> TypeSpec fn ByteString -> Bool
conformsTo ByteString
bs (StringSpec Specification fn Int
ls) = ByteString -> Int
BS.length ByteString
bs forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
a -> Specification fn a -> Bool
`conformsToSpec` Specification fn Int
  toPreds :: Term fn ByteString -> TypeSpec fn ByteString -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn ByteString
str (StringSpec Specification fn Int
len) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
Term fn a -> Specification fn a -> Pred fn
satisfies (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) s.
(Member (StringFn fn) fn, StringLike s, HasSpec fn s) =>
Term fn s -> Term fn Int
strLen_ Term fn ByteString
str) Specification fn Int

instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn ShortByteString where
  type TypeSpec fn ShortByteString = StringSpec fn
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn ShortByteString
emptySpec = forall a. Monoid a => a
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn ShortByteString
-> TypeSpec fn ShortByteString -> Specification fn ShortByteString
combineSpec TypeSpec fn ShortByteString
s TypeSpec fn ShortByteString
s' = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
TypeSpec fn a -> Specification fn a
typeSpec forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ TypeSpec fn ShortByteString
s forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> TypeSpec fn ShortByteString
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn ShortByteString -> GenT m ShortByteString
genFromTypeSpec (StringSpec Specification fn Int
ls) = do
len <- forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, HasSpec fn a, MonadGenError m) =>
Specification fn a -> GenT m a
genFromSpecT Specification fn Int
    [Word8] -> ShortByteString
SBS.pack forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> forall (m :: * -> *) a.
MonadGenError m =>
Int -> GenT GE a -> GenT m [a]
vectorOfT Int
len (forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn ShortByteString -> ShortByteString -> [ShortByteString]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn ShortByteString
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn ShortByteString -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn ShortByteString
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack =>
ShortByteString -> TypeSpec fn ShortByteString -> Bool
conformsTo ShortByteString
bs (StringSpec Specification fn Int
ls) = ShortByteString -> Int
SBS.length ShortByteString
bs forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
a -> Specification fn a -> Bool
`conformsToSpec` Specification fn Int
  toPreds :: Term fn ShortByteString -> TypeSpec fn ShortByteString -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn ShortByteString
str (StringSpec Specification fn Int
len) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
Term fn a -> Specification fn a -> Pred fn
satisfies (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) s.
(Member (StringFn fn) fn, StringLike s, HasSpec fn s) =>
Term fn s -> Term fn Int
strLen_ Term fn ShortByteString
str) Specification fn Int

instance StringLike ByteString where
  lengthSpec :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
IsConwayUniv fn =>
Specification fn Int -> TypeSpec fn ByteString
lengthSpec = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). Specification fn Int -> StringSpec fn
  getLengthSpec :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
TypeSpec fn ByteString -> Specification fn Int
getLengthSpec (StringSpec Specification fn Int
len) = Specification fn Int
  getLength :: ByteString -> Int
getLength = ByteString -> Int

instance StringLike ShortByteString where
  lengthSpec :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
IsConwayUniv fn =>
Specification fn Int -> TypeSpec fn ShortByteString
lengthSpec = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). Specification fn Int -> StringSpec fn
  getLengthSpec :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
TypeSpec fn ShortByteString -> Specification fn Int
getLengthSpec (StringSpec Specification fn Int
len) = Specification fn Int
  getLength :: ShortByteString -> Int
getLength = ShortByteString -> Int

data StringFn (fn :: [Type] -> Type -> Type) as b where
  LengthFn :: StringLike s => StringFn fn '[s] Int

deriving instance IsConwayUniv fn => Show (StringFn fn as b)
deriving instance IsConwayUniv fn => Eq (StringFn fn as b)

strLen_ ::
  forall fn s.
  (Member (StringFn fn) fn, StringLike s, HasSpec fn s) =>
  Term fn s ->
  Term fn Int
strLen_ :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) s.
(Member (StringFn fn) fn, StringLike s, HasSpec fn s) =>
Term fn s -> Term fn Int
strLen_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) b (as :: [*]).
(HasSpec fn b, Typeable as, TypeList as, All (HasSpec fn) as) =>
fn as b -> FunTy (MapList (Term fn) as) (Term fn b)
app (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) (fnU :: [*] -> * -> *) (as :: [*]) b.
Member fn fnU =>
fn as b -> fnU as b
injectFn forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
StringLike a =>
StringFn fn '[a] Int
LengthFn @_ @fn)

instance FunctionLike (StringFn fn) where
  sem :: forall (as :: [*]) b. StringFn fn as b -> FunTy as b
sem StringFn fn as b
LengthFn = forall s. StringLike s => s -> Int

instance IsConwayUniv fn => Functions (StringFn fn) fn where
  propagateSpecFun :: forall (as :: [*]) a b.
(TypeList as, Typeable as, HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn b,
 All (HasSpec fn) as) =>
StringFn fn as b
-> ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
-> Specification fn b
-> Specification fn a
propagateSpecFun StringFn fn as b
_ ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
_ Specification fn b
TrueSpec = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  propagateSpecFun StringFn fn as b
_ ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
_ (ErrorSpec NonEmpty [Char]
err) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
NonEmpty [Char] -> Specification fn a
ErrorSpec NonEmpty [Char]
  propagateSpecFun StringFn fn as b
fn ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
ctx Specification fn b
spec = case StringFn fn as b
fn of
    StringFn fn as b
      | SuspendedSpec {} <- Specification fn b
      , ListCtx List Value as
pre HOLE a a
HOLE List Value as'
suf <- ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
ctx ->
          forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(IsPred p fn, HasSpec fn a) =>
(Term fn a -> p) -> Specification fn a
constrained forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Term fn a
x' ->
            let args :: List (Term fn) (Append as (a : as'))
args =
                  forall {a} (f :: a -> *) (as :: [a]) (bs :: [a]).
List f as -> List f bs -> List f (Append as bs)
                    (forall {k} (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (as :: [k]).
(forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> List f as -> List g as
mapList (\(C.Value a
a) -> forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). Show a => a -> Term fn a
lit a
a) List Value as
                    (Term fn a
x' forall {k} (f :: k -> *) (a :: k) (as1 :: [k]).
f a -> List f as1 -> List f (a : as1)
:> forall {k} (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (as :: [k]).
(forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> List f as -> List g as
mapList (\(C.Value a
a) -> forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). Show a => a -> Term fn a
lit a
a) List Value as'
             in forall (ts :: [*]) (f :: * -> *) r.
TypeList ts =>
FunTy (MapList f ts) r -> List f ts -> r
uncurryList (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) b (as :: [*]).
(HasSpec fn b, Typeable as, TypeList as, All (HasSpec fn) as) =>
fn as b -> FunTy (MapList (Term fn) as) (Term fn b)
app @fn forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) (fnU :: [*] -> * -> *) (as :: [*]) b.
Member fn fnU =>
fn as b -> fnU as b
injectFn StringFn fn as b
fn) List (Term fn) (Append as (a : as'))
args forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
Term fn a -> Specification fn a -> Pred fn
`satisfies` Specification fn b
    StringFn fn as b
LengthFn ->
      -- No TypeAbstractions in ghc-8.10
      case StringFn fn as b
fn of
        (StringFn fn '[s] Int
_ :: StringFn fn '[s] Int)
          | NilCtx HOLE a s
HOLE <- ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
ctx -> forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
TypeSpec fn a -> Specification fn a
typeSpec forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall s (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(StringLike s, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
Specification fn Int -> TypeSpec fn s
lengthSpec @s Specification fn b

  mapTypeSpec :: forall a b.
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn b) =>
StringFn fn '[a] b -> TypeSpec fn a -> Specification fn b
mapTypeSpec f :: StringFn fn '[a] b
f@StringFn fn '[a] b
LengthFn TypeSpec fn a
ss =
    -- No TypeAbstractions in ghc-8.10
    case StringFn fn '[a] b
f of
      (StringFn fn '[a] Int
_ :: StringFn fn '[s] Int) -> forall s (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
StringLike s =>
TypeSpec fn s -> Specification fn Int
getLengthSpec @s TypeSpec fn a

class StringLike s where
  lengthSpec :: IsConwayUniv fn => Specification fn Int -> TypeSpec fn s
  getLengthSpec :: TypeSpec fn s -> Specification fn Int
  getLength :: s -> Int

instance HasSimpleRep Delegatee
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Delegatee

instance HasSimpleRep DRep
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn DRep

instance HasSimpleRep Withdrawals
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Withdrawals

instance HasSimpleRep RewardAccount
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn RewardAccount

instance HasSimpleRep Network
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Network

instance HasSimpleRep MultiAsset
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn MultiAsset where
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn MultiAsset
emptySpec =
    forall k (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) v. Ord k => MapSpec fn k v
      { mapSpecElem :: Specification fn (PolicyID, Map AssetName Integer)
mapSpecElem = forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(Cases (SimpleRep a) ~ '[SimpleRep a],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (SimpleRep a),
 HasSpec fn (SimpleRep a), HasSimpleRep a,
 All (HasSpec fn) (Args (SimpleRep a)), IsProd (SimpleRep a),
 HasSpec fn a, IsPred p fn) =>
FunTy (MapList (Term fn) (Args (SimpleRep a))) p
-> Specification fn a
constrained' forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Term fn PolicyID
_ Term fn (Map AssetName Integer)
innerMap ->
          forall t a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(Forallable t a, HasSpec fn t, HasSpec fn a, IsPred p fn) =>
Term fn t -> (Term fn a -> p) -> Pred fn
forAll Term fn (Map AssetName Integer)
innerMap forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Term fn (AssetName, Integer)
kv' ->
            forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). Show a => a -> Term fn a
lit Integer
0 forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(Ord a, OrdLike fn a) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn a -> Term fn Bool
<=. forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a b.
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn b) =>
Term fn (a, b) -> Term fn b
snd_ Term fn (AssetName, Integer)

instance HasSimpleRep AssetName where
  type SimpleRep AssetName = ShortByteString
  toSimpleRep :: AssetName -> SimpleRep AssetName
toSimpleRep (AssetName ShortByteString
sbs) = ShortByteString
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep AssetName -> AssetName
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep AssetName
sbs = ShortByteString -> AssetName
AssetName SimpleRep AssetName
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn AssetName

instance HasSimpleRep PolicyID
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn PolicyID

instance HasSimpleRep TxAuxDataHash
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn TxAuxDataHash

instance HasSimpleRep (VotingProcedures era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Typeable era) => HasSpec fn (VotingProcedures era)

instance HasSimpleRep (VotingProcedure era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Typeable era) => HasSpec fn (VotingProcedure era)

instance HasSimpleRep Vote
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Vote

instance HasSimpleRep GovActionId
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn GovActionId where
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn GovActionId -> GovActionId -> [GovActionId]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn GovActionId
_ GovActionId
_ = []

instance HasSimpleRep GovActionIx
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn GovActionIx

instance HasSimpleRep (GovPurposeId p era)
instance (Typeable p, IsConwayUniv fn, Era era) => HasSpec fn (GovPurposeId p era)

instance HasSimpleRep (GovAction era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, EraSpecPParams era) => HasSpec fn (GovAction era)

instance HasSimpleRep (Constitution era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, EraPParams era) => HasSpec fn (Constitution era)

instance HasSimpleRep (ConwayPParams StrictMaybe c)
  ( IsConwayUniv fn
  , Typeable c
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (ConwayPParams StrictMaybe c)

instance HasSimpleRep (ConwayPParams Identity era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era) => HasSpec fn (ConwayPParams Identity era)

instance HasSimpleRep CoinPerByte where
  -- TODO: consider `SimpleRep Coin` instead if this is annoying
  type SimpleRep CoinPerByte = Coin
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep CoinPerByte -> CoinPerByte
fromSimpleRep = Coin -> CoinPerByte
  toSimpleRep :: CoinPerByte -> SimpleRep CoinPerByte
toSimpleRep = CoinPerByte -> Coin
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn CoinPerByte

instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Char where
  type TypeSpec fn Char = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn Char
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn Char -> TypeSpec fn Char -> Specification fn Char
combineSpec TypeSpec fn Char
_ TypeSpec fn Char
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn Char -> GenT m Char
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn Char
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn Char -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn Char
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn Char -> Char -> [Char]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn Char
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack => Char -> TypeSpec fn Char -> Bool
conformsTo Char
_ TypeSpec fn Char
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn Char -> TypeSpec fn Char -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn Char
_ TypeSpec fn Char
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn CostModel where
  type TypeSpec fn CostModel = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn CostModel
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn CostModel
-> TypeSpec fn CostModel -> Specification fn CostModel
combineSpec TypeSpec fn CostModel
_ TypeSpec fn CostModel
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn CostModel -> GenT m CostModel
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn CostModel
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn CostModel -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn CostModel
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn CostModel -> CostModel -> [CostModel]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn CostModel
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack => CostModel -> TypeSpec fn CostModel -> Bool
conformsTo CostModel
_ TypeSpec fn CostModel
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn CostModel -> TypeSpec fn CostModel -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn CostModel
_ TypeSpec fn CostModel
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

instance HasSimpleRep Language
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Language

instance HasSimpleRep (NoUpdate a)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Typeable a) => HasSpec fn (NoUpdate a)

instance HasSimpleRep (THKD tag StrictMaybe a) where
  type SimpleRep (THKD tag StrictMaybe a) = SOP (TheSop (StrictMaybe a))
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (THKD tag StrictMaybe a) -> THKD tag StrictMaybe a
fromSimpleRep = forall (t :: PPGroups) (f :: * -> *) a. HKD f a -> THKD t f a
THKD forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. HasSimpleRep a => SimpleRep a -> a
  toSimpleRep :: THKD tag StrictMaybe a -> SimpleRep (THKD tag StrictMaybe a)
toSimpleRep (THKD HKD StrictMaybe a
sm) = forall a. HasSimpleRep a => a -> SimpleRep a
toSimpleRep HKD StrictMaybe a
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, IsNormalType a, Typeable tag, HasSpec fn a) => HasSpec fn (THKD tag StrictMaybe a)

instance HasSimpleRep (THKD tag Identity a) where
  type SimpleRep (THKD tag Identity a) = a
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (THKD tag Identity a) -> THKD tag Identity a
fromSimpleRep = forall (t :: PPGroups) (f :: * -> *) a. HKD f a -> THKD t f a
  toSimpleRep :: THKD tag Identity a -> SimpleRep (THKD tag Identity a)
toSimpleRep (THKD HKD Identity a
a) = HKD Identity a
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, IsNormalType a, Typeable tag, HasSpec fn a) => HasSpec fn (THKD tag Identity a)

instance HasSimpleRep GovActionPurpose
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn GovActionPurpose

instance HasSimpleRep Voter
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Voter

-- TODO: this might be a problem considering duplicates in the list! This
-- type might require having its own `HasSpec` at some point
instance Ord a => HasSimpleRep (SOS.OSet a) where
  type SimpleRep (SOS.OSet a) = [a]
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (OSet a) -> OSet a
fromSimpleRep = forall a. Ord a => StrictSeq a -> OSet a
SOS.fromStrictSeq forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. [a] -> StrictSeq a
  toSimpleRep :: OSet a -> SimpleRep (OSet a)
toSimpleRep = forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> [a]
toList forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. OSet a -> StrictSeq a
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Ord a, HasSpec fn a) => HasSpec fn (SOS.OSet a)
instance Ord a => Forallable (SOS.OSet a) a

instance HasSimpleRep (ProposalProcedure era)
  (IsConwayUniv fn, EraSpecPParams era) =>
  HasSpec fn (ProposalProcedure era)

pProcDeposit_ ::
  (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
  Term fn (ProposalProcedure ConwayEra) ->
  Term fn Coin
pProcDeposit_ :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
Term fn (ProposalProcedure ConwayEra) -> Term fn Coin
pProcDeposit_ = forall (n :: Natural) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (c :: Symbol)
       (as :: [*]).
(SimpleRep a ~ ProdOver as, TheSop a ~ '[c ::: as],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (ProdOver as), Select fn n as,
 HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (ProdOver as), HasSimpleRep a) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn (At n as)
sel @0

pProcGovAction_ ::
  (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
  Term fn (ProposalProcedure ConwayEra) ->
  Term fn (GovAction ConwayEra)
pProcGovAction_ :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
Term fn (ProposalProcedure ConwayEra)
-> Term fn (GovAction ConwayEra)
pProcGovAction_ = forall (n :: Natural) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (c :: Symbol)
       (as :: [*]).
(SimpleRep a ~ ProdOver as, TheSop a ~ '[c ::: as],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (ProdOver as), Select fn n as,
 HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (ProdOver as), HasSimpleRep a) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn (At n as)
sel @2

instance HasSimpleRep ValidityInterval
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn ValidityInterval

instance HasSimpleRep DRepState
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn DRepState

instance HasSimpleRep CommitteeAuthorization
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn CommitteeAuthorization

instance HasSimpleRep (CommitteeState era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era) => HasSpec fn (CommitteeState era)

instance HasSimpleRep (VState era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era) => HasSpec fn (VState era)

instance HasSimpleRep (PState era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era) => HasSpec fn (PState era)

instance HasSimpleRep (DState era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era) => HasSpec fn (DState era)

instance HasSimpleRep FutureGenDeleg
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn FutureGenDeleg

instance HasSimpleRep GenDelegPair
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn GenDelegPair

instance HasSimpleRep GenDelegs
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn GenDelegs

instance HasSimpleRep InstantaneousRewards
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn InstantaneousRewards

type UMapTypes =
  '[ Map (Credential 'Staking) RDPair
   , Map Ptr (Credential 'Staking)
   , Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool)
   , Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep
instance HasSimpleRep UMap where
  type TheSop UMap = '["UMap" ::: UMapTypes]
  toSimpleRep :: UMap -> SimpleRep UMap
toSimpleRep UMap
um = forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"UMap" @'["UMap" ::: UMapTypes] (UMap -> Map (Credential 'Staking) RDPair
rdPairMap UMap
um) (UMap -> Map Ptr (Credential 'Staking)
ptrMap UMap
um) (UMap -> Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool)
sPoolMap UMap
um) (UMap -> Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep
dRepMap UMap
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep UMap -> UMap
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep UMap
rep = forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["UMap" ::: UMapTypes] SimpleRep UMap
rep Map (Credential 'Staking) RDPair
-> Map Ptr (Credential 'Staking)
-> Map (Credential 'Staking) (KeyHash 'StakePool)
-> Map (Credential 'Staking) DRep
-> UMap
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn UMap

instance HasSimpleRep RDPair where
  type TheSop RDPair = '["RDPair" ::: '[SimpleRep Coin, SimpleRep Coin]]
  toSimpleRep :: RDPair -> SimpleRep RDPair
toSimpleRep (RDPair CompactForm Coin
rew CompactForm Coin
dep) =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
      @'["RDPair" ::: '[SimpleRep Coin, SimpleRep Coin]]
      (forall a. HasSimpleRep a => a -> SimpleRep a
toSimpleRep CompactForm Coin
      (forall a. HasSimpleRep a => a -> SimpleRep a
toSimpleRep CompactForm Coin
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep RDPair -> RDPair
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep RDPair
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["RDPair" ::: '[SimpleRep Coin, SimpleRep Coin]]
      SimpleRep RDPair
      ( \Word64
rew Word64
dep ->
          CompactForm Coin -> CompactForm Coin -> RDPair
            (forall a. HasSimpleRep a => SimpleRep a -> a
fromSimpleRep Word64
            (forall a. HasSimpleRep a => SimpleRep a -> a
fromSimpleRep Word64
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn RDPair

instance HasSimpleRep (ShelleyCertState era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era) => HasSpec fn (ShelleyCertState era)

instance HasSimpleRep (GovRelation StrictMaybe era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era) => HasSpec fn (GovRelation StrictMaybe era)

instance Era era => HasSimpleRep (GovEnv era)
  (EraSpecPParams era, IsConwayUniv fn, EraCertState era, HasSpec fn (CertState era)) =>
  HasSpec fn (GovEnv era)

instance HasSimpleRep (GovActionState era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era, EraSpecPParams era) => HasSpec fn (GovActionState era)

gasId_ ::
  (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
  Term fn (GovActionState ConwayEra) ->
  Term fn (GovActionId)
gasId_ :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
Term fn (GovActionState ConwayEra) -> Term fn GovActionId
gasId_ = forall (n :: Natural) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (c :: Symbol)
       (as :: [*]).
(SimpleRep a ~ ProdOver as, TheSop a ~ '[c ::: as],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (ProdOver as), Select fn n as,
 HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (ProdOver as), HasSimpleRep a) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn (At n as)
sel @0

gasCommitteeVotes_ ::
  (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
  Term fn (GovActionState ConwayEra) ->
  Term fn (Map (Credential 'HotCommitteeRole) Vote)
gasCommitteeVotes_ :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
Term fn (GovActionState ConwayEra)
-> Term fn (Map (Credential 'HotCommitteeRole) Vote)
gasCommitteeVotes_ = forall (n :: Natural) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (c :: Symbol)
       (as :: [*]).
(SimpleRep a ~ ProdOver as, TheSop a ~ '[c ::: as],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (ProdOver as), Select fn n as,
 HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (ProdOver as), HasSimpleRep a) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn (At n as)
sel @1

gasDRepVotes_ ::
  (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
  Term fn (GovActionState ConwayEra) ->
  Term fn (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) Vote)
gasDRepVotes_ :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
Term fn (GovActionState ConwayEra)
-> Term fn (Map (Credential 'DRepRole) Vote)
gasDRepVotes_ = forall (n :: Natural) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (c :: Symbol)
       (as :: [*]).
(SimpleRep a ~ ProdOver as, TheSop a ~ '[c ::: as],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (ProdOver as), Select fn n as,
 HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (ProdOver as), HasSimpleRep a) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn (At n as)
sel @2

gasProposalProcedure_ ::
  (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
  Term fn (GovActionState ConwayEra) ->
  Term fn (ProposalProcedure ConwayEra)
gasProposalProcedure_ :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
Term fn (GovActionState ConwayEra)
-> Term fn (ProposalProcedure ConwayEra)
gasProposalProcedure_ = forall (n :: Natural) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (c :: Symbol)
       (as :: [*]).
(SimpleRep a ~ ProdOver as, TheSop a ~ '[c ::: as],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (ProdOver as), Select fn n as,
 HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (ProdOver as), HasSimpleRep a) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn (At n as)
sel @4

-- =====================================================================
-- Proposals from Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Governance.Proposals
-- =====================================================================
-- The correct way to think of Proposals (definition for reference below)
-- data Proposals era = Proposals
--  { pProps :: !(OMap.OMap (GovActionId ) (GovActionState era))
--  , pRoots :: !(GovRelation PRoot era)
--  , pGraph :: !(GovRelation PGraph era)
--  }
--  is four copies of the following abstract type: ProposalType
--  one for each @`GovActionPurpose`@ (PParamUpdate,HardFork,Committee,Constitution)
--  See the extensive notes in Cardano.Ledger.Conway.Governance.Proposals
--  data ProposalTree a = Node (StrictMaybe a) [ProposalTree a]
--  In Haskell this abstration of Proposals would look something like
--  data ProposalsType = ProposalsType ProposalTree ProposalTree ProposalTree ProposalTree  [GAS]
--  Thus the SimpleRep for Proposals is a Sum type with 5 different cases, thus we need to provde
--  toSimpleRep and fromSimpleRep methods to make the HasSimpleRep instance.

type GAS era = GovActionState era
type ProposalTree era = (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GAS era)])
type ProposalsType era =
  '[ ProposalTree era -- PParamUpdate
   , ProposalTree era -- HardFork
   , ProposalTree era -- Committee
   , ProposalTree era -- Constitution
   , [GAS era] -- Everything else (TreasuryWithdrawals, Info) which can't be grouped into one of the 4 purposes.
   -- TODO - in order to improve the distribution of orders in the OMap
   -- one could try doing something like this as well to materialize the order:
   -- , TotalOrder (GovActionId )
   -- However, (1) I have no clue how this would work in detail and (2) the approach
   -- of DFS gives us a lot of testing already, and there are bigger fish to fry than
   -- this right now.
instance EraPParams era => HasSimpleRep (Proposals era) where
  type TheSop (Proposals era) = '["Proposals" ::: ProposalsType era]
  toSimpleRep :: Proposals era -> SimpleRep (Proposals era)
toSimpleRep Proposals era
props =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"Proposals" @'["Proposals" ::: ProposalsType era]
      (TreeMaybe GovActionId
-> (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GAS era)])
buildProposalTree forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'PParamUpdatePurpose era)
      (TreeMaybe GovActionId
-> (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GAS era)])
buildProposalTree forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'HardForkPurpose era)
      (TreeMaybe GovActionId
-> (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GAS era)])
buildProposalTree forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era)
      (TreeMaybe GovActionId
-> (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GAS era)])
buildProposalTree forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'ConstitutionPurpose era)
      (forall k a. Map k a -> [a]
Map.elems forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall k a. Ord k => Map k a -> Set k -> Map k a
Map.withoutKeys Map GovActionId (GAS era)
idMap Set GovActionId
      GovRelation {TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'PParamUpdatePurpose era)
TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'HardForkPurpose era)
TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era)
TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'ConstitutionPurpose era)
grConstitution :: forall (f :: * -> *) era.
GovRelation f era -> f (GovPurposeId 'ConstitutionPurpose era)
grCommittee :: forall (f :: * -> *) era.
GovRelation f era -> f (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era)
grHardFork :: forall (f :: * -> *) era.
GovRelation f era -> f (GovPurposeId 'HardForkPurpose era)
grPParamUpdate :: forall (f :: * -> *) era.
GovRelation f era -> f (GovPurposeId 'PParamUpdatePurpose era)
grConstitution :: TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'ConstitutionPurpose era)
grCommittee :: TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era)
grHardFork :: TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'HardForkPurpose era)
grPParamUpdate :: TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'PParamUpdatePurpose era)
..} = forall era.
(Era era, HasCallStack) =>
Proposals era -> GovRelation TreeMaybe era
toGovRelationTree Proposals era
      idMap :: Map GovActionId (GAS era)
idMap = forall era. Proposals era -> Map GovActionId (GovActionState era)
proposalsActionsMap Proposals era

      treeKeys :: Set GovActionId
treeKeys =
        forall (t :: * -> *) m a.
(Foldable t, Monoid m) =>
(a -> m) -> t a -> m
          TreeMaybe GovActionId -> Set GovActionId
          [ coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'PParamUpdatePurpose era)
          , coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'HardForkPurpose era)
          , coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era)
          , coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce TreeMaybe (GovPurposeId 'ConstitutionPurpose era)

      buildProposalTree :: TreeMaybe GovActionId -> ProposalTree era
      buildProposalTree :: TreeMaybe GovActionId
-> (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GAS era)])
buildProposalTree (TreeMaybe (Node StrictMaybe GovActionId
mId [Tree (StrictMaybe GovActionId)]
cs)) = (StrictMaybe GovActionId
mId, forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Tree (StrictMaybe GovActionId) -> Tree (GAS era)
buildTree [Tree (StrictMaybe GovActionId)]

      buildTree :: Tree (StrictMaybe GovActionId) -> Tree (GAS era)
      buildTree :: Tree (StrictMaybe GovActionId) -> Tree (GAS era)
buildTree (Node (SJust GovActionId
gid) [Tree (StrictMaybe GovActionId)]
cs) | Just GAS era
gas <- forall k a. Ord k => k -> Map k a -> Maybe a
Map.lookup GovActionId
gid Map GovActionId (GAS era)
idMap = forall a. a -> [Tree a] -> Tree a
Node GAS era
gas (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map Tree (StrictMaybe GovActionId) -> Tree (GAS era)
buildTree [Tree (StrictMaybe GovActionId)]
      buildTree Tree (StrictMaybe GovActionId)
_ =
        forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error [Char]
"toSimpleRep @Proposals: toGovRelationTree returned trees with Nothing nodes below the root"

      keys :: TreeMaybe GovActionId -> Set GovActionId
      keys :: TreeMaybe GovActionId -> Set GovActionId
keys (TreeMaybe Tree (StrictMaybe GovActionId)
t) = forall (t :: * -> *) m a.
(Foldable t, Monoid m) =>
(a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap (forall a b. a -> (b -> a) -> StrictMaybe b -> a
strictMaybe forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty forall a. a -> Set a
Set.singleton) Tree (StrictMaybe GovActionId)

  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (Proposals era) -> Proposals era
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (Proposals era)
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["Proposals" ::: ProposalsType era]
      SimpleRep (Proposals era)
      forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \(StrictMaybe GovActionId
rPPUp, [Tree (GAS era)]
ppupTree) (StrictMaybe GovActionId
rHF, [Tree (GAS era)]
hfTree) (StrictMaybe GovActionId
rCom, [Tree (GAS era)]
comTree) (StrictMaybe GovActionId
rCon, [Tree (GAS era)]
conTree) [GAS era]
others ->
        let root :: GovRelation StrictMaybe era
root = forall (f :: * -> *) era.
f (GovPurposeId 'PParamUpdatePurpose era)
-> f (GovPurposeId 'HardForkPurpose era)
-> f (GovPurposeId 'CommitteePurpose era)
-> f (GovPurposeId 'ConstitutionPurpose era)
-> GovRelation f era
GovRelation (coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce StrictMaybe GovActionId
rPPUp) (coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce StrictMaybe GovActionId
rHF) (coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce StrictMaybe GovActionId
rCom) (coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b
coerce StrictMaybe GovActionId
            -- TODO: note, this doesn't roundtrip and the distribution is a bit iffy. See the TODO
            -- above for ideas on how to deal with this.
            oMap :: OMap GovActionId (GAS era)
oMap = forall (t :: * -> *) m a.
(Foldable t, Monoid m) =>
(a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap (forall (t :: * -> *) m a.
(Foldable t, Monoid m) =>
(a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap forall {k} {v}. HasOKey k v => Tree v -> OMap k v
mkOMap) [[Tree (GAS era)]
ppupTree, [Tree (GAS era)]
hfTree, [Tree (GAS era)]
comTree, [Tree (GAS era)]
conTree] forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> forall (f :: * -> *) k v.
(Foldable f, HasOKey k v) =>
f v -> OMap k v
OMap.fromFoldable [GAS era]
         in forall era.
(HasCallStack, EraPParams era) =>
GovRelation StrictMaybe era
-> OMap GovActionId (GovActionState era) -> Proposals era
unsafeMkProposals GovRelation StrictMaybe era
root OMap GovActionId (GAS era)
      mkOMap :: Tree v -> OMap k v
mkOMap (Node v
a [Tree v]
ts) = v
a forall k v. HasOKey k v => v -> OMap k v -> OMap k v
OMap.<| forall (t :: * -> *) m a.
(Foldable t, Monoid m) =>
(a -> m) -> t a -> m
foldMap Tree v -> OMap k v
mkOMap [Tree v]

instance (EraSpecPParams era, IsConwayUniv fn, Arbitrary (Proposals era)) => HasSpec fn (Proposals era) where
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (Proposals era) -> Proposals era -> [Proposals era]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (Proposals era)
_ Proposals era
props = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
shrink Proposals era

psPParamUpdate_ ::
  (EraSpecPParams era, Arbitrary (Proposals era), IsConwayUniv fn) =>
  Term fn (Proposals era) -> Term fn (ProposalTree era)
psPParamUpdate_ :: forall era (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(EraSpecPParams era, Arbitrary (Proposals era), IsConwayUniv fn) =>
Term fn (Proposals era) -> Term fn (ProposalTree era)
psPParamUpdate_ = forall (n :: Natural) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a (c :: Symbol)
       (as :: [*]).
(SimpleRep a ~ ProdOver as, TheSop a ~ '[c ::: as],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (ProdOver as), Select fn n as,
 HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (ProdOver as), HasSimpleRep a) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn (At n as)
sel @0

data ProposalsSplit = ProposalsSplit
  { ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psPPChange :: Integer
  , ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psHFInitiation :: Integer
  , ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psUpdateCommittee :: Integer
  , ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psNewConstitution :: Integer
  , ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psOthers :: Integer
  deriving (Int -> ProposalsSplit -> ShowS
[ProposalsSplit] -> ShowS
ProposalsSplit -> [Char]
forall a.
(Int -> a -> ShowS) -> (a -> [Char]) -> ([a] -> ShowS) -> Show a
showList :: [ProposalsSplit] -> ShowS
$cshowList :: [ProposalsSplit] -> ShowS
show :: ProposalsSplit -> [Char]
$cshow :: ProposalsSplit -> [Char]
showsPrec :: Int -> ProposalsSplit -> ShowS
$cshowsPrec :: Int -> ProposalsSplit -> ShowS
Show, ProposalsSplit -> ProposalsSplit -> Bool
forall a. (a -> a -> Bool) -> (a -> a -> Bool) -> Eq a
/= :: ProposalsSplit -> ProposalsSplit -> Bool
$c/= :: ProposalsSplit -> ProposalsSplit -> Bool
== :: ProposalsSplit -> ProposalsSplit -> Bool
$c== :: ProposalsSplit -> ProposalsSplit -> Bool
Eq, forall x. Rep ProposalsSplit x -> ProposalsSplit
forall x. ProposalsSplit -> Rep ProposalsSplit x
forall a.
(forall x. a -> Rep a x) -> (forall x. Rep a x -> a) -> Generic a
$cto :: forall x. Rep ProposalsSplit x -> ProposalsSplit
$cfrom :: forall x. ProposalsSplit -> Rep ProposalsSplit x

instance EncCBOR ProposalsSplit where
  encCBOR :: ProposalsSplit -> Encoding
encCBOR x :: ProposalsSplit
x@(ProposalsSplit Integer
_ Integer
_ Integer
_ Integer
_ Integer
_) =
    let ProposalsSplit {Integer
psOthers :: Integer
psNewConstitution :: Integer
psUpdateCommittee :: Integer
psHFInitiation :: Integer
psPPChange :: Integer
psOthers :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psNewConstitution :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psUpdateCommittee :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psHFInitiation :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psPPChange :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
..} = ProposalsSplit
     in forall (w :: Wrapped) t. Encode w t -> Encoding
encode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
          forall t. t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
Rec Integer
-> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> ProposalsSplit
            forall (w :: Wrapped) a t (r :: Density).
Encode w (a -> t) -> Encode ('Closed r) a -> Encode w t
!> forall t. EncCBOR t => t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
To Integer
            forall (w :: Wrapped) a t (r :: Density).
Encode w (a -> t) -> Encode ('Closed r) a -> Encode w t
!> forall t. EncCBOR t => t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
To Integer
            forall (w :: Wrapped) a t (r :: Density).
Encode w (a -> t) -> Encode ('Closed r) a -> Encode w t
!> forall t. EncCBOR t => t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
To Integer
            forall (w :: Wrapped) a t (r :: Density).
Encode w (a -> t) -> Encode ('Closed r) a -> Encode w t
!> forall t. EncCBOR t => t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
To Integer
            forall (w :: Wrapped) a t (r :: Density).
Encode w (a -> t) -> Encode ('Closed r) a -> Encode w t
!> forall t. EncCBOR t => t -> Encode ('Closed 'Dense) t
To Integer

instance DecCBOR ProposalsSplit where
  decCBOR :: forall s. Decoder s ProposalsSplit
decCBOR =
    forall t (w :: Wrapped) s. Typeable t => Decode w t -> Decoder s t
decode forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      forall t. t -> Decode ('Closed 'Dense) t
RecD Integer
-> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> Integer -> ProposalsSplit
        forall a (w1 :: Wrapped) t (w :: Density).
Typeable a =>
Decode w1 (a -> t) -> Decode ('Closed w) a -> Decode w1 t
<! forall t (w :: Wrapped). DecCBOR t => Decode w t
        forall a (w1 :: Wrapped) t (w :: Density).
Typeable a =>
Decode w1 (a -> t) -> Decode ('Closed w) a -> Decode w1 t
<! forall t (w :: Wrapped). DecCBOR t => Decode w t
        forall a (w1 :: Wrapped) t (w :: Density).
Typeable a =>
Decode w1 (a -> t) -> Decode ('Closed w) a -> Decode w1 t
<! forall t (w :: Wrapped). DecCBOR t => Decode w t
        forall a (w1 :: Wrapped) t (w :: Density).
Typeable a =>
Decode w1 (a -> t) -> Decode ('Closed w) a -> Decode w1 t
<! forall t (w :: Wrapped). DecCBOR t => Decode w t
        forall a (w1 :: Wrapped) t (w :: Density).
Typeable a =>
Decode w1 (a -> t) -> Decode ('Closed w) a -> Decode w1 t
<! forall t (w :: Wrapped). DecCBOR t => Decode w t

instance ToExpr ProposalsSplit

instance NFData ProposalsSplit

proposalSplitSum :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
proposalSplitSum :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
proposalSplitSum ProposalsSplit {Integer
psOthers :: Integer
psNewConstitution :: Integer
psUpdateCommittee :: Integer
psHFInitiation :: Integer
psPPChange :: Integer
psOthers :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psNewConstitution :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psUpdateCommittee :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psHFInitiation :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psPPChange :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
..} =
  forall (t :: * -> *) a. (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a
    [ Integer
    , Integer
    , Integer
    , Integer
    , Integer

-- | Randomly splits a number into the given number of terms. Might undershoot
-- due to rounding
splitInto :: Integer -> Int -> Gen [Integer]
splitInto :: Integer -> Int -> Gen [Integer]
splitInto Integer
budget Int
numSplits = do
  [NonNegative Int]
splits <- forall a. Int -> Gen a -> Gen [a]
vectorOf Int
numSplits forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
arbitrary @(NonNegative Int)
  let unwrappedSplits :: [Int]
unwrappedSplits = forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
fmap forall a. NonNegative a -> a
getNonNegative [NonNegative Int]
  let splitsTotal :: Integer
splitsTotal = forall a. Integral a => a -> Integer
toInteger forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (t :: * -> *) a. (Foldable t, Num a) => t a -> a
sum [Int]
  forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
    if Integer
splitsTotal forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Integer
0 Bool -> Bool -> Bool
|| Integer
budget forall a. Eq a => a -> a -> Bool
== Integer
      then forall a. Int -> a -> [a]
replicate Int
numSplits Integer
      else (forall a. Num a => a -> a -> a
* (Integer
budget forall a. Integral a => a -> a -> a
`div` Integer
splitsTotal)) forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. forall a. Integral a => a -> Integer
toInteger forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> [Int]

genProposalsSplit :: Integer -> Gen ProposalsSplit
genProposalsSplit :: Integer -> Gen ProposalsSplit
genProposalsSplit Integer
maxTotal = do
actualMaxTotal <- forall a. Random a => (a, a) -> Gen a
choose (Integer
0, Integer
splits <- Integer
actualMaxTotal Integer -> Int -> Gen [Integer]
`splitInto` Int
  case [Integer]
splits of
    [ Integer
      , Integer
      , Integer
      , Integer
      , Integer
      ] -> forall (f :: * -> *) a. Applicative f => a -> f a
pure ProposalsSplit {Integer
psOthers :: Integer
psNewConstitution :: Integer
psUpdateCommittee :: Integer
psHFInitiation :: Integer
psPPChange :: Integer
psOthers :: Integer
psNewConstitution :: Integer
psUpdateCommittee :: Integer
psHFInitiation :: Integer
psPPChange :: Integer
l ->
      forall a. HasCallStack => [Char] -> a
error forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
"impossible: should have exactly 5 values, but has "
          forall a. Semigroup a => a -> a -> a
<> forall a. Show a => a -> [Char]
show (forall (t :: * -> *) a. Foldable t => t a -> Int
length [Integer]

  ( HasSpec fn (SimpleRep (Proposals era))
  , HasSpec fn (Proposals era)
  , HasSimpleRep (Proposals era)
  , IsConwayUniv fn
  , era ~ ConwayEra
  , EraSpecPParams ConwayEra
  ) =>
  HasGenHint fn (Proposals era)
  type Hint (Proposals era) = ProposalsSplit
  giveHint :: Hint (Proposals era) -> Specification fn (Proposals era)
giveHint ProposalsSplit {Integer
psOthers :: Integer
psNewConstitution :: Integer
psUpdateCommittee :: Integer
psHFInitiation :: Integer
psPPChange :: Integer
psOthers :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psNewConstitution :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psUpdateCommittee :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psHFInitiation :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
psPPChange :: ProposalsSplit -> Integer
..} = forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(Cases (SimpleRep a) ~ '[SimpleRep a],
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (SimpleRep a),
 HasSpec fn (SimpleRep a), HasSimpleRep a,
 All (HasSpec fn) (Args (SimpleRep a)), IsProd (SimpleRep a),
 HasSpec fn a, IsPred p fn) =>
FunTy (MapList (Term fn) (Args (SimpleRep a))) p
-> Specification fn a
constrained' forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Term
  fn (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GovActionState ConwayEra)])
ppuTree Term
  fn (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GovActionState ConwayEra)])
hfTree Term
  fn (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GovActionState ConwayEra)])
comTree Term
  fn (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GovActionState ConwayEra)])
conTree Term fn [GovActionState ConwayEra]
others ->
    [ forall {a} {a} {t} {fn :: [*] -> * -> *} {a}.
(Hint a ~ (Maybe a, Hint t), Forallable t a, HasSpec fn a,
 HasGenHint fn t, HasGenHint fn a, Num a) =>
Hint t -> Term fn (a, t) -> [Pred fn]
limitForest Integer
psPPChange Term
  fn (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GovActionState ConwayEra)])
    , forall {a} {a} {t} {fn :: [*] -> * -> *} {a}.
(Hint a ~ (Maybe a, Hint t), Forallable t a, HasSpec fn a,
 HasGenHint fn t, HasGenHint fn a, Num a) =>
Hint t -> Term fn (a, t) -> [Pred fn]
limitForest Integer
psHFInitiation Term
  fn (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GovActionState ConwayEra)])
    , forall {a} {a} {t} {fn :: [*] -> * -> *} {a}.
(Hint a ~ (Maybe a, Hint t), Forallable t a, HasSpec fn a,
 HasGenHint fn t, HasGenHint fn a, Num a) =>
Hint t -> Term fn (a, t) -> [Pred fn]
limitForest Integer
psUpdateCommittee Term
  fn (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GovActionState ConwayEra)])
    , forall {a} {a} {t} {fn :: [*] -> * -> *} {a}.
(Hint a ~ (Maybe a, Hint t), Forallable t a, HasSpec fn a,
 HasGenHint fn t, HasGenHint fn a, Num a) =>
Hint t -> Term fn (a, t) -> [Pred fn]
limitForest Integer
psNewConstitution Term
  fn (StrictMaybe GovActionId, [Tree (GovActionState ConwayEra)])
    , [forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) t.
HasGenHint fn t =>
Hint t -> Term fn t -> Pred fn
genHint Integer
psOthers Term fn [GovActionState ConwayEra]
      limitForest :: Hint t -> Term fn (a, t) -> [Pred fn]
limitForest Hint t
limit Term fn (a, t)
forest =
        [ forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) t.
HasGenHint fn t =>
Hint t -> Term fn t -> Pred fn
genHint Hint t
limit (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a b.
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn b) =>
Term fn (a, b) -> Term fn b
snd_ Term fn (a, t)
        , forall t a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(Forallable t a, HasSpec fn t, HasSpec fn a, IsPred p fn) =>
Term fn t -> (Term fn a -> p) -> Pred fn
forAll (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a b.
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn b) =>
Term fn (a, b) -> Term fn b
snd_ Term fn (a, t)
forest) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) t.
HasGenHint fn t =>
Hint t -> Term fn t -> Pred fn
genHint (forall a. a -> Maybe a
Just a
2, Hint t

instance HasSimpleRep (EnactSignal ConwayEra)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, EraSpecPParams ConwayEra) => HasSpec fn (EnactSignal ConwayEra)

instance HasSimpleRep (EnactState era)
instance (EraSpecPParams era, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (EnactState era)

instance HasSimpleRep (Committee era)
instance (Era era, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (Committee era)

instance HasSimpleRep (RatifyEnv era)
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn (RatifyEnv ConwayEra)

instance HasSimpleRep (RatifyState ConwayEra)
instance (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (RatifyState ConwayEra)

instance HasSimpleRep (RatifySignal ConwayEra)
instance (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (RatifySignal ConwayEra)

instance HasSimpleRep PoolDistr
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn PoolDistr

instance HasSimpleRep IndividualPoolStake
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn IndividualPoolStake

instance HasSimpleRep (ConwayGovCertEnv ConwayEra)
instance (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (ConwayGovCertEnv ConwayEra)

instance HasSimpleRep (PoolEnv era)
instance (EraSpecPParams era, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (PoolEnv era)

instance Era era => HasSimpleRep (CertEnv era)
instance (EraSpecPParams era, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (CertEnv era)

instance HasSimpleRep NonMyopic
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn NonMyopic

instance HasSimpleRep Likelihood
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Likelihood

instance HasSimpleRep LogWeight
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn LogWeight

instance HasSimpleRep AccountState
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn AccountState

instance HasSimpleRep SnapShot
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn SnapShot

instance HasSimpleRep Stake
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Stake

instance (VMap.Vector vk k, VMap.Vector vv v) => HasSimpleRep (VMap vk vv k v) where
  type SimpleRep (VMap vk vv k v) = Map k v
  toSimpleRep :: VMap vk vv k v -> SimpleRep (VMap vk vv k v)
toSimpleRep = forall (kv :: * -> *) k (vv :: * -> *) v.
(Vector kv k, Vector vv v) =>
VMap kv vv k v -> Map k v
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (VMap vk vv k v) -> VMap vk vv k v
fromSimpleRep = forall (kv :: * -> *) k (vv :: * -> *) v.
(Vector kv k, Vector vv v) =>
Map k v -> VMap kv vv k v
  ( IsConwayUniv fn
  , VMap.Vector vk k
  , VMap.Vector vv v
  , Typeable vk
  , Typeable vv
  , Ord k
  , Eq (vv v)
  , Eq (vk k)
  , HasSpec fn k
  , HasSpec fn v
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (VMap vk vv k v)

instance HasSimpleRep SnapShots
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn SnapShots

instance EraTxOut era => HasSimpleRep (LedgerState era)
  ( EraTxOut era
  , IsConwayUniv fn
  , HasSpec fn (TxOut era)
  , IsNormalType (TxOut era)
  , HasSpec fn (GovState era)
  , EraStake era
  , EraCertState era
  , HasSpec fn (InstantStake era)
  , HasSpec fn (CertState era)
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (LedgerState era)

instance HasSimpleRep (UTxOState era)
  ( EraTxOut era
  , HasSpec fn (TxOut era)
  , IsNormalType (TxOut era)
  , HasSpec fn (GovState era)
  , HasSpec fn (InstantStake era)
  , IsConwayUniv fn
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (UTxOState era)

instance HasSimpleRep (ShelleyInstantStake era)
instance (Typeable era, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (ShelleyInstantStake era)

instance HasSimpleRep (ConwayInstantStake era)
instance (Typeable era, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (ConwayInstantStake era)

instance HasSimpleRep (UTxO era)
  (Era era, HasSpec fn (TxOut era), IsNormalType (TxOut era), IsConwayUniv fn) =>
  HasSpec fn (UTxO era)

instance HasSimpleRep (ConwayGovState ConwayEra)
instance (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (ConwayGovState ConwayEra)

instance HasSimpleRep (DRepPulsingState ConwayEra)
instance (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (DRepPulsingState ConwayEra)

instance HasSimpleRep (PulsingSnapshot ConwayEra)
instance (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (PulsingSnapshot ConwayEra)

type DRepPulserTypes =
  '[ Int
   , UMap
   , Int
   , InstantStake ConwayEra
   , PoolDistr
   , Map DRep (CompactForm Coin)
   , Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
   , EpochNo
   , CommitteeState ConwayEra
   , EnactState ConwayEra
   , StrictSeq (GovActionState ConwayEra)
   , Map (Credential 'Staking) (CompactForm Coin)
   , Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams
    (DRepPulser ConwayEra Identity (RatifyState ConwayEra))
    TheSop (DRepPulser ConwayEra Identity (RatifyState ConwayEra)) =
      '["DRepPulser" ::: DRepPulserTypes]
  toSimpleRep :: DRepPulser ConwayEra Identity (RatifyState ConwayEra)
-> SimpleRep
     (DRepPulser ConwayEra Identity (RatifyState ConwayEra))
toSimpleRep DRepPulser {Int
Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams
Map DRep (CompactForm Coin)
Map (Credential 'Staking) (CompactForm Coin)
Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
InstantStake ConwayEra
EnactState ConwayEra
StrictSeq (GovActionState ConwayEra)
CommitteeState ConwayEra
dpPulseSize :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *). DRepPulser era m ans -> Int
dpUMap :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *). DRepPulser era m ans -> UMap
dpIndex :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *). DRepPulser era m ans -> Int
dpInstantStake :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *).
DRepPulser era m ans -> InstantStake era
dpStakePoolDistr :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *). DRepPulser era m ans -> PoolDistr
dpDRepDistr :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *).
DRepPulser era m ans -> Map DRep (CompactForm Coin)
dpDRepState :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *).
DRepPulser era m ans -> Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
dpCurrentEpoch :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *). DRepPulser era m ans -> EpochNo
dpCommitteeState :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *).
DRepPulser era m ans -> CommitteeState era
dpEnactState :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *).
DRepPulser era m ans -> EnactState era
dpProposals :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *).
DRepPulser era m ans -> StrictSeq (GovActionState era)
dpProposalDeposits :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *).
DRepPulser era m ans
-> Map (Credential 'Staking) (CompactForm Coin)
dpGlobals :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *). DRepPulser era m ans -> Globals
dpPoolParams :: forall era ans (m :: * -> *).
DRepPulser era m ans -> Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams
dpPoolParams :: Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams
dpGlobals :: Globals
dpProposalDeposits :: Map (Credential 'Staking) (CompactForm Coin)
dpProposals :: StrictSeq (GovActionState ConwayEra)
dpEnactState :: EnactState ConwayEra
dpCommitteeState :: CommitteeState ConwayEra
dpCurrentEpoch :: EpochNo
dpDRepState :: Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
dpDRepDistr :: Map DRep (CompactForm Coin)
dpStakePoolDistr :: PoolDistr
dpInstantStake :: InstantStake ConwayEra
dpIndex :: Int
dpUMap :: UMap
dpPulseSize :: Int
..} =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"DRepPulser" @'["DRepPulser" ::: DRepPulserTypes]
      InstantStake ConwayEra
      Map DRep (CompactForm Coin)
      Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
      CommitteeState ConwayEra
      EnactState ConwayEra
      StrictSeq (GovActionState ConwayEra)
      Map (Credential 'Staking) (CompactForm Coin)
      Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (DRepPulser ConwayEra Identity (RatifyState ConwayEra))
-> DRepPulser ConwayEra Identity (RatifyState ConwayEra)
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (DRepPulser ConwayEra Identity (RatifyState ConwayEra))
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["DRepPulser" ::: DRepPulserTypes]
      SimpleRep (DRepPulser ConwayEra Identity (RatifyState ConwayEra))
      forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Int
ps UMap
um Int
b ConwayInstantStake ConwayEra
sd PoolDistr
spd Map DRep (CompactForm Coin)
dd Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
ds EpochNo
ce CommitteeState ConwayEra
cs EnactState ConwayEra
es StrictSeq (GovActionState ConwayEra)
p Map (Credential 'Staking) (CompactForm Coin)
pds Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams
poolps ->
        forall era ans (m :: * -> *).
(ans ~ RatifyState era, m ~ Identity, RunConwayRatify era) =>
-> UMap
-> Int
-> InstantStake era
-> PoolDistr
-> Map DRep (CompactForm Coin)
-> Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
-> EpochNo
-> CommitteeState era
-> EnactState era
-> StrictSeq (GovActionState era)
-> Map (Credential 'Staking) (CompactForm Coin)
-> Globals
-> Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams
-> DRepPulser era m ans
DRepPulser Int
ps UMap
um Int
b ConwayInstantStake ConwayEra
sd PoolDistr
spd Map DRep (CompactForm Coin)
dd Map (Credential 'DRepRole) DRepState
ds EpochNo
ce CommitteeState ConwayEra
cs EnactState ConwayEra
es StrictSeq (GovActionState ConwayEra)
p Map (Credential 'Staking) (CompactForm Coin)
pds Globals
testGlobals Map (KeyHash 'StakePool) PoolParams
  (EraSpecPParams ConwayEra, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
  HasSpec fn (DRepPulser ConwayEra Identity (RatifyState ConwayEra))

instance Era era => HasSimpleRep (UtxoEnv era)
  (EraSpecPParams era, IsConwayUniv fn, EraCertState era, HasSpec fn (CertState era)) =>
  HasSpec fn (UtxoEnv era)

-- ================================================================
-- All the Tx instances

-- Unlike ShelleyTx, AlonzoTx is just a data type, and the generic instances work fine

instance Era era => HasSimpleRep (AlonzoTx era)
  ( EraSpecPParams era
  , IsConwayUniv fn
  , HasSpec fn (TxBody era)
  , HasSpec fn (TxWits era)
  , HasSpec fn (TxAuxData era)
  , IsNormalType (TxAuxData era)
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (AlonzoTx era)

-- NOTE: this is a representation of the `ShelleyTx` type. You can't
-- simply use the generics to derive the `SimpleRep` for `ShelleyTx`
-- because the type is memoized. So instead we say that the representation
-- is the same as what you would get from using the `ShelleyTx` pattern.
type ShelleyTxTypes era =
  '[ TxBody era
   , TxWits era
   , Maybe (TxAuxData era)
  ( EraSpecPParams era
  , IsConwayUniv fn
  , HasSpec fn (TxBody era)
  , HasSpec fn (TxWits era)
  , HasSpec fn (TxAuxData era)
  , IsNormalType (TxAuxData era)
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (ShelleyTx era)

instance EraSpecPParams era => HasSimpleRep (ShelleyTx era) where
  type TheSop (ShelleyTx era) = '["ShelleyTx" ::: ShelleyTxTypes era]
  toSimpleRep :: ShelleyTx era -> SimpleRep (ShelleyTx era)
toSimpleRep (ShelleyTx TxBody era
body TxWits era
wits StrictMaybe (TxAuxData era)
auxdata) =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"ShelleyTx" @'["ShelleyTx" ::: ShelleyTxTypes era]
      TxBody era
      TxWits era
      (forall a. StrictMaybe a -> Maybe a
strictMaybeToMaybe StrictMaybe (TxAuxData era)
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (ShelleyTx era) -> ShelleyTx era
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (ShelleyTx era)
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["ShelleyTx" ::: ShelleyTxTypes era]
      SimpleRep (ShelleyTx era)
      (\TxBody era
body TxWits era
wits Maybe (TxAuxData era)
aux -> forall era.
EraTx era =>
TxBody era
-> TxWits era -> StrictMaybe (TxAuxData era) -> ShelleyTx era
ShelleyTx TxBody era
body TxWits era
wits (forall a. Maybe a -> StrictMaybe a
maybeToStrictMaybe Maybe (TxAuxData era)

instance HasSimpleRep IsValid
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn IsValid

-- ===============================================================
-- All the TxAuxData instances

-- NOTE: we don't generate or talk about plutus scripts (yet!)
type AlonzoTxAuxDataTypes era =
  '[ Map Word64 Metadatum
   , StrictSeq (Timelock era)
instance AlonzoEraScript era => HasSimpleRep (AlonzoTxAuxData era) where
    TheSop (AlonzoTxAuxData era) =
      '["AlonzoTxOutData" ::: AlonzoTxAuxDataTypes era]
  toSimpleRep :: AlonzoTxAuxData era -> SimpleRep (AlonzoTxAuxData era)
toSimpleRep (AlonzoTxAuxData Map Word64 Metadatum
metaMap StrictSeq (Timelock era)
tsSeq Map Language (NonEmpty PlutusBinary)
_) =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"AlonzoTxAuxData" @'["AlonzoTxAuxData" ::: AlonzoTxAuxDataTypes era]
      Map Word64 Metadatum
      StrictSeq (Timelock era)
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (AlonzoTxAuxData era) -> AlonzoTxAuxData era
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (AlonzoTxAuxData era)
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["AlonzoTxAuxData" ::: AlonzoTxAuxDataTypes era] SimpleRep (AlonzoTxAuxData era)
rep forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      \Map Word64 Metadatum
metaMap StrictSeq (Timelock era)
tsSeq -> forall era.
(HasCallStack, AlonzoEraScript era) =>
Map Word64 Metadatum
-> StrictSeq (Timelock era)
-> Map Language (NonEmpty PlutusBinary)
-> AlonzoTxAuxData era
AlonzoTxAuxData Map Word64 Metadatum
metaMap StrictSeq (Timelock era)
tsSeq forall a. Monoid a => a
  ( Era era
  , IsConwayUniv fn
  , AlonzoEraScript era
  , NativeScript era ~ Timelock era
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (AlonzoTxAuxData era)

-- NOTE: we don't generate or talk about plutus scripts (yet!)
type AllegraTxAuxDataTypes era =
  '[ Map Word64 Metadatum
   , StrictSeq (Timelock era)
instance Era era => HasSimpleRep (AllegraTxAuxData era) where
    TheSop (AllegraTxAuxData era) =
      '["AllegraTxOutData" ::: AllegraTxAuxDataTypes era]
  toSimpleRep :: AllegraTxAuxData era -> SimpleRep (AllegraTxAuxData era)
toSimpleRep (AllegraTxAuxData Map Word64 Metadatum
metaMap StrictSeq (Timelock era)
tsSeq) =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"AllegraTxAuxData" @'["AllegraTxAuxData" ::: AllegraTxAuxDataTypes era]
      Map Word64 Metadatum
      StrictSeq (Timelock era)
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (AllegraTxAuxData era) -> AllegraTxAuxData era
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (AllegraTxAuxData era)
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["AllegraTxAuxData" ::: AllegraTxAuxDataTypes era] SimpleRep (AllegraTxAuxData era)
rep forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      \Map Word64 Metadatum
metaMap StrictSeq (Timelock era)
tsSeq -> forall era.
Era era =>
Map Word64 Metadatum
-> StrictSeq (Timelock era) -> AllegraTxAuxData era
AllegraTxAuxData Map Word64 Metadatum
metaMap StrictSeq (Timelock era)

  ( Era era
  , IsConwayUniv fn
  , AllegraEraScript era
  , NativeScript era ~ Timelock era
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (AllegraTxAuxData era)

type ShelleyTxAuxDataTypes era =
  '[ Map Word64 Metadatum
instance Era era => HasSimpleRep (ShelleyTxAuxData era) where
    TheSop (ShelleyTxAuxData era) =
      '["ShelleyTxAuxData" ::: ShelleyTxAuxDataTypes era]
  toSimpleRep :: ShelleyTxAuxData era -> SimpleRep (ShelleyTxAuxData era)
toSimpleRep (ShelleyTxAuxData Map Word64 Metadatum
metaMap) =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"ShelleyTxAuxData" @'["ShelleyTxAuxData" ::: ShelleyTxAuxDataTypes era]
      Map Word64 Metadatum
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (ShelleyTxAuxData era) -> ShelleyTxAuxData era
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (ShelleyTxAuxData era)
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["ShelleyTxAuxData" ::: ShelleyTxAuxDataTypes era] SimpleRep (ShelleyTxAuxData era)
rep forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      \Map Word64 Metadatum
metaMap -> forall era. Era era => Map Word64 Metadatum -> ShelleyTxAuxData era
ShelleyTxAuxData Map Word64 Metadatum

  ( Era era
  , IsConwayUniv fn
  , AllegraEraScript era
  , NativeScript era ~ Timelock era
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (ShelleyTxAuxData era)

instance HasSimpleRep Metadatum
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Metadatum

-- ===============================================================
-- All the TxWits instances

type AlonzoTxWitsTypes =
  '[ Set (WitVKey 'Witness)
   , Set BootstrapWitness
instance AlonzoEraScript era => HasSimpleRep (AlonzoTxWits era) where
    TheSop (AlonzoTxWits era) =
      '["AlonzoTxWits" ::: AlonzoTxWitsTypes]
  toSimpleRep :: AlonzoTxWits era -> SimpleRep (AlonzoTxWits era)
toSimpleRep (AlonzoTxWits Set (WitVKey 'Witness)
vkeyWits Set BootstrapWitness
bootstrapWits Map ScriptHash (Script era)
_ TxDats era
_ Redeemers era
_) =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"AlonzoTxWits" @'["AlonzoTxWits" ::: AlonzoTxWitsTypes]
      Set (WitVKey 'Witness)
      Set BootstrapWitness
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (AlonzoTxWits era) -> AlonzoTxWits era
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (AlonzoTxWits era)
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["AlonzoTxWits" ::: AlonzoTxWitsTypes] SimpleRep (AlonzoTxWits era)
rep forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      \Set (WitVKey 'Witness)
vkeyWits Set BootstrapWitness
bootstrapWits -> forall era.
AlonzoEraScript era =>
Set (WitVKey 'Witness)
-> Set BootstrapWitness
-> Map ScriptHash (Script era)
-> TxDats era
-> Redeemers era
-> AlonzoTxWits era
AlonzoTxWits Set (WitVKey 'Witness)
vkeyWits Set BootstrapWitness
bootstrapWits forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty (forall era.
Era era =>
Map (SafeHash EraIndependentData) (Data era) -> TxDats era
TxDats forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty) (forall era.
AlonzoEraScript era =>
Map (PlutusPurpose AsIx era) (Data era, ExUnits) -> Redeemers era
Redeemers forall a. Monoid a => a
instance (AlonzoEraScript era, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (AlonzoTxWits era)

type ShelleyTxWitsTypes era =
  '[ Set (WitVKey 'Witness)
   , Set BootstrapWitness
instance EraScript era => HasSimpleRep (ShelleyTxWits era) where
    TheSop (ShelleyTxWits era) =
      '["ShelleyTxWits" ::: ShelleyTxWitsTypes era]
  toSimpleRep :: ShelleyTxWits era -> SimpleRep (ShelleyTxWits era)
toSimpleRep (ShelleyTxWits Set (WitVKey 'Witness)
vkeyWits Map ScriptHash (Script era)
_ Set BootstrapWitness
bootstrapWits) =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"ShelleyTxWits" @'["ShelleyTxWits" ::: ShelleyTxWitsTypes era]
      Set (WitVKey 'Witness)
      Set BootstrapWitness
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep (ShelleyTxWits era) -> ShelleyTxWits era
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep (ShelleyTxWits era)
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["ShelleyTxWits" ::: ShelleyTxWitsTypes era] SimpleRep (ShelleyTxWits era)
rep forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
      \Set (WitVKey 'Witness)
vkeyWits Set BootstrapWitness
bootstrapWits -> forall era.
EraScript era =>
Set (WitVKey 'Witness)
-> Map ScriptHash (Script era)
-> Set BootstrapWitness
-> ShelleyTxWits era
ShelleyTxWits Set (WitVKey 'Witness)
vkeyWits forall a. Monoid a => a
mempty Set BootstrapWitness
instance (EraScript era, IsConwayUniv fn) => HasSpec fn (ShelleyTxWits era)

instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Typeable r) => HasSpec fn (WitVKey r) where
  type TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r) = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r)
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r)
-> TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r) -> Specification fn (WitVKey r)
combineSpec TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r)
_ TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r) -> GenT m (WitVKey r)
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r)
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r) -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r) -> WitVKey r -> [WitVKey r]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r)
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack => WitVKey r -> TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r) -> Bool
conformsTo WitVKey r
_ TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r)
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn (WitVKey r) -> TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r) -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn (WitVKey r)
_ TypeSpec fn (WitVKey r)
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn BootstrapWitness where
  type TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness = ()
  emptySpec :: TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness
emptySpec = ()
  combineSpec :: TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness
-> TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness
-> Specification fn BootstrapWitness
combineSpec TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness
_ TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  genFromTypeSpec :: forall (m :: * -> *).
(HasCallStack, MonadGenError m) =>
TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness -> GenT m BootstrapWitness
genFromTypeSpec TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness
_ = forall (m :: * -> *) a. Applicative m => Gen a -> GenT m a
pureGen forall a. Arbitrary a => Gen a
  cardinalTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness -> Specification fn Integer
cardinalTypeSpec TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  shrinkWithTypeSpec :: TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness
-> BootstrapWitness -> [BootstrapWitness]
shrinkWithTypeSpec TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness
_ = forall a. Arbitrary a => a -> [a]
  conformsTo :: HasCallStack =>
BootstrapWitness -> TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness -> Bool
conformsTo BootstrapWitness
_ TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness
_ = Bool
  toPreds :: Term fn BootstrapWitness -> TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness -> Pred fn
toPreds Term fn BootstrapWitness
_ TypeSpec fn BootstrapWitness
_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(BaseUniverse fn, PredLike p, UnivConstr p fn) =>
p -> Pred fn
toPred Bool

instance Era era => HasSimpleRep (LedgerEnv era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, HasSpec fn (PParams era), Era era) => HasSpec fn (LedgerEnv era)

onJust' ::
  ( HasSpec fn a
  , IsNormalType a
  , IsPred p fn
  ) =>
  Term fn (StrictMaybe a) ->
  (Term fn a -> p) ->
  Pred fn
onJust' :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a p.
(HasSpec fn a, IsNormalType a, IsPred p fn) =>
Term fn (StrictMaybe a) -> (Term fn a -> p) -> Pred fn
onJust' Term fn (StrictMaybe a)
tm Term fn a -> p
p = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn (SimpleRep a), HasSimpleRep a,
 TypeSpec fn a ~ TypeSpec fn (SimpleRep a),
 SimpleRep a ~ SumOver (Cases (SimpleRep a)),
 TypeList (Cases (SimpleRep a))) =>
Term fn a
-> FunTy
     (MapList (Weighted (Binder fn)) (Cases (SimpleRep a))) (Pred fn)
caseOn Term fn (StrictMaybe a)
tm (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p a.
(HasSpec fn a, All (HasSpec fn) (Args a), IsPred p fn, IsProd a) =>
FunTy (MapList (Term fn) (Args a)) p -> Weighted (Binder fn) a
branch forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a b. a -> b -> a
const Bool
True) (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p a.
(HasSpec fn a, All (HasSpec fn) (Args a), IsPred p fn, IsProd a) =>
FunTy (MapList (Term fn) (Args a)) p -> Weighted (Binder fn) a
branch Term fn a -> p

onSized ::
  (IsConwayUniv fn, HasSpec fn a, IsPred p fn) =>
  Term fn (Sized a) ->
  (Term fn a -> p) ->
  Pred fn
onSized :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a p.
(IsConwayUniv fn, HasSpec fn a, IsPred p fn) =>
Term fn (Sized a) -> (Term fn a -> p) -> Pred fn
onSized Term fn (Sized a)
sz Term fn a -> p
p = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p a.
(HasSpec fn a, IsProductType fn a, IsPred p fn) =>
Term fn a
-> FunTy (MapList (Term fn) (ProductAsList a)) p -> Pred fn
match Term fn (Sized a)
sz forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Term fn a
a Term fn Int64
_ -> Term fn a -> p
p Term fn a

instance HasSimpleRep (ConwayDelegEnv era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, HasSpec fn (PParams era), Era era) => HasSpec fn (ConwayDelegEnv era)

instance Era era => HasSimpleRep (EpochState era)
  ( EraTxOut era
  , IsConwayUniv fn
  , HasSpec fn (TxOut era)
  , IsNormalType (TxOut era)
  , HasSpec fn (GovState era)
  , EraStake era
  , EraCertState era
  , HasSpec fn (InstantStake era)
  , HasSpec fn (CertState era)
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (EpochState era)

instance HasSimpleRep FreeVars
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn FreeVars

instance HasSimpleRep PoolRewardInfo
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn PoolRewardInfo

instance HasSimpleRep LeaderOnlyReward
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn LeaderOnlyReward

instance HasSimpleRep StakeShare
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn StakeShare

instance HasSimpleRep BlocksMade
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn BlocksMade

instance HasSimpleRep RewardType
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn RewardType

instance HasSimpleRep RewardAns
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn RewardAns

instance HasSimpleRep PulsingRewUpdate where
  type SimpleRep PulsingRewUpdate = SimpleRep RewardUpdate
  toSimpleRep :: PulsingRewUpdate -> SimpleRep PulsingRewUpdate
toSimpleRep (Complete RewardUpdate
x) = forall a. HasSimpleRep a => a -> SimpleRep a
toSimpleRep RewardUpdate
  toSimpleRep x :: PulsingRewUpdate
x@(Pulsing RewardSnapShot
_ Pulser
_) = forall a. HasSimpleRep a => a -> SimpleRep a
toSimpleRep (forall a. ShelleyBase a -> a
runShelleyBase (forall a b. (a, b) -> a
fst forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> PulsingRewUpdate
-> ShelleyBase
     (RewardUpdate, Map (Credential 'Staking) (Set Reward))
completeRupd PulsingRewUpdate
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep PulsingRewUpdate -> PulsingRewUpdate
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep PulsingRewUpdate
x = RewardUpdate -> PulsingRewUpdate
Complete (forall a. HasSimpleRep a => SimpleRep a -> a
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep PulsingRewUpdate
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn PulsingRewUpdate

instance Era era => HasSimpleRep (NewEpochState era)
  ( EraTxOut era
  , IsConwayUniv fn
  , HasSpec fn (TxOut era)
  , IsNormalType (TxOut era)
  , HasSpec fn (GovState era)
  , HasSpec fn (StashedAVVMAddresses era)
  , EraStake era
  , EraCertState era
  , HasSpec fn (CertState era)
  , HasSpec fn (InstantStake era)
  ) =>
  HasSpec fn (NewEpochState era)

instance HasSimpleRep Reward
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Reward

instance HasSimpleRep RewardSnapShot
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn RewardSnapShot

instance HasSimpleRep RewardUpdate
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn RewardUpdate

type PulserTypes =
  '[ Int
   , FreeVars
   , VMap VMap.VB VMap.VP (Credential 'Staking) (CompactForm Coin)
   , RewardAns
instance HasSimpleRep Pulser where
  type TheSop Pulser = '["Pulser" ::: PulserTypes]
  toSimpleRep :: Pulser -> SimpleRep Pulser
toSimpleRep (RSLP Int
n FreeVars
free VMap VB VP (Credential 'Staking) (CompactForm Coin)
bal RewardAns
ans) =
    forall (c :: Symbol) (constrs :: [*]).
Inject c constrs (SOP constrs) =>
FunTy (ConstrOf c constrs) (SOP constrs)
inject @"Pulser" @'["Pulser" ::: PulserTypes]
      VMap VB VP (Credential 'Staking) (CompactForm Coin)
  fromSimpleRep :: SimpleRep Pulser -> Pulser
fromSimpleRep SimpleRep Pulser
rep =
    forall (constrs :: [*]) r.
SOPLike constrs r =>
SOP constrs -> ALG constrs r
algebra @'["Pulser" ::: PulserTypes]
      SimpleRep Pulser
      forall ans (m :: * -> *).
(ans ~ RewardAns, m ~ ReaderT Globals Identity) =>
-> FreeVars
-> VMap VB VP (Credential 'Staking) (CompactForm Coin)
-> ans
-> RewardPulser m ans

instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn Pulser

instance HasSimpleRep (CertsEnv era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, EraSpecPParams era, HasSpec fn (Tx era)) => HasSpec fn (CertsEnv era)

-- CompactForm

class Coercible a b => CoercibleLike a b where
  coerceSpec ::
    IsConwayUniv fn =>
    Specification fn b ->
    Specification fn a
  getCoerceSpec ::
    IsConwayUniv fn =>
    TypeSpec fn a ->
    Specification fn b

instance Typeable krole => CoercibleLike (KeyHash krole) (KeyHash 'Witness) where
  coerceSpec :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
IsConwayUniv fn =>
Specification fn (KeyHash 'Witness)
-> Specification fn (KeyHash krole)
coerceSpec (ExplainSpec [[Char]]
es Specification fn (KeyHash 'Witness)
x) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
[[Char]] -> Specification fn a -> Specification fn a
explainSpecOpt [[Char]]
es (forall a b (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(CoercibleLike a b, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
Specification fn b -> Specification fn a
coerceSpec Specification fn (KeyHash 'Witness)
  coerceSpec (TypeSpec TypeSpec fn (KeyHash 'Witness)
z OrdSet (KeyHash 'Witness)
excl) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
TypeSpec fn a -> OrdSet a -> Specification fn a
TypeSpec TypeSpec fn (KeyHash 'Witness)
z forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (a :: KeyRole -> *) (r :: KeyRole) (r' :: KeyRole).
HasKeyRole a =>
a r -> a r'
coerceKeyRole forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> OrdSet (KeyHash 'Witness)
  coerceSpec (MemberSpec NonEmpty (KeyHash 'Witness)
s) = forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). NonEmpty a -> Specification fn a
MemberSpec forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (a :: KeyRole -> *) (r :: KeyRole) (r' :: KeyRole).
HasKeyRole a =>
a r -> a r'
coerceKeyRole forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> NonEmpty (KeyHash 'Witness)
  coerceSpec (ErrorSpec NonEmpty [Char]
e) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
NonEmpty [Char] -> Specification fn a
ErrorSpec NonEmpty [Char]
  coerceSpec (SuspendedSpec Var (KeyHash 'Witness)
x Pred fn
p) = forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(IsPred p fn, HasSpec fn a) =>
(Term fn a -> p) -> Specification fn a
constrained forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Term fn (KeyHash krole)
x' ->
    [ Pred fn
    , forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a b p.
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn b, IsPred p fn) =>
Term fn a -> (a -> b) -> (Term fn b -> p) -> Pred fn
reify Term fn (KeyHash krole)
x' forall (a :: KeyRole -> *) (r :: KeyRole) (r' :: KeyRole).
HasKeyRole a =>
a r -> a r'
coerceKeyRole (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
Term fn a -> Term fn a -> Term fn Bool
==. forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. HasSpec fn a => Var a -> Term fn a
V Var (KeyHash 'Witness)
  coerceSpec Specification fn (KeyHash 'Witness)
TrueSpec = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a

  getCoerceSpec ::
    forall (fn :: [Type] -> Type -> Type).
    IsConwayUniv fn =>
    TypeSpec fn (KeyHash krole) ->
    Specification fn (KeyHash 'Witness)
  getCoerceSpec :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
IsConwayUniv fn =>
TypeSpec fn (KeyHash krole) -> Specification fn (KeyHash 'Witness)
getCoerceSpec TypeSpec fn (KeyHash krole)
x = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
TypeSpec fn a -> OrdSet a -> Specification fn a
TypeSpec @fn TypeSpec fn (KeyHash krole)
x forall a. Monoid a => a

instance CoercibleLike (CompactForm Coin) Word64 where
  coerceSpec :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
IsConwayUniv fn =>
Specification fn Word64 -> Specification fn (CompactForm Coin)
coerceSpec (TypeSpec (NumSpecInterval Maybe Word64
lo Maybe Word64
hi) OrdSet Word64
excl) =
    forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
TypeSpec fn a -> OrdSet a -> Specification fn a
TypeSpec (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) n. Maybe n -> Maybe n -> NumSpec fn n
NumSpecInterval Maybe Word64
lo Maybe Word64
hi) forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> CompactForm Coin
CompactCoin forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> OrdSet Word64
  coerceSpec (MemberSpec NonEmpty Word64
s) = forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). NonEmpty a -> Specification fn a
MemberSpec forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ Word64 -> CompactForm Coin
CompactCoin forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> NonEmpty Word64
  coerceSpec (ErrorSpec NonEmpty [Char]
e) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
NonEmpty [Char] -> Specification fn a
ErrorSpec NonEmpty [Char]
  coerceSpec (SuspendedSpec Var Word64
x Pred fn
p) = forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(IsPred p fn, HasSpec fn a) =>
(Term fn a -> p) -> Specification fn a
constrained forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Term fn (CompactForm Coin)
x' ->
    [ Pred fn
    , forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a b p.
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn b, IsPred p fn) =>
Term fn a -> (a -> b) -> (Term fn b -> p) -> Pred fn
reify Term fn (CompactForm Coin)
x' CompactForm Coin -> Word64
unCompactCoin (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
Term fn a -> Term fn a -> Term fn Bool
==. forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. HasSpec fn a => Var a -> Term fn a
V Var Word64
  coerceSpec Specification fn Word64
TrueSpec = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  coerceSpec (ExplainSpec [[Char]]
es Specification fn Word64
x) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
[[Char]] -> Specification fn a -> Specification fn a
ExplainSpec [[Char]]
es (forall a b (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(CoercibleLike a b, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
Specification fn b -> Specification fn a
coerceSpec Specification fn Word64

  getCoerceSpec ::
    forall (fn :: [Type] -> Type -> Type).
    IsConwayUniv fn =>
    TypeSpec fn (CompactForm Coin) ->
    Specification fn Word64
  getCoerceSpec :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
IsConwayUniv fn =>
TypeSpec fn (CompactForm Coin) -> Specification fn Word64
getCoerceSpec (NumSpecInterval Maybe Word64
a Maybe Word64
b) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
TypeSpec fn a -> OrdSet a -> Specification fn a
TypeSpec @fn (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) n. Maybe n -> Maybe n -> NumSpec fn n
NumSpecInterval Maybe Word64
a Maybe Word64
b) forall a. Monoid a => a

data CoerceFn (fn :: [Type] -> Type -> Type) args res where
  Coerce :: (CoercibleLike a b, Coercible a b) => CoerceFn fn '[a] b

deriving instance Show (CoerceFn fn args res)
deriving instance Eq (CoerceFn fn args res)

instance FunctionLike (CoerceFn fn) where
  sem :: forall (as :: [*]) b. CoerceFn fn as b -> FunTy as b
sem = \case
    CoerceFn fn as b
Coerce -> coerce :: forall a b. Coercible a b => a -> b

instance IsConwayUniv fn => Functions (CoerceFn fn) fn where
  propagateSpecFun :: forall (as :: [*]) a b.
(TypeList as, Typeable as, HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn b,
 All (HasSpec fn) as) =>
CoerceFn fn as b
-> ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
-> Specification fn b
-> Specification fn a
propagateSpecFun CoerceFn fn as b
_ ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
_ (ErrorSpec NonEmpty [Char]
e) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
NonEmpty [Char] -> Specification fn a
ErrorSpec NonEmpty [Char]
  propagateSpecFun CoerceFn fn as b
_ ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
_ Specification fn b
TrueSpec = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  propagateSpecFun CoerceFn fn as b
fn ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
ctx Specification fn b
spec =
    case CoerceFn fn as b
fn of
      CoerceFn fn as b
        | SuspendedSpec {} <- Specification fn b
        , ListCtx List Value as
pre HOLE a a
HOLE List Value as'
suf <- ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
ctx ->
            forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(IsPred p fn, HasSpec fn a) =>
(Term fn a -> p) -> Specification fn a
constrained forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Term fn a
x' ->
              let args :: List (Term fn) (Append as (a : as'))
args =
                    forall {a} (f :: a -> *) (as :: [a]) (bs :: [a]).
List f as -> List f bs -> List f (Append as bs)
                      (forall {k} (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (as :: [k]).
(forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> List f as -> List g as
mapList (\(C.Value a
a) -> forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). Show a => a -> Term fn a
lit a
a) List Value as
                      (Term fn a
x' forall {k} (f :: k -> *) (a :: k) (as1 :: [k]).
f a -> List f as1 -> List f (a : as1)
:> forall {k} (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (as :: [k]).
(forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> List f as -> List g as
mapList (\(C.Value a
a) -> forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). Show a => a -> Term fn a
lit a
a) List Value as'
               in forall (ts :: [*]) (f :: * -> *) r.
TypeList ts =>
FunTy (MapList f ts) r -> List f ts -> r
uncurryList (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) b (as :: [*]).
(HasSpec fn b, Typeable as, TypeList as, All (HasSpec fn) as) =>
fn as b -> FunTy (MapList (Term fn) as) (Term fn b)
app @fn forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) (fnU :: [*] -> * -> *) (as :: [*]) b.
Member fn fnU =>
fn as b -> fnU as b
injectFn CoerceFn fn as b
fn) List (Term fn) (Append as (a : as'))
args forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
Term fn a -> Specification fn a -> Pred fn
`satisfies` Specification fn b
      CoerceFn fn as b
Coerce ->
        case CoerceFn fn as b
fn of
          (CoerceFn fn '[a] b
_ :: CoerceFn fn '[a] b)
            | NilCtx HOLE a a
HOLE <- ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
ctx -> forall a b (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(CoercibleLike a b, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
Specification fn b -> Specification fn a
coerceSpec @a @b Specification fn b
  mapTypeSpec :: forall a b.
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn b) =>
CoerceFn fn '[a] b -> TypeSpec fn a -> Specification fn b
mapTypeSpec CoerceFn fn '[a] b
fn TypeSpec fn a
ss =
    case CoerceFn fn '[a] b
fn of
      CoerceFn fn '[a] b
Coerce ->
        case CoerceFn fn '[a] b
fn of
          (CoerceFn fn '[a] b
_ :: CoerceFn fn '[a] b) -> forall a b (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(CoercibleLike a b, IsConwayUniv fn) =>
TypeSpec fn a -> Specification fn b
getCoerceSpec @a TypeSpec fn a

coerce_ ::
  forall a b fn.
  ( Member (CoerceFn fn) fn
  , HasSpec fn a
  , HasSpec fn b
  , CoercibleLike a b
  ) =>
  Term fn a ->
  Term fn b
coerce_ :: forall a b (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(Member (CoerceFn fn) fn, HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn b,
 CoercibleLike a b) =>
Term fn a -> Term fn b
coerce_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) b (as :: [*]).
(HasSpec fn b, Typeable as, TypeList as, All (HasSpec fn) as) =>
fn as b -> FunTy (MapList (Term fn) as) (Term fn b)
app (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) (fnU :: [*] -> * -> *) (as :: [*]) b.
Member fn fnU =>
fn as b -> fnU as b
injectFn forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall a b (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(CoercibleLike a b, Coercible a b) =>
CoerceFn fn '[a] b
Coerce @a @b @fn)

-- ==============================================================

data CoinFn (fn :: [Type] -> Type -> Type) args res where
  ToDelta :: CoinFn fn '[Coin] DeltaCoin

deriving instance Show (CoinFn fn args res)
deriving instance Eq (CoinFn fn args res)

instance FunctionLike (CoinFn fn) where
  sem :: forall (as :: [*]) b. CoinFn fn as b -> FunTy as b
sem = \case
    CoinFn fn as b
ToDelta -> Integer -> DeltaCoin
DeltaCoin forall b c a. (b -> c) -> (a -> b) -> a -> c
. Coin -> Integer

toDeltaFn :: forall fn. Member (CoinFn fn) fn => fn '[Coin] DeltaCoin
toDeltaFn :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
Member (CoinFn fn) fn =>
fn '[Coin] DeltaCoin
toDeltaFn = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) (fnU :: [*] -> * -> *) (as :: [*]) b.
Member fn fnU =>
fn as b -> fnU as b
injectFn forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). CoinFn fn '[Coin] DeltaCoin
ToDelta @fn

toDelta_ ::
  (HasSpec fn Coin, HasSpec fn DeltaCoin, Member (CoinFn fn) fn) =>
  Term fn Coin ->
  Term fn DeltaCoin
toDelta_ :: forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
(HasSpec fn Coin, HasSpec fn DeltaCoin, Member (CoinFn fn) fn) =>
Term fn Coin -> Term fn DeltaCoin
toDelta_ = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) b (as :: [*]).
(HasSpec fn b, Typeable as, TypeList as, All (HasSpec fn) as) =>
fn as b -> FunTy (MapList (Term fn) as) (Term fn b)
app forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *).
Member (CoinFn fn) fn =>
fn '[Coin] DeltaCoin

instance (Typeable fn, Member (CoinFn fn) fn) => Functions (CoinFn fn) fn where
  propagateSpecFun :: forall (as :: [*]) a b.
(TypeList as, Typeable as, HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn b,
 All (HasSpec fn) as) =>
CoinFn fn as b
-> ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
-> Specification fn b
-> Specification fn a
propagateSpecFun CoinFn fn as b
fn ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
ctx (ExplainSpec [] Specification fn b
s) = forall (f :: [*] -> * -> *) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) (as :: [*]) a b.
(Functions f fn, TypeList as, Typeable as, HasSpec fn a,
 HasSpec fn b, All (HasSpec fn) as) =>
f as b
-> ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
-> Specification fn b
-> Specification fn a
propagateSpecFun CoinFn fn as b
fn ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
ctx Specification fn b
  propagateSpecFun CoinFn fn as b
fn ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
ctx (ExplainSpec [[Char]]
es Specification fn b
s) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
[[Char]] -> Specification fn a -> Specification fn a
ExplainSpec [[Char]]
es forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ forall (f :: [*] -> * -> *) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) (as :: [*]) a b.
(Functions f fn, TypeList as, Typeable as, HasSpec fn a,
 HasSpec fn b, All (HasSpec fn) as) =>
f as b
-> ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
-> Specification fn b
-> Specification fn a
propagateSpecFun CoinFn fn as b
fn ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
ctx Specification fn b
  propagateSpecFun CoinFn fn as b
_ ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
_ Specification fn b
TrueSpec = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Specification fn a
  propagateSpecFun CoinFn fn as b
_ ListCtx Value as (HOLE a)
_ (ErrorSpec NonEmpty [Char]
err) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
NonEmpty [Char] -> Specification fn a
ErrorSpec NonEmpty [Char]
  propagateSpecFun CoinFn fn as b
fn (ListCtx List Value as
pre HOLE a a
HOLE List Value as'
suf) (SuspendedSpec Var b
x Pred fn
p) =
    forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) p.
(IsPred p fn, HasSpec fn a) =>
(Term fn a -> p) -> Specification fn a
constrained forall a b. (a -> b) -> a -> b
$ \Term fn a
x' ->
      let args :: List (Term fn) (Append as (a : as'))
args =
            forall {a} (f :: a -> *) (as :: [a]) (bs :: [a]).
List f as -> List f bs -> List f (Append as bs)
              (forall {k} (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (as :: [k]).
(forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> List f as -> List g as
mapList (\(C.Value a
a) -> forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). Show a => a -> Term fn a
Lit a
a) List Value as
              (Term fn a
x' forall {k} (f :: k -> *) (a :: k) (as1 :: [k]).
f a -> List f as1 -> List f (a : as1)
:> forall {k} (f :: k -> *) (g :: k -> *) (as :: [k]).
(forall (a :: k). f a -> g a) -> List f as -> List g as
mapList (\(C.Value a
a) -> forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). Show a => a -> Term fn a
Lit a
a) List Value as'
       in forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a. Term fn a -> Binder fn a -> Pred fn
Let (forall (as :: [*]) (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
(Typeable as, TypeList as, All (HasSpec fn) as, HasSpec fn a,
 BaseUniverse fn) =>
fn as a -> List (Term fn) as -> Term fn a
App (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) (fnU :: [*] -> * -> *) (as :: [*]) b.
Member fn fnU =>
fn as b -> fnU as b
injectFn CoinFn fn as b
fn) List (Term fn) (Append as (a : as'))
args) (Var b
x forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
Var a -> Pred fn -> Binder fn a
:-> Pred fn
  propagateSpecFun CoinFn fn as b
ToDelta (NilCtx HOLE a Coin
HOLE) (MemberSpec NonEmpty b
xs) = forall a (fn :: [*] -> * -> *). NonEmpty a -> Specification fn a
MemberSpec (forall a b. (a -> b) -> NonEmpty a -> NonEmpty b
NE.map DeltaCoin -> Coin
deltaToCoin NonEmpty b
  propagateSpecFun CoinFn fn as b
ToDelta (NilCtx HOLE a Coin
HOLE) (TypeSpec (NumSpecInterval Maybe Integer
l Maybe Integer
h) OrdSet b
cant) =
    ( forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
TypeSpec fn a -> OrdSet a -> Specification fn a
        (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) n. Maybe n -> Maybe n -> NumSpec fn n
NumSpecInterval (forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe Integer
l) (forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe Integer
        (forall a b. (a -> b) -> [a] -> [b]
map DeltaCoin -> Coin
deltaToCoin OrdSet b

  mapTypeSpec :: forall a b.
(HasSpec fn a, HasSpec fn b) =>
CoinFn fn '[a] b -> TypeSpec fn a -> Specification fn b
mapTypeSpec CoinFn fn '[a] b
ToDelta (NumSpecInterval Maybe Word64
l Maybe Word64
h) = forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) a.
HasSpec fn a =>
TypeSpec fn a -> Specification fn a
typeSpec (forall (fn :: [*] -> * -> *) n. Maybe n -> Maybe n -> NumSpec fn n
NumSpecInterval (forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe Word64
l) (forall a b. (Integral a, Num b) => a -> b
fromIntegral forall (f :: * -> *) a b. Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b
<$> Maybe Word64

deltaToCoin :: DeltaCoin -> Coin
deltaToCoin :: DeltaCoin -> Coin
deltaToCoin (DeltaCoin Integer
i) = Integer -> Coin
Coin Integer

instance HasSimpleRep (ShelleyGovState era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, EraSpecPParams era) => HasSpec fn (ShelleyGovState era)

instance HasSimpleRep ShelleyDelegCert
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn ShelleyDelegCert

instance HasSimpleRep MIRCert
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn MIRCert

instance HasSimpleRep MIRTarget
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn MIRTarget

instance HasSimpleRep MIRPot
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn MIRPot

instance HasSimpleRep (ShelleyTxCert era)
instance (IsConwayUniv fn, Era era) => HasSpec fn (ShelleyTxCert era)

instance HasSimpleRep GenesisDelegCert
instance IsConwayUniv fn => HasSpec fn GenesisDelegCert