set-algebra- Set Algebra
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



This module provides deep embeddings of three things 1) Exp is a deep embedding of expressions over Sets and Maps as a typed data structure. 2) Fun is a deep embedding of symbolic functions 3) Query is a deep embedding of queries over Sets and Maps. It can be thought of as a low-level compiled form of Exp




data Exp t where Source #

The self typed GADT: Exp, that encodes the shape of Set expressions. A deep embedding. Exp is a typed Symbolic representation of queries we may ask. It allows us to introspect a query The strategy is to

  1. Define Exp so all queries can be represented.
  2. Define smart constructors that "parse" the surface syntax, and build a typed Exp
  3. Write an evaluate function: eval:: Exp t -> t
  4. "eval" can introspect the code and apply efficient domain and type specific translations
  5. Use the (Iter f) class to evaluate some Exp that can benefit from its efficient nature.


Base ∷ (Ord k, Basic f, Iter f) ⇒ BaseRep f k v → f k v → Exp (f k v) 
DomOrd k ⇒ Exp (f k v) → Exp (Sett k ()) 
Rng ∷ (Ord k, Ord v) ⇒ Exp (f k v) → Exp (Sett v ()) 
DRestrict ∷ (Ord k, Iter g) ⇒ Exp (g k ()) → Exp (f k v) → Exp (f k v) 
DExclude ∷ (Ord k, Iter g) ⇒ Exp (g k ()) → Exp (f k v) → Exp (f k v) 
RRestrict ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, Ord v) ⇒ Exp (f k v) → Exp (g v ()) → Exp (f k v) 
RExclude ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, Ord v) ⇒ Exp (f k v) → Exp (g v ()) → Exp (f k v) 
Elem ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, Show k) ⇒ k → Exp (g k ()) → Exp Bool 
NotElem ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, Show k) ⇒ k → Exp (g k ()) → Exp Bool 
Intersect ∷ (Ord k, Iter f, Iter g) ⇒ Exp (f k v) → Exp (g k u) → Exp (Sett k ()) 
Subset ∷ (Ord k, Iter f, Iter g) ⇒ Exp (f k v) → Exp (g k u) → Exp Bool 
SetDiff ∷ (Ord k, Iter f, Iter g) ⇒ Exp (f k v) → Exp (g k u) → Exp (f k v) 
UnionOverrideLeft ∷ (Show k, Show v, Ord k) ⇒ Exp (f k v) → Exp (g k v) → Exp (f k v) 
UnionPlus ∷ (Ord k, Monoid n) ⇒ Exp (f k n) → Exp (g k n) → Exp (f k n) 
UnionOverrideRightOrd k ⇒ Exp (f k v) → Exp (g k v) → Exp (f k v) 
SingletonOrd k ⇒ k → v → Exp (Single k v) 
SetSingletonOrd k ⇒ k → Exp (Single k ()) 
KeyEqual ∷ (Ord k, Iter f, Iter g) ⇒ Exp (f k v) → Exp (g k u) → Exp Bool 


Instances details
Show (Exp t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


showsPrecIntExp t → ShowS Source #

showExp t → String Source #

showList ∷ [Exp t] → ShowS Source #

HasExp (Exp t) t Source #

The simplest Base type is one that is already an Exp

Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


toExpExp t → Exp t Source #

class HasExp s t | s → t where Source #

Basic types are those that can be tranformed into Exp. The HasExp class, encodes how to lift a Basic type into an Exp. The function toExp will build a typed Exp for that Basic type. This will be really usefull in the smart constructors.


toExp ∷ s → Exp t Source #


Instances details
HasExp (Exp t) t Source #

The simplest Base type is one that is already an Exp

Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


toExpExp t → Exp t Source #

Ord k ⇒ HasExp (Set k) (Sett k ()) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


toExpSet k → Exp (Sett k ()) Source #

Ord k ⇒ HasExp [(k, v)] (List k v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


toExp ∷ [(k, v)] → Exp (List k v) Source #

Ord k ⇒ HasExp (Map k v) (Map k v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


toExpMap k v → Exp (Map k v) Source #

Ord k ⇒ HasExp (Single k v) (Single k v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


toExpSingle k v → Exp (Single k v) Source #

type OrdAll coin cred pool ptr k = (Ord k, Ord coin, Ord cred, Ord ptr, Ord pool) Source #

dRestrict ∷ (Ord k, Iter g) ⇒ Exp (g k ()) → Exp (f k v) → Exp (f k v) Source #

rRestrict ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, Ord v) ⇒ Exp (f k v) → Exp (g v ()) → Exp (f k v) Source #

dExclude ∷ (Ord k, Iter g) ⇒ Exp (g k ()) → Exp (f k v) → Exp (f k v) Source #

rExclude ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, Ord v) ⇒ Exp (f k v) → Exp (g v ()) → Exp (f k v) Source #

dom ∷ (Ord k, HasExp s (f k v)) ⇒ s → Exp (Sett k ()) Source #

domain of a map or element type of a set.

rng ∷ (Ord k, Ord v) ⇒ HasExp s (f k v) ⇒ s → Exp (Sett v ()) Source #

range of a map or () for a set.

(◁) ∷ (Ord k, HasExp s1 (Sett k ()), HasExp s2 (f k v)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

domain restrict.

(<|) ∷ (Ord k, HasExp s1 (Sett k ()), HasExp s2 (f k v)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

domain restrict.

drestrict ∷ (Ord k, HasExp s1 (Sett k ()), HasExp s2 (f k v)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

domain restrict.

(⋪) ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, HasExp s1 (g k ()), HasExp s2 (f k v)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

domain exclude

dexclude ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, HasExp s1 (g k ()), HasExp s2 (f k v)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

domain exclude

(▷) ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, Ord v, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g v ())) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

range restrict

(|>) ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, Ord v, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g v ())) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

range restrict

rrestrict ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, Ord v, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g v ())) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

range restrict

(⋫) ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, Ord v, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g v ())) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

range exclude

rexclude ∷ (Ord k, Iter g, Ord v, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g v ())) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

range exclude

(∈) ∷ (Show k, Ord k, Iter g, HasExp s (g k ())) ⇒ k → s → Exp Bool Source #

element of the domain

(∉) ∷ (Show k, Ord k, Iter g, HasExp s (g k ())) ⇒ k → s → Exp Bool Source #

not an element of the domain

notelem ∷ (Show k, Ord k, Iter g, HasExp s (g k ())) ⇒ k → s → Exp Bool Source #

not an element of the domain

(∪) ∷ (Show k, Show v, Ord k, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g k v)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

union two maps or sets. In the case of a map, keep the pair from the left, if the two have common keys.

unionleft ∷ (Show k, Show v, Ord k, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g k v)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

union two maps or sets. In the case of a map, keep the pair from the left, if the two have common keys.

(⨃) ∷ (Ord k, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g k v)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

union two maps or sets. In the case of a map, keep the pair from the right, if the two have common keys.

unionright ∷ (Ord k, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g k v)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

union two maps or sets. In the case of a map, keep the pair from the right, if the two have common keys.

(∪+) ∷ (Ord k, Monoid n, HasExp s1 (f k n), HasExp s2 (g k n)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k n) Source #

union two maps or sets. In the case of a map, combine values with monoid (<>), if the two have common keys.

unionplus ∷ (Ord k, Monoid n, HasExp s1 (f k n), HasExp s2 (g k n)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k n) Source #

union two maps or sets. In the case of a map, combine values with monoid (<>), if the two have common keys.

singletonOrd k ⇒ k → v → Exp (Single k v) Source #

create a singleton map.

setSingletonOrd k ⇒ k → Exp (Single k ()) Source #

create a singleton set.

(∩) ∷ (Ord k, Iter f, Iter g, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g k u)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (Sett k ()) Source #

intersect two sets, or the intersection of the domain of two maps.

intersect ∷ (Ord k, Iter f, Iter g, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g k u)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (Sett k ()) Source #

intersect two sets, or the intersection of the domain of two maps.

(⊆) ∷ (Ord k, Iter f, Iter g, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g k u)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp Bool Source #

(subset x y). is the domain of x a subset of the domain of y.

subset ∷ (Ord k, Iter f, Iter g, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g k u)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp Bool Source #

(subset x y). is the domain of x a subset of the domain of y.

(➖) ∷ (Ord k, Iter f, Iter g, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g k u)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

(x ➖ y) Everything in x except for those pairs in x where the domain of x is an element of the domain of y.

setdiff ∷ (Ord k, Iter f, Iter g, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g k u)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp (f k v) Source #

(x ➖ y) Everything in x except for those pairs in x where the domain of x is an element of the domain of y.

(≍) ∷ (Ord k, Iter f, Iter g, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g k u)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp Bool Source #

Do two maps (or sets) have exactly the same domain.

keyeq ∷ (Ord k, Iter f, Iter g, HasExp s1 (f k v), HasExp s2 (g k u)) ⇒ s1 → s2 → Exp Bool Source #

Do two maps (or sets) have exactly the same domain.

data Fun t Source #

An symbolic function Fun has two parts, a Lam that can be analyzed, and real function that can be applied


Fun (Lam t) t 


Instances details
Show (Fun t) Source #

We can observe a Fun by showing the Lam part.

Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


showsPrecIntFun t → ShowS Source #

showFun t → String Source #

showList ∷ [Fun t] → ShowS Source #

data Pat env t where Source #

Symbolc functions (Fun) are data, that can be pattern matched over. They 1) Represent a wide class of binary functions that are used in translating the SetAlgebra 2) Turned into a String so they can be printed 3) Turned into the function they represent. 4) Composed into bigger functions 5) Symbolically symplified Here we implement Symbolic Binary functions with upto 4 variables, which is enough for this use =================================================================================================


P1Pat (d, c, b, a) d 
P2Pat (d, c, b, a) c 
P3Pat (d, c, b, a) b 
P4Pat (d, c, b, a) a 
PPairPat (d, c, b, a) a → Pat (d, c, b, a) b → Pat (d, c, b, a) (a, b) 

data Expr env t where Source #


X1Expr (d, c, b, a) d 
X2Expr (d, c, b, a) c 
X3Expr (d, c, b, a) b 
X4Expr (d, c, b, a) a 
HasKey ∷ (Iter f, Ord k) ⇒ Expr e k → f k v → Expr e Bool 
NegExpr e BoolExpr e Bool 
ApLam (a → b → c) → Expr e a → Expr e b → Expr e c 
EPairExpr e a → Expr e b → Expr e (a, b) 
FSTExpr e (a, b) → Expr e a 
SNDExpr e (a, b) → Expr e b 
LitShow t ⇒ t → Expr env t 


Instances details
Show (Expr (a, b, c, d) t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


showsPrecIntExpr (a, b, c, d) t → ShowS Source #

showExpr (a, b, c, d) t → String Source #

showList ∷ [Expr (a, b, c, d) t] → ShowS Source #

data Lam t where Source #

A typed deep embedding of Haskell functions with type t. Be carefull, no pattern P1, P2, P3, P4 should appear MORE THAN ONCE in a Lam.


LamPat (d, c, b, a) t → Pat (d, c, b, a) s → Expr (d, c, b, a) v → Lam (t → s → v) 
AddNum n ⇒ Lam (n → n → n) 
CatMonoid m ⇒ Lam (m → m → m) 
EqlEq t ⇒ Lam (t → t → Bool) 
BothLam (BoolBoolBool) 
Lift ∷ (a → b → c) → Lam (a → b → c) 


Instances details
Show (Lam t) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


showsPrecIntLam t → ShowS Source #

showLam t → String Source #

showList ∷ [Lam t] → ShowS Source #

bindEPat (a, b, c, d) t → Expr (w, x, y, z) t → StringEnvStringEnv Source #

showEStringEnvExpr (a, b, c, d) t → String Source #

showPStringEnvPat any t → String Source #

applyFun t → t Source #

firstFun (v → s → v) Source #

secondFun (v → s → s) Source #

plusMonoid t ⇒ Fun (t → t → t) Source #

eqlEq t ⇒ Fun (t → t → Bool) Source #

constantShow c ⇒ c → Fun (a → b → c) Source #

rngElem ∷ (Ord rng, Iter f) ⇒ f rng v → Fun (dom → rng → Bool) Source #

domElem ∷ (Ord dom, Iter f) ⇒ f dom v → Fun (dom → rng → Bool) Source #

rngFstFun (x → (a, b) → a) Source #

rngSndFun (x → (a, b) → b) Source #

compose1Fun (t1 → t2 → t3) → Fun (t1 → t4 → t2) → Fun (t1 → t4 → t3) Source #

compSndLFun (k → (a, b) → c) → Fun (k → d → a) → Fun (k → (d, b) → c) Source #

compSndRFun (k → (a, b) → c) → Fun (k → d → b) → Fun (k → (a, d) → c) Source #

compCurryRFun (k → (a, b) → d) → Fun (a → c → b) → Fun (k → (a, c) → d) Source #

nEgateFun (k → v → Bool) → Fun (k → v → Bool) Source #

alwaysFun (a → b → Bool) Source #

bothFun (a → b → Bool) → Fun (a → b → Bool) → Fun (a → b → Bool) Source #

lift ∷ (a → b → c) → Fun (a → b → c) Source #

data Query k v where Source #

Query is a single datatype that describes a low-level language that can be used to build compound iterators, from other iterators.


BaseD ∷ (Iter f, Ord k) ⇒ BaseRep f k v → f k v → Query k v 
ProjectDOrd k ⇒ Query k v → Fun (k → v → u) → Query k u 
AndDOrd k ⇒ Query k v → Query k w → Query k (v, w) 
ChainD ∷ (Ord k, Ord v) ⇒ Query k v → Query v w → Fun (k → (v, w) → u) → Query k u 
AndPDOrd k ⇒ Query k v → Query k u → Fun (k → (v, u) → w) → Query k w 
OrDOrd k ⇒ Query k v → Query k v → Fun (v → v → v) → Query k v 
GuardDOrd k ⇒ Query k v → Fun (k → v → Bool) → Query k v 
DiffDOrd k ⇒ Query k v → Query k u → Query k v 


Instances details
Iter Query Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


nxtQuery a b → Collect (a, b, Query a b) Source #

lubOrd k ⇒ k → Query k b → Collect (k, b, Query k b) Source #

hasNxtQuery a b → Maybe (a, b, Query a b) Source #

hasLubOrd k ⇒ k → Query k b → Maybe (k, b, Query k b) Source #

haskeyOrd key ⇒ key → Query key b → Bool Source #

isnullQuery k v → Bool Source #

lookupOrd key ⇒ key → Query key rng → Maybe rng Source #

elementOrd k ⇒ k → Query k v → Collect () Source #

Show (Query k v) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


showsPrecIntQuery k v → ShowS Source #

showQuery k v → String Source #

showList ∷ [Query k v] → ShowS Source #

HasQuery (Query k v) k v Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


queryQuery k v → Query k v Source #

projDOrd k ⇒ Query k v → Fun (k → v → u) → Query k u Source #

andDOrd k ⇒ Query k v1 → Query k v2 → Query k (v1, v2) Source #

andPDOrd k ⇒ Query k v1 → Query k u → Fun (k → (v1, u) → v) → Query k v Source #

chainD ∷ (Ord k, Ord v) ⇒ Query k v → Query v w → Fun (k → (v, w) → u) → Query k u Source #

guardDOrd k ⇒ Query k v → Fun (k → v → Bool) → Query k v Source #

projectQ ∷ (Ord k, HasQuery c k v) ⇒ c → Fun (k → v → u) → Query k u Source #

andQ ∷ (Ord k, HasQuery concrete1 k v, HasQuery concrete2 k w) ⇒ concrete1 → concrete2 → Query k (v, w) Source #

orQ ∷ (Ord k, HasQuery concrete1 k v, HasQuery concrete2 k v) ⇒ concrete1 → concrete2 → Fun (v → v → v) → Query k v Source #

chainQ ∷ (Ord k, Ord v, HasQuery concrete1 k v, HasQuery concrete2 v w) ⇒ concrete1 → concrete2 → Fun (k → (v, w) → u) → Query k u Source #

andPQ ∷ (Ord k, HasQuery concrete1 k v, HasQuery concrete2 k u) ⇒ concrete1 → concrete2 → Fun (k → (v, u) → w) → Query k w Source #

guardQ ∷ (Ord k, HasQuery concrete k v) ⇒ concrete → Fun (k → v → Bool) → Query k v Source #

diffQ ∷ ∀ k v u concrete1 concrete2. (Ord k, HasQuery (concrete1 k v) k v, HasQuery (concrete2 k u) k u) ⇒ concrete1 k v → concrete2 k u → Query k v Source #

class HasQuery concrete k v where Source #


query ∷ concrete → Query k v Source #


Instances details
Ord k ⇒ HasQuery (Set k) k () Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


querySet k → Query k () Source #

Ord k ⇒ HasQuery [(k, v)] k v Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


query ∷ [(k, v)] → Query k v Source #

Ord k ⇒ HasQuery (Map k v) k v Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


queryMap k v → Query k v Source #

Ord k ⇒ HasQuery (Single k v) k v Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


querySingle k v → Query k v Source #

HasQuery (Query k v) k v Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Control.Iterate.Exp


queryQuery k v → Query k v Source #

ppQueryQuery k v → Doc a Source #

nxtQueryQuery a b → Collect (a, b, Query a b) Source #

lubQueryOrd a ⇒ a → Query a b → Collect (a, b, Query a b) Source #

projStepOrd k ⇒ (t → Collect (k, v, Query k v)) → Fun (k → v → u) → t → Collect (k, u, Query k u) Source #

andStepOrd a ⇒ (a, b1, Query a b1) → (a, b2, Query a b2) → Collect (a, (b1, b2), Query a (b1, b2)) Source #

chainStep ∷ (Ord b, Ord a) ⇒ (a, b, Query a b) → Query b w → Fun (a → (b, w) → u) → Collect (a, u, Query a u) Source #

andPstepOrd a ⇒ (a, b1, Query a b1) → (a, b2, Query a b2) → Fun (a → (b1, b2) → w) → Collect (a, w, Query a w) Source #

orStep ∷ (Ord k, Ord a) ⇒ (Query k v → Collect (a, v, Query k v)) → Query k v → Query k v → Fun (v → v → v) → Collect (a, v, Query k v) Source #

guardStepOrd a ⇒ (Query a b → Collect (a, b, Query a b)) → Fun (a → b → Bool) → Query a b → Collect (a, b, Query a b) Source #

diffStepOrd k ⇒ (k, v, Query k v) → Query k u → Collect (k, v, Query k v) Source #